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MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date

MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date

As the Students are all set for a transition into the new Academic Year with different aims and goals, Formfees brings this dedicated Article that shall be helpful for the Under Studies or even the Working professionals who wish to choose the path of MBA or Business studies and will appear on the MBA CAT […]

 Saurav Anand 24/08/2023

As the Students are all set for a transition into the new Academic Year with different aims and goals, Formfees brings this dedicated Article that shall be helpful for the Under Studies or even the Working professionals who wish to choose the path of MBA or Business studies and will appear on the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date, The Official notice by the Indian Institute of Management declared the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date as November 26th 2023 While the CAT Registrations shall begin on August 02nd  2023 and will be extended till 13th September 2023.

A Bunch of Candidates from different social and economic groups appear for MBA CAT 2023 Exam, as it is one of the most credible entrances that help an Applicant build up a future.

Following are the associated MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date:-

Following is the MBA CAT Eligibility criteria for all Candidates with  a brief about MBA CAT reservation quota:

MBA CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023

Applicants Category MBA CAT Eligibility Criteria (in Percentage)
Other Backward Castes 50%
Schedule Tribe45%
Schedule Caste45%
Disabled  Category 45%
Economically Weaker Section 40%

MBA CAT Reservation 2023

Applicants Category in the reservation quotaMBA CAT reservation quota
Schedule Tribe7.5%
Schedule Caste10%
Other Backward Castes27%
Economically Weaker Section10%
Disabled  Category05%

After the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date, Following are the most popular choices of Applicants all over the nation and among the Best MBA CAT Colleges in the matter of Education, Placement facilities, and Environment :

  1. Indian Institute of Management located in Ahmedabad
  2. Indian Institute of Management located in Bangalore
  3. Indian Institute of Management located in Calcutta 
  4. Indian Institute of Management located in Indore
  5. Management Development Institute located in Gurugram
  6. Faculty of Management located in New Delhi
  7. Indian Institute of Management located in Lucknow
  8. Indian Institute of Management located in Kashipur
  9. Indian Institute of Management located in Sambalpur
  10. Indian Institute of Management located in Amritsar
  11. Indian Institute of Management located in Ranchi
  12. Indian Institute of Management located in Nagpur
  13. Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Under University of Mumbai located in Mumbai
  14. Indian Institute of Management located in Rohtak
  15. Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management under the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay located in Mumbai
  16. Indian Institute of Management located in Raipur
  17. Indian Institute of Management located in Udaipur
  18. Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh Gaya
  19. Indian Institute of Management located in Kozhikode
  20. Indian Institute of Management located in Shillong
  21. Indian Institute of Management located in Tiruchirappalli
  22. Indian Institute of Management located in Sirmaur 
  23. Indian Institute of Management located in Visakhapatnam
  24. Indian Institute of Management located in Jammu
  25. Institute of Rural Management located in Anand

MBA CAT 2023 Cut-off 

MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat99
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka99
Indian Institute of Management located in Calcutta Kolkata, West Bengal99
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 98
Management Development Institute located in GurugramGurugram, Haryana 98
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi 97
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 97
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurKashipur, Uttarakhand96
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 96
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab96
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand95
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 95
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Under University of Mumbai located MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra95
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakRohtak, Haryana94
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 94
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh93
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan93
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar92
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 90
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 90
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu90
Indian Institute of Management located in Sirmaur Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh90
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 90
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 90
Institute of Rural Management located in AnandAnand, Gujarat 80
MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (VARC Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 85
Management Development Institute located in Gurugram  Gurugram, Haryana 85
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka80
Indian Institute of Management located in CalcuttaKolkata, West Bengal80
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 80
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab75
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 75
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 75
Shailesh J Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 75
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 72
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat70
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh70
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakRohtak, Haryana70
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurKashipur, Uttarakhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu70
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan70
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar70
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 70
Indian Institute of Management located in SirmaurSirmaur, Himachal Pradesh70
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 70
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies under University of  Mumbai located MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra70
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 65
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi Not Available
Institute of Rural Management located AnandAnand, Gujarat Not Available
MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (DILR Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 85
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka80
Indian Institute of Management located in CalcuttaKolkata, West Bengal80
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 80
Management Development Institute located in Gurugram  Gurugram, Haryana 79
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab75
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 75
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 75
Shailesh J Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 75
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 72
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat70
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh70
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakRohtak, Haryana70
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurKashipur, Uttarakhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu70
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan70
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar70
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 70
Indian Institute of Management located in SirmaurSirmaur, Himachal Pradesh70
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 70
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies under University of  Mumbai located MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra70
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 65
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi Not Available 
Institute of Rural Management located AnandAnand, Gujarat Not Available

Frequently Asked Questions about MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date

Q. When is the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date?

Ans. The Official notice by the Indian Institute of Management declared the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date as November 26th 2023 While the CAT Registrations shall begin on August 02nd  2023 and will be extended till 13th September 2023.

A Bunch of Candidates from different social and economic groups appear for MBA CAT 2023 Exam , as it is one of the most credible entrances that helps an Applicant to build up a future.

Following are the associated MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date :-

  • MBA CAT Registration 2023 shall begin on August 02nd  2023 and will be extended till 13th September 2023.
  • The MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date as November 26th 2023 CAT Admit Card 2023 Issue date starts from  October 25th 2023 
  • MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date is declared to be held on November 26th 2023

Q. What is the MBA CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023?

Ans. Following is the MBA CAT Eligibility criteria for all Candidates:-

MBA CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023

Applicants Category MBA CAT Eligibility Criteria (in Percentage)
Other Backward Castes 50%
Schedule Tribe45%
Schedule Caste45%
Disabled  Category 45%
Economically Weaker Section 40%

Q. How many reservations are saved for the reservation quota in MBA CAT Exam?

Ans. MBA CAT Reservation 2023

Applicants Category in the reservation quotaMBA CAT reservation quota
Schedule Tribe7.5%
Schedule Caste10%
Other Backward Castes27%
Economically Weaker Section10%
Disabled  Category05%

Q. Which College do Students choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of result?

Ans. After the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date, Following are the most popular choices of Applicants all over the nation and among the Best MBA CAT Colleges in the matter of Education, Placement facilities, and Environment:-

  1. Indian Institute of Management located in Ahmedabad
  2. Indian Institute of Management located in Bangalore
  3. Indian Institute of Management located in Calcutta 
  4. Indian Institute of Management located in Indore
  5. Management Development Institute located in Gurugram
  6. Faculty of Management located in New Delhi
  7. Indian Institute of Management located in Lucknow
  8. Indian Institute of Management located in Kashipur
  9. Indian Institute of Management located in Sambalpur
  10. Indian Institute of Management located in Amritsar
  11. Indian Institute of Management located in Ranchi
  12. Indian Institute of Management located in Nagpur
  13. Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Under University of Mumbai located Mumbai
  14. Indian Institute of Management located in Rohtak
  15. Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay located in Mumbai
  16. Indian Institute of Management located in Raipur
  17. Indian Institute of Management located in Udaipur
  18. Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh Gaya
  19. Indian Institute of Management located in Kozhikode
  20. Indian Institute of Management located in Shillong
  21. Indian Institute of Management located in Tiruchirappalli
  22. Indian Institute of Management located in Sirmaur 
  23. Indian Institute of Management located in Visakhapatnam
  24. Indian Institute of Management located in Jammu
  25. Institute of Rural Management located in Anand

Q. What is the cut-off 2023 for the Colleges that Students tend to choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date result?

Ans. MBA CAT 2023 Cut-off 

MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat99
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka99
Indian Institute of Management located in Calcutta Kolkata, West Bengal99
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 98
Management Development Institute located in GurugramGurugram, Haryana 98
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi 97
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 97
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurKashipur, Uttarakhand96
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 96
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab96
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand95
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 95
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Under University of Mumbai located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra95
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakRohtak, Haryana94
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 94
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh93
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan93
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar92
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 90
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 90
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu90
Indian Institute of Management located in Sirmaur Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh90
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 90
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 90
Institute of Rural Management located in AnandAnand, Gujarat 80
MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (VARC Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 85
Management Development Institute located in Gurugram  Gurugram, Haryana 85
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka80
Indian Institute of Management located in CalcuttaKolkata, West Bengal80
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 80
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab75
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 75
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 75
Shailesh J Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 75
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 72
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat70
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh70
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakIRohtak, Haryana70
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurIKashipur, Uttarakhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu70
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan70
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar70
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 70
Indian Institute of Management located in SirmaurSirmaur, Himachal Pradesh70
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 70
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies under University of  Mumbai located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra70
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 65
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi Not Available
Institute of Rural Management located in AnandAnand, Gujarat Not Available
MBA CAT Colleges Applicants tend to  choose after the MBA CAT 2023 Exam Date of resultsBranch LocationCAT Cut off 2023 (DILR Percentile)
Indian Institute of Management located in LucknowLucknow, Uttar Pradesh 85
Indian Institute of Management located in BangaloreBangalore, Karnataka80
Indian Institute of Management located in CalcuttaKolkata, West Bengal80
Indian Institute of Management located in IndoreIndore, Madhya Pradesh 80
Management Development Institute located in Gurugram  Gurugram, Haryana 79
Indian Institute of Management located in AmritsarAmritsar, Punjab75
Indian Institute of Management located in KozhikodeKozhikode, Kerala 75
Indian Institute of Management located in ShillongShillong, Meghalaya 75
Shailesh J Mehta School of Management under Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, located in MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra 75
Indian Institute of Management located in NagpurNagpur, Maharashtra 72
Indian Institute of Management located in AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat70
Indian Institute of Management located in RaipurRaipur, Chhattisgarh70
Indian Institute of Management located in RanchiRanchi, Jharkhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in RohtakRohtak, Haryana70
Indian Institute of Management located in KashipurKashipur, Uttarakhand70
Indian Institute of Management located in TiruchirappalliTiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu70
Indian Institute of Management located in UdaipurUdaipur, Rajasthan70
Indian Institute of Management located in Bodh GayaBodh Gaya, Bihar70
Indian Institute of Management located in SambalpurSambalpur, Orissa 70
Indian Institute of Management located in SirmaurSirmaur, Himachal Pradesh70
Indian Institute of Management located in VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 70
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies under University of  Mumbai located MumbaiMumbai, Maharashtra70
Indian Institute of Management located in JammuJammu, Jammu and Kashmir 65
Faculty of Management located in New DelhiNew Delhi Not Available 
Institute of Rural Management located in AnandAnand, Gujarat Not Available

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