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CAT Admit Card 2023 (Out): Hall Ticket PDF Download Link

Admit Card: CAT 2023 Before the MBA/PGDM entrance exam is given, the CAT admit cards 2023 will be posted on the website. Before applying for the CAT(Common Admission Test) 2023, candidates should make sure they meet the requirements. On that page, you can find out everything you need to know about the IIM CAT admit […]

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CAT, Common Admission Test

Admit Card: CAT 2023

Before the MBA/PGDM entrance exam is given, the CAT admit cards 2023 will be posted on the website. Before applying for the CAT(Common Admission Test) 2023, candidates should make sure they meet the requirements. On that page, you can find out everything you need to know about the IIM CAT admit card, such as how to download it, what valid forms of ID you need to bring with you, and any problems you might have while downloading it.

CAT Call Letter 2023

Before the date of the test, the CAT admit card 2023 will be posted on the official website. At the CAT exam centre, you must bring your CAT admit card, which is a form of identification. During the test, all applicants must show that they can do it. No one will be allowed to take the 2023 CAT exam without an admit card.

You can only get a CAT admit card if you fill out the CAT application, send it in by the deadline, and pay the CAT exam fee. The cost to sign up for CAT is INR 1150 for SC/ST candidates and INR 2300 for everyone else. Read on to find out when the CAT admit card for 2023 will be available, how to download it, what to do if it has a mistake, and other information.

What’s on the CAT Hall Ticket for 2023?

Along with the CAT 2023 notification, the IIM in charge of the test will also say when the official CAT 2023 admit card will be sent out. After downloading the admit card, students should check that all the information is correct, including their name, CAT registration number, CAT exam day instructions, CAT test centre location, and test times.

If candidates can’t download their CAT admit card for 2023 or if it has mistakes, they should call the CAT helpline number.

Who Issues CAT Admit Card 2023?Conducting IIM
CAT Official Website to Download the CAT Admit Card
How to Download CAT Admit Card?Visit the website and log in with your IIM CAT login information on the official website. 
Documents Required on CAT Exam Day?CAT Admit Card 2023, valid photo ID proof, passport-size photograph 
What is CAT Helpline?Contact the exam organizers at the hotline number 1800 210 8720 or by email at if there is any inconsistency with your CAT admit card 
Details Mentioned on CAT Admit CardName, registration number, category, test centre address, exam date and reporting time, instructions for the testing day, Google Map link, and emergency contact information for the candidate

Date of Release of CAT Admit Cards in 2023

As was already said, you can get your CAT hall ticket online. The candidates who have already signed up can get their hall tickets from the official website. The CAT admit card window will be open until the day of the test. The important dates for the admit card are listed in the table below, which candidates can use as a guide.

CAT Admit Card EventsCAT 2023 Dates
CAT Admit Card Release DateOct 2023 – Last Week
CAT Admit Card Release Time5:00 PM
Last Date to Download CAT Admit CardNov 2023 – Last Week
Official CAT 2023 Mock Test Release DateOct 2023 – Fourth Week
CAT Exam Date 2023Nov 26, 2023 (Tentative)

How to Get CAT Call Letter 2023?

Visit the CAT website to easily get your CAT Admit Card for 2023. Use the User ID and password you made when you signed up for CAT 2023. Here are the steps you need to take to get your CAT Admit Card:

How to Download CAT Call Letter

Here are the steps for getting your CAT admit card.

Step 1: Applicants should go to, which is the official website for the IIM CAT.

Step 2: Find the “Registered Candidate Login” link and click on it.

Step 3: To get into the system, enter the user ID and password you made when you signed up for CAT.

Step 4: Click the “Close” tab when you see the pop-up message that says the CAT application form was sent successfully.

Step 5: After that, the candidates will be sent to the dashboard page.

Step 6: The screen will show the whole form and all the information about the CAT 2023 candidate.

Step 7: Here, applicants must click the link to download the CAT 2023 admit card.

Step 8: Click on the area of the admit card where it says to open a new page with the address and shift time of the test centre.

Step 9: The CAT card for 2023 will be automatically downloaded by the system.

Step 10: Look over all the information, and then print the CAT admissions card.

CAT Test Schedule 2023

On a single day, there will be three times for the CAT 2023 test. Exam times will be given to candidates in the order in which they sign up (application submission). Here are the times for the CAT:

CAT 2023 SessionReporting TimeTimings
Session 1 – Morning7.00 AM8.30 AM – 10.30 PM
Session 2 – Afternoon11.00 AM12.30 PM – 2.30 PM
Session 3 – Evening3.00 PM4.30 PM – 6.30 PM

Documents will be registered and checked using biometrics.

Before going into the CAT exam room, candidates must make sure they have all their valid documents with them. It is important to avoid checking too much.

Also, the original ID and admission card should be shown after the biometric registration has been checked, and the left thumbprint should be taken and checked.

Still, candidates need to sign the attendance book.

Details on the CAT 2023 Admit Card

After you successfully download the CAT exam admit card, check that it has all the necessary information. This is what will be written on the CAT(Common Admission Test) 2023 admit card:

  • The name of the candidate
  • Date of Birth Application ID
  • Classification of the position of the candidate PwD
  • The date and time of the exam
  • Dates and times of tests
  • It’s time to show up and go to the centre.
  • When does the center’s gate close?
  • Link to a map on Google
  • Test city Exam centre
  • Signature and picture of the candidate.

On the day of the CAT test in 2023, follow the instructions on your CAT admit card.

Problems Downloading CAT Admit Card For the reasons below, candidates who have trouble downloading their CAT admit cards should be patient and try to find a quick solution.

Forgot CAT User ID or Password? 

Case 1: If a candidate forgets their CAT 2023 user ID or password, they should first look through any emails or text messages they may have received after completing the CAT registration process.

Case 2: If a candidate loses the email or SMS they got after successfully submitting their CAT 2023 application, they can get their user ID and password back by following the steps below:

Step 1: In the CAT login box, choose the user ID and password tab.

Step 2: Type the email address you used to sign up for the account into the field.

Step 3: Click on the tab that says “Get User ID/Password.”

Step 4: The candidate’s user ID and password will be sent to the email address they used to sign up.

Step 5: Use the new user ID or password to sign in again, and then save it so you can use it again later.

Slow Connection to the Internet

Candidates with slow internet connections may find it hard to download their CAT admit card 2023. Check the speed of your internet connection before you start to download your CAT admit card for 2023. Because the internet is fast, it will be easier for the applicants to get their CAT admit card.

Problems with the Browser

Candidates must use the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers to get their CAT admit card for 2023. If a candidate is having trouble downloading the CAT 2023 admit card with one of these browsers, they should clear their history and cache and then reload the page. After you clear your browser’s history and cache, it will be easier to download your CAT admit cards.

Errors to Look for on the CAT Call Letter 2023

As soon as candidates download their CAT admit card, they should check it to make sure it has all the right information. The following information on the admit card should match the information on the CAT application form:

  • The name on the CAT application form must match the name on the application.
  • User ID and CAT registration number must be the same.
  • The date of birth on the application and on other official documents must be the same.
  • The status of the caste category must match what is on the CAT application.
  • The PwD/DA status must match what is on the CAT application form.
  • The test city must be chosen from one of the options on the application form.
  • The candidate must have a photo and signature that can be read.
  • How to Fix Errors on CAT Call Letter 2023?
  • If a candidate finds a mistake on their CAT admit card, they should get in touch with the people in charge of the test to have it fixed.

Helpline Number for CAT

If there is a problem with the admit card, candidates can call the Indian Institute of Management’s CAT Helpline number to get help. Candidates can also send an email to the address given.

Helpline for the CAT: 1-800-209-0830 (Toll-Free)

Email: for instructions on the day of the CAT exam.

Instructions for the CAT Exam Day

On the day of the CAT, candidates must follow strict instructions.

  • Those who want to take the CAT in 2023 must bring two copies of their photo ID and card (original and photocopy)
  • Inside the testing centre, you can only get in with your CAT 2023 admit card and a photo ID card.
  • The authorities will give you a notepad and a pen for rough work, but you have to give them back after the test. Candidates must write their names and registration numbers on the paper.
  • The time that candidates must be at the CAT exam site is written on their admit cards.
  • Candidates can’t sign their CAT admission card before taking the test. Only in front of the examiner inside the exam room can the admission card be signed.
  • Candidates must include a photo that is the same as the one they used to apply for the CAT.
  • In the exam room, you can’t use your phone, a calculator, an iPad, or any other device.
  • People taking the CAT 2023 are told not to bring bags or luggage with them because there won’t be a place to store them or valuables.
  • Jackets, shoes, and clothes with pockets are not allowed in the testing room.
  • Candidates who have metal implants, pacemakers, or other devices in their bodies must bring a medical certificate to prove this.

What to Bring With Your CAT 2023 Call Letter?

In addition to their CAT admit cards, candidates for the CAT test in 2023 must bring one of the following documents:

  • ID with a picture.
  • Aadhaar card
  • College/university ID 
  • Voter ID
  • PAN Card 
  • Passport 
  • Driver’s License

What to do and what not to do on the day of the CAT 2023 exam

On the day of the test, candidates should have made sure to follow the instructions on the CAT admit card 2023. The day of the CAT 2023 exam, candidates should remember a few dos and don’ts to make sure nothing goes wrong.

  • Things to do on the day of the CAT 2023 test
  • When you go to take the CAT in 2023, bring your CAT admit card and a photo ID with you.
  • Be on time and make sure you know where to sit.
  • Documents Being Checked
  • Pay attention to the monitors and do rough work on the scratch sheet.
  • Go to the bathroom first.
  • Bring a notepad and an admission ticket.
  • What Not to Do on CAT 2023 Exam Day

Some of the things below are things that people who want to take the CAT exam in 2023 shouldn’t do.

  • Don’t take the test more than once.
  • Don’t try to cheat on the test.
  • Please check the time, as people who are late to the CAT 2023 exam centre will not be let in.
  • Do not do anything wrong, such as cheating.
  • Don’t argue with anyone on staff or in the running.
  • If you use the keyboard at any time, your computer will lock.

Instructions to Follow on the Day of the CAT Exam

Candidates for the CAT 2023 must be at the testing centre at least an hour before the start of the session. On the day of the test, candidates should follow these rules:

  • Make sure to print out two copies of the CAT 2023 admit card. The CAT admit card can be printed in colour or black and white on A4-sized paper.
  • The CAT admit card 2023 is only valid if the candidate’s picture and signature can be read.
  • CAT candidates must bring their admit card with them to the test.
  • At the entrance to the CAT test centre, the participant will be photographed and given an IRIS number.
  • Make sure to attach the correct photo to the spot where the CAT exam admit card for 2023 will be given before bringing it to the testing centre to be checked. The photo should be the same one that was uploaded during the application process.
  • Everyone who wants to take the test should bring two regular pens and any necessary paperwork. There is no room for anything else.
  • Candidates must bring their own masks, gloves, hand sanitizer (50 ml), and clear water bottles.
  • All applicants will get a notepad to use for rough work, which they will have to give back if they pass the test.
  • The Google Map link on the electronic version of the CAT admit card 2023 will help candidates find the testing site.
  • No friends or family members are allowed in the building where the CAT is given.
  • Any request to change where an exam is given won’t be accepted.
  • When asked to do so in the CAT exam lab, candidates must sign that they were there.
  • After the test, give the invigilator the writing pad and all of its sheets.
  • Candidates must use the reference number on their CAT admit card and the address of the floor and wing laboratory to find the testing centre where they must take the CAT exam.
  • Those who have metal implants, pacemakers, or other devices in their bodies should bring the necessary medical paperwork to the testing centre.
  • After the CAT test, give the signed CAT admit card 2023 to the person in charge of the exam lab.

Google Map Link Feature on CAT Call Letter 2023

The IIM CAT Admit Card 2023 has been given a brand-new feature. A Google map link. Now that candidates know exactly where their exam centres are, chaos at the last minute can be avoided. This is how to use the Google Map Link:

  • Get your CAT 2023 admission ticket here.
  • Click the link on your CAT admit card 2023 to use a Google Map.
  • Google Maps will open in your browser.
  • Choose “Directions” from the list of options.
  • Choose how you will get there and where you will start.
  • Using the map for your destination centre, you can get to your centre.

Through this service, candidates can also get the phone number for the exam centre, which they can call if they have any questions about where the exam will be held. If you’re using a laptop to access the service, choose “Send the directions to your phone” to get the directions on your phone.

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Frequently Asked Questions About CAT Admit Card

Q. When can I get my CAT admit card for 2023?

Ans. The group in charge of CAT 2023 hasn’t said when the admit cards will be available on the official website.

Q. Who will get CAT 2023 admit cards?

Ans. The admit cards will only be sent to those who fill out the CAT 2023 application form on the official website before the deadline.

Q. What do I need to do to download my CAT 2023 admit card?

Ans. To check or download their CAT 2023 admit cards, candidates will need to log in to the CAT website with their user ID and other credentials.

Q. Will a hard copy of the CAT admit card for 2023 be sent by mail?

Ans. No, the CAT admit card for 2023 will only be available on the official website. To check and print the admit cards, candidates will need to use their login information. You won’t be able to get to the admit cards any other way.

Q. Can I bring a digital copy of my CAT 2023 admit card to the testing centre?

Ans. No, you must bring a hard copy or printout of your CAT 2023 admit card to the test centre. The people in charge of the exam won’t accept any other form of the admit card. Candidates should bring at least two copies of their CAT admit cards to the exam centre. Both copies should have their photo on them.

Q. What kind of information will be on the CAT 2023 admit card?

Ans. The CAT admit card for 2023 will have the candidate’s name, the date of the test, whether or not they are a person with a disability (PwD), information about the exam centre, and the exam session and time.

Q. What does the Test System Number on the CAT admit card for 2023 mean?

Ans. The Test System Number will be written on the CAT admit card 2023 so that candidates can easily find the floor number and computer system they were given for the test. Exam monitors and staff at the exam centre will also help candidates find their system.

Q. Why is there a link to Google Maps on the CAT 2023 admit card?

Ans. The CAT admit cards 2023 will have a link to Google Maps for the test centre. This link will be provided by the group in charge of the test. This link will make it easy for them to find the designated exam centre and get to the exam on time.

Q. What should be done if there is a mistake on my CAT 2023 admit card?

Ans. If there is an error or mistake on the CAT admit card for 2023, the candidate must contact the appropriate IIM as soon as possible to fix it. On the day of the test, candidates must have a valid CAT admit card 2023 with all the right information.

Q. Will the CAT admit card 2023 be needed for anything else in the admissions process besides checking in on the day of the test?

Ans. Candidates must keep their CAT admit card 2023, which will be signed by the exam proctor, because they will need it for the next steps of the admissions process.


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