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IIM Visakhapatnam: Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam Admission 2024 Application Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process

  • Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • NIRF Ranking for Management 33

Saurav Anand

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission

Founded in 2015, the IIM Visakhapatnam is among the newest IIMs. IIM Bangalore acts as IIM Vizag's protector. IIM Visakhapatnam charges INR 17.85 lakhs for MBA tuition. IIM Vizag is ranked 29th out of all the other top B-schools in India by NIRF 2023.

A CAT is the first step in the MBA admissions process at IIM Visakhapatnam, which concludes with a series of in-person interviews. To be considered for admission to IIM Visakhapatnam, candidates need to score 80 on the CAT overall and in the 70th percentile for their section.

Before making the ultimate choice, several aspects are taken into account, such as academic credentials, gender diversity, and professional experience. The placements for IIM Visakhapatnam for 2023 are now concluded.

The average package offered to IIM Visakhapatnam was INR 16.61 LPA, while the highest package was INR 32.65 LPA.

The principal aim of IIM Visakhapatnam is to attain global benchmarks for excellence in management research, management, and associated disciplines. This would facilitate the advancement of the inclusive, equitable, and sustainable national development objectives specified in the Act's Objects.

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Procedure & Selection Criteria

The IIM Visakhapatnam admission selection criteria will consist of three steps in accordance with IIMV's acceptance of a three-phase selection method. The features, weights, and selection process will be the same for all candidate groups. At each level and for each category, enough individuals will be shortlisted in order to fulfill the reservation requirements for each group, as applicable at that particular moment.

Phase 1: All qualified applicants who took the CAT 2022 exam and indicated IIM Visakhapatnam as a preferred school on the CAT form will be taken into consideration during this phase of the process. Those who meet the requirements at this point will be prompted to apply online via the IIMV website for admission to PGP 2023–25.

  • Candidates who get the minimum section-wise and aggregate percentile scores in the CAT 2022 will be placed on the first shortlist. Only applicants who receive a positive (more than zero) raw score in each of the CAT-2022 areas will be taken into consideration. You can refer to the percentile cut-off marks for CAT 2022 to comprehend the same.

*These deadlines only apply to the Phase 1 shortlist; they do not apply to admission offers. There may be very high cutoffs for admission offers.

  • Around the end of January 2023, IIM Visakhapatnam will send out an email to all candidates on the first shortlist (those who indicated IIM Visakhapatnam as a preference on the CAT 2022 form and who also meet the minimum CAT 2022 percentile requirements mentioned above) with a link to a webpage where they MUST apply for admission to PGP 2023–25 at IIM Visakhapatnam by a specific date by completing a thorough online application.
  • Once all candidates have been shortlisted for Phase I, they will be invited to submit a comprehensive online application that includes a Statement of Purpose, information about the marks earned in a bachelor's degree semester by semester or year, copies of all academic transcripts and certificates, copies of work experience certificates (if applicable), a certificate of disability (if applicable), a certificate of non-creamy layer for scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, or other backward class, and an EWS certificate (if applicable).
  • The only candidates who will be considered for the next stage of the admissions process are those who made it to the Phase 1 Shortlist and who turned in their detailed application by the deadline, together with all the necessary paperwork.

Phase 2: of the admissions process will only take into consideration candidates who have applied for admission to IIMV by completing the detailed online application by the deadline and who meet the minimum CAT 2022 percentile requirements (henceforth referred to as Qualified Confirmed Candidates).

  • About the final week of March 2023, IIM Visakhapatnam will send an email to all qualified confirmed candidates with a link to a webpage where they must affirm again by a certain deadline that they want to continue with their candidature in order to be admitted to PGP 2023–25 at IIM Visakhapatnam.
  • The Phase-2 selection process will take into account all qualified confirmed candidates who reaffirm their interest in admission to IIMV (henceforth referred to as Reconfirmed Qualified Candidates). The candidates' percentage scores from the 10th and 12th Board exams will be first modified by dividing each score by the 90th percentile score from that Board in order to create the Phase-2 shortlist. For this purpose, the 90th percentile score for each 10th and 12th Board will be determined using the database of all CAT candidates' 10th and 12th scores from the previous two years.
  • The candidates' final scores will be applied to the bachelor's degree and any professional degrees (if any) for all reconfirmed qualified Candidates. Only if the candidate's final score is still pending will incomplete or intermediate scores be taken into consideration. Therefore, the incomplete graduation score will be used in place of the final graduation score for candidates for a bachelor's degree who are in their last year (at the time of CAT 2022 registration). The graduation scores in each of the categories will be modified. This provided the bachelor's degree adjusted score for each qualified confirmed candidate.
  • Since both offer professional work experience pertinent to a management degree, the maximum work experience score and the "professional course's core" will be taken into consideration for selection under a common work experience criterion for all Reconfirmed Qualified Candidates.
  • The following fixed weights shall apply to all Reconfirmed Qualified Candidates:

a) CAT = 50

b) Board 10 = 10

c) Board 12 = 10

d) Ten Bachelors

e) Diversity = 10 {Gender (Transgender & Female)}

f) Employment History = 10

  • The following performance in each of the three sections will determine the 50 CAT points: The points awarded are 18 for Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC), 14 for Data Interpretation and logical Reasoning (DILR), and 18 for Quantitative Aptitude (QA).
  • A pre-PI rank list will be created for each Reconfirmed Qualified Candidate based on the weighted aggregate of the six components, which are as follows: (a) CAT; (b) 10th Board; (c) 12th Board; (d) bachelor's; (e) diversity; and (f) work experience or professional course. This list will be used to create a second shortlist of candidates for a personal interview assessment. A phase-2 shortlist of qualified candidates will be created in order to facilitate selection through the use of the personal interview as an extra component of evaluation.

Phase 3: Only the candidates who made the Phase 2 shortlist and who reconfirm before the deadline will be invited to the personal interview stage, which is explained below.

  • Candidates should be aware that they will not need to show up for the IIMV personal interview if they are selected for further consideration and are interviewed by one or more of the IIMs in Bangalore, Calcutta, Kozhikode, Lucknow, or Indore (only for their PGP/PGPM programs). The PI score for IIMV1 for these candidates will be calculated as the mean of their PI scores from the aforementioned IIMs.
  • It will be necessary for candidates who are not selected for further consideration and interview by any of the IIMs in Bangalore, Calcutta, Kozhikode, Lucknow, or Indore (only for their PGP/PGPM programs) to attend a Personal Interview (PI) that will be held by IIMV.
  • If necessary, the results of all previous academic endeavors will also be adjusted based on the actual mark sheets and grade cards that were turned in. Unless specified otherwise, all subjects in which the candidate is expected to sit for the test will be taken into account when calculating percentages.
  • Following standardization across interview panels and sessions, the Personal Interview score (weight=48) will be added to the following scores to get the final aggregate score:

a) CAT (weight=25)

b) PI Score (weight=48)

c) Tenth Board (four weights)

d) Board of 12 (weight = 4)

e) Bachelor's degree (weight = 4)

f) Diversity {Gender (Transgender & Female)} (mass = 5)

g) Employment History (weight = 10)

  • Final admission offers to candidates will be granted only based on their final aggregate score and their ranks in each category.
  • The authority will provide an update on the policy on its official website as soon as possible, in the event that a candidate wishes to withdraw their admission on or before the withdrawal deadline indicated by the Institute in the admission offer letter. The authorities have previously reimbursed the payment after deducting a processing fee of Rs. 1,000 (Rupees One Thousand Only). Should a candidate decide to withdraw from the program on or after the registration date, they will not be eligible for reimbursement.
  • The admissions process for that academic year will be deemed closed on the registration date. Should a candidate decide to withdraw their admission after the withdrawal date (specified in the admission offer letter) but prior to the program registration date, they will only receive a refund of the full fee paid if a seat becomes available; otherwise, they will forfeit the full amount paid.

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Criteria for MBA 2024

IIM Visakhapatnam admission is determined by exams such as the CAT and GMAT. Those who haven't taken these tests yet can still show up for exams administered by the institute, such as the EMAT and IIMV tests.  Ph.D., MBA, and MBA for Working Professionals programs are available at IIM Visakhapatnam. Admission to the MBA program at IIM Visakhapatnam requires a score of at least 80 percentile on the overall CAT and 70 percentile on the sectional exam. The final selection takes into account additional factors such the gender diversity, professional experience, academic achievement, and personal interview.

The IIM Visakhapatnam admissions procedure for MBA is shown in the following table:

Admission ProcessDetails
Registration for CAT Candidates must indicate IIM Visakhapatnam as their preferred college on the CAT registration form.
CAT ExamBecause the initial shortlisting will be based on CAT percentiles, take the CAT exam.
Apply to IIMVFor the PGP program, those who passed the CAT cut-off must apply online at the IIMV website.
Shortlist for PIThe candidates will now be selected for in-person interviews based on a variety of factors, including gender diversity, professional experience, educational background, and CAT Percentiles.
PI RoundThe people who were shortlisted are required to attend a face-to-face interview.
Final SelectionThe final selection will be influenced by the candidates' CAT exam results, in-person interviews, professional experience, educational background, and gender diversity.

Below are important dates for the IIM Visakhapatnam MBA.

CAT 2023 Registration ClosesSeptember 20, 2023
CAT 2023 Registration StartsAugust 02, 2023
Admit Card Release date of CAT 2023November 7, 2023
Submission of ApplicationJanuary 06 - March 06, 2024 (Tentative)
Exam Date for CAT 2023November 26, 2023
PI (Online mode)April 06 - 25, 2024 (Tentative)
Call for PIMarch 31 - April 03, 2024 (Tentative)
Admission offers for the finalMay 12, 2024 (Tentative)

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Criteria for MBA Eligibility and Selection

IIM Visakhapatnam employs a variety of criteria while selecting applicants for its MBA program. These criteria include the following:

  • Academic Standing in the Examinations for the Tenth, Twelveth, and Bachelor Degrees
  • Results of the CAT Entrance Exam for candidates
  • Work Experience That Is Relevant (If Any)
  • The entire performance of the candidate in the in-person interview

The three phases of the selection process at IIM Visakhapatnam are as follows:

Stage 1: Applicants who chose IIM Visakhapatnam as their preferred school on the CAT form and who took the 2023 exam will be taken into consideration. In CAT 2023, candidates need to achieve a minimum Section-wise & Aggregate Percentile. Below are the anticipated CAT cutoff scores for MBA candidates:


Stage 2: Candidates are shortlisted for personal interviews based on their academic performance, diversity, work experience, and CAT scores. The same is weighted as follows:

10th Board Exam Scores10
12th Board Exam Scores10
CAT Scores50
Work Experience10
Bachelor's Degree Scores10
Diversity (Female & Transgender)10

Three parts account for fifty of the CAT points.

  • Reading and Verbal Comprehension (VARC): eighteen points
  • 14 points for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • 18 points for quantitative aptitude (QA).

Stage 3: It is necessary for candidates who make the Phase 2 short list to show up for a personal interview. Candidates will not be needed to attend the in-person interview at IIM Visakhapatnam if they are interviewed at any of the IIMs in Bangalore, Calcutta,(only with apps using PGP/PGPM).

Candidates must appear for a personal interview at IIM Visakhapatnam if they are not selected for further consideration and are not interviewed by any of the IIMs in Bangalore, Calcutta, (only with apps using PGP/PGPM).

Final applicant selection for the IIM Visakhapatnam MBA program will be determined by:

10th Board Exam Scores4
12th Board Exam Scores4
Personal Interview Scores48
Bachelor's Degree Scores4
Work Experience10
CAT Scores25
Diversity (Female & Transgender)5

How to Apply for IIM Visakhapatnam Admission?

In order to apply to IIM Visakhapatnam's MBA program, aspirants must complete the following steps:

  • The candidates must complete the online application form and register for the CAT at
  • The necessary documents must be uploaded, and all personal, academic, and professional information must be provided by the candidates.
  • The individual can apply to IIM colleges using the same form, marking IIM Visakhapatnam PGP as a preferred option.
  • They will need to decide which test center they want to use to administer the CAT exam.
  • Lastly, they can pay the application fees and turn in the application.

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Criteria for PGPEx/ PGPDGM 2024

The official website will have the PGPEx application form available. Candidates those who meet the requirements and are interested should complete the application and pay the cost. And next steps for IIM Visakhapatnam admission procedures are given below in the table:

Admission processDetails
Application FormThe official website will have the PGPEx application form available. Candidates those who meet the requirements and are interested should complete the application and pay the cost.
IIMV TestThe IIMV Test will be required of the applicants who have not taken the CAT, GMAT, or GRE exams.
Shortlisting of CandidatesThe shortlisting of candidates will be determined by their work experience, educational background, and test results.
InterviewThe candidates who made the short list will be invited to a round of in-person interviews, where they will be assessed on a number of criteria.
Offers and WaitlistThe candidates' composite scores will be used to make the final selection, and the chosen candidates will get offers.

Below are some important dates for the IIM Visakhapatnam PGPEx.

EventsDates (Tentative)
IIMVTestMay 29, 2024 (test with an online proctor)
Application WindowJanuary - May 2024
PIJune 04–05, 2024 (interview conducted offline on campus)
Offers & WaitlistJune 08, 2024
Last Date of Offer AcceptanceJune 23, 2024
Registration & OrientationJune 24 - 25, 2024
Classes StartJune 26, 2024

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Selection Criteria for PGPEx 

The candidates will be selected for an interview based on their academic standing, length of work experience, and results on the CAT, GMAT, GRE, and IIMV tests. The composite score—which will be determined by taking into account the elements listed in the following table—will determine the final decision.

Final Selection Criteria for PGPEx at IIM Visakhapatnam
Nature and extent of Work Experience
Performance in CAT/ GMAT/ GRE/ IIMV Test

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Selection Criteria for PGPDGM

Based on their results in the CAT, GMAT, GRE, and IIMV tests as well as their SOP, technical knowledge, domain experience, and professional references, the applicants will be shortlisted for the PGPDDGM.

In a personal interview, the panelists will assess the performance of the shortlisted candidates based on many characteristics such as motivation, quality of work experience, communication skills, and general awareness.

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Criteria For EMBA 2024

A bachelor's degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 50% and three years of work experience are prerequisites for admission to the EMBA program. The following phases make up the EMBA admissions process:

Admission ProcessDetails
Application FormCandidates who are interested must complete the application form found on the official website.
EMAT + InterviewThose who meet all eligibility requirements will receive an invitation to the EMAT and interview.
Result DeclarationThe candidates' performance in the EMAT and interview will determine who gets picked in the end.

Below are some important dates for the IIM Visakhapatnam EMBA:

EventsDates (Tentative)
Application Process StartsFebruary 20, 2024
Application Process EndsApril 16, 2024
EMATApril 22, 2024
InterviewApril, 2023, 2024
Result DeclarationApril 28, 2024

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Selection Criteria for EMBA  2024

The applicants who meet all qualifying requirements will be contacted to schedule a personal interview and the Executive Management Aptitude Test (EMAT). The composite performance score from the EMAT and PI will determine the final choice.

Gender Diversity5%
Personal Interview47.5%
EMAT Score47.5%

IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Criteria For Ph.D. 2024

Applicants may apply for the Ph.D. or Ph.D. working professional program if they have a Master's degree or integrated master's degree with 60%, a professional qualification (such as a 50% CA, ICWA, or CS), or a four-year bachelor's degree with 6.5 CGPA. The following steps comprise the Ph.D. application process:

Admission ProcessDetails
ApplicationCandidates can fill out the form from the official website. Only those who have taken the GMAT, GRE, CAT, GATE, or JRF (NET) exams should complete the form.
InterviewCandidates can fill out the form from official website. Only those who have taken the GMAT, GRE, CAT, GATE, or JRF (NET) exams should complete the form.
Result DeclarationWe will notify the selected students.

Below are some important dates for the IIM Visakhapatnam Ph.D.:

Application SubmissionJanuary 23, 2024 - March 23, 2024
Call for PIMay 05, 2024
PIMay 25 - 30, 2024
Admission OfferJune 10, 2024
Offer Acceptance Last DateJune 15, 2024

 IIM Visakhapatnam Admission Selection Criteria for PhD 2024

The PhD program will choose its candidates based on a number of criteria as laid out by the relevant field. These criteria will include the applicant's results from previous academic endeavors, personal interviews, and exams such as the GMAT, GRE, CAT, GATE, and JRF (NET).

Frequently Asked Questions about IIM Visakhapatnam Admission

Q. How can I get seat in IIM Visakhapatnam?

Ans. IIMV evaluates individuals' fitness for the PGP program based on a number of factors, including their academic standing on the 10th, 12th, and bachelor's degree exams as well as their CAT results. Any relevant work experience is also taken into consideration while making the selection.

Q. What is the last date to apply for IIM Visakhapatnam?

Ans. The deadline for applications to the IIM Visakhapatnam PGPMCI is November 24, 2023. Admission is already open. The CAT 2023 Admit Card will be accessible on November 7, 2023, and the exam date is scheduled for November 26, 2023. Entrance to IIM V is determined by exams such as the CAT and GMAT.

Q. Is IIM Vizag good or bad?

Ans. The campus life of IIM Vizag is regarded as the best in Andhra Pradesh, making it the best business school in the state.

Q. What is the last date to apply for IIM Visakhapatnam for MBA?

Ans. While completing the CAT form, applicants would need to apply to IIM Visakhapatnam. However, those who make the short list must reapply by March 6, 2023, at IIM Visakhapatnam in order to be considered for an interview.

Q. Which is better IIM Nagpur or IIM Vizag?

Ans. While it is on par with IIM Nagpur, IIM Visakhapatnam is not superior to it. There's no shortage of reasons for people to prefer it to Nagpur. Among the most recent IIMs, it is the best. That is demonstrated by the remarkable development and placement statistics of IIM Visakhapatnam.

Q. Can I get into IIM without the CAT exam?

Ans. No, CAT is required in order to be admitted to IIM Visakhapatnam. Some of the IIM does accept GMAT scores for MBA admissions but IIM Visakhapatnam solely accepts CAT scores for MBA.

Q. What is IIM Vizag famous for?

Ans. Having an incubator with one of the quickest rates of growth in the nation. The ministries of the GoI, as well as reputable public and private sector organizations, are nationally recognizing and sponsoring entrepreneurship development projects, which are dedicated to fostering and advancing companies.

Q. Why should I choose IIM Visakhapatnam?

Ans. The Institute aims to achieve net-zero energy, water, and carbon footprint by March 2023. The faculty at IIM Visakhapatnam is made up of eminent alumni from IIMs, IITs, and other prestigious universities in India and overseas. They have outstanding records in both academia and research.

Q. Is IIM Visakhapatnam good for MBA?

Ans. One of the newer IIMs, IIM Visakhapatnam was founded in 2015. IIM Bangalore serves as a mentor for IIM Vizag. The MBA tuition at IIM Visakhapatnam is INR 17.85 lakhs. NIRF 2023 placed IIM Vizag 29th out of India's other top B-schools.

Q. Which branch of MBA is best in IIM?

Ans. Although marketing and finance offer the most opportunities and are the most in-demand, the world needs more specialty MBAs. For an MBA, there are numerous branches to select from. You are allowed to choose the one that interests you. It will be advantageous to choose early so you can tailor your CV for it.

IIM Visakhapatnam: Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam Admission 2024 Application Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process

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