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XAT Exam 2023: Application Form, Exam Date, Admit Card, Pattern

XAT 2023: Overview On January 8, 2023, from 2:00 to 5:10 p.m., the XAT exam 2023 will be given in cities all over India. On December 26, 2022, the XAT admit card 2023 came out and can be downloaded until the day of the test. Along with the admit card, the official XAT mock test […]

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Xavier Aptitude Test, XAT Exam

XAT 2023: Overview

On January 8, 2023, from 2:00 to 5:10 p.m., the XAT exam 2023 will be given in cities all over India. On December 26, 2022, the XAT admit card 2023 came out and can be downloaded until the day of the test. Along with the admit card, the official XAT mock test was put up on the xatonline website so that candidates could get used to the format of the test and the online test environment.

According to the XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) 2023 announcement, there have been no changes to the exam’s format or structure. The only change was that the essay writing section was brought back in XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) 2022. But the score for Essay Writing will not be taken into account when figuring out the score/percentile. The XAT exam 2023 is likely to be between moderately hard and very hard.

What is the XAT Test?

The XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is an entrance exam for MBA/PGDM programs that are given at the national level by XLRI, Jamshedpur. In addition to XLRI and 10 other XAMI member colleges, more than 1,000 B-schools accept XAT scores for admission to their post-graduate management programs. The XAT question paper has 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) about Decision Making, Verbal and Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, and General Knowledge. For XLRI’s PGDM-BM program, the XAT cut-offs for male candidates are usually around 95 percentile and for female candidates, 92 percentile.

People Also Asked

Q. When is the XAT exam in 2023?

Ans. The XAT test is given every year on the first Sunday of January. But New Year’s Day is on the first Sunday of January 2023, so the XAT exam will be on January 8, 2023. The date of the test was made public on August 8.

Q. When can I download my XAT 2023 admit card?

Ans. On December 26, 2022, the XAT admit card 2023 will be available on the xatonline website. Before, the date to download the admit card was December 26. Until the day of the XAT exam 2023, candidates will be able to use their login information to download their hall tickets.

Q. When do registrations for the XAT in 2023 end?

Ans. Registration for the XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) in 2023 started on August 10, 2022, and ended on December 11, 2022. Before, the application deadline was November 30. This year, the XAT exam fee went up from INR 1,800 to INR 2,000, and it must be paid online with a debit or credit card, net banking, or an e-wallet.

XAT Test Highlights

The XAT is a three-hour speed test. In the table below, you can see the most important parts of the XAT:

ParticularsXAT Details 
XAT Full Form Xavier Aptitude Test
Conducting BodyXLRI, Jamshedpur
Exam LevelNational
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Exam ModeOnline
Exam Duration3.10 hours
Exam SyllabusDecision MakingVerbal & Logical AbilityQuantitative Ability & Data InterpretationGeneral KnowledgeEssay Writing
Exam Pattern100 questions in MCQ format
Exam FeesINR 2,000 (all categories)
Exam PurposeAdmission to 1,000+ MBA colleges
Course OfferedMBA/PGDM
No. of test takersNearly 95,000
No. of Test Cities79 (in 2023)
Exam Helpdesk No.18002674008
Exam Website

XAT Exam Dates 2023:

On August 8, XLRI Jamshedpur put the dates for the XAT 2023 on its official website. Check out the dates and events for the XAT below:

EventsXAT Exam DatesSalient Features
XAT registrations 2023 begin10-Aug-2022The registration process started online on the XAT website
Registrations end30-Nov-202211-Dec-2022Forms had to be submitted by 11:59 PM on the last date
XAT admit card download starts20-Dec-202226-Dec-2022Admit card to release at the XAT website for download
Mock test releaseLast week of December 2022Candidates can practice the official XAT mock test on the exam website
XAT exam 202308-Jan-2023Exam to be held in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode in a single session in 79 cities from 2:00 pm to 5:10 pm.
XAT answer key 2023 releaseThe first week of January 2023Candidate response sheet and answer key to be released 
XAT 2023 result announcement31-Jan-2023XAT scorecards are to be made available on the official website for download
XAT 2023 cut-off announcement Last week of January 2023XAT cut-offs for BM and HRM programmes are to be released on the official website for GD/PI shortlisting

Eligibility Criteria for Taking the XAT

To be able to take the test, you must meet all of the XAT eligibility criteria listed below:

  • Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent from a recognised university. This degree must be at least three years long.
  • Students in their last year of a bachelor’s degree or those who are still waiting for their results can also apply.
  • There is no minimum score requirement for the XAT.
  • Professionals who are working and people with professional degrees (CA/CS) can also apply.

Application Form for the XAT in 2023

The first step to taking the XAT test is to sign up for it. To sign up for the XAT, people must fill out the online application form and pay the required fees. The application and registration process for the XAT in 2023 is briefly explained below:

  • Go to and look for XAT 2023.
  • Click “New Registration” and fill in the right information.
  • A unique XAT ID and a link to register are sent to the candidate’s verified email address.
  • Click on the link to make sure you signed up.
  • Go to the main page for XAT 2023 and click on “Log in.”
  • Enter your email address and password to open the form.
  • Fill out the XAT 2023 application form completely.
  • Check the information twice before you click the send button.
  • Pay the application fee for XAT 2023 with a credit card, debit card, UPI, or online banking.

On the XAT application form, candidates can choose up to four cities. The candidate’s exam will be held in the city they chose as their first choice if that city is available. If there isn’t a seat at the test centre in the first city, the seat will be given out in the second city.

XAT Admit Card 2023

The process to get your XAT admit card for 2023 began on December 26, 2022. The admit cards will be available on the website for the test. Check out the steps below to get your XAT 2023 admit card, which you must bring with you to the exam:

  • Check out the website for XAT 2023.
  • Click on the “Download Admission Ticket” tab.
  • Click “login” after entering your XAT User ID and date of birth.
  • Click on the tab for “Admit Card,” download the PDF, and print it out.

XAT Exam Centers

On January 8, 2023, XLRI will hold the XAT 2023 test for MBA admission 2023 in more than 150 MBA colleges. There are more than 100 XAT 2023 Exam Centers and 72 XAT 2023 Test Cities all over the country. International XAT Exam Centers may not be around in 2023. In the past, Dubai (UAE) and Kathmandu (Nepal) were also XAT test centres.

Because there are more people applying, XLRI has increased the number of XAT 2023 Exam Centers from 46 to 72. People who want to take the XAT exam can choose two preferred XAT 2023 Test Cities when they apply.

XAT Exam Pattern 2023

The XAT exam is taken online, and the question paper has 100 MCQs that you have 180 minutes to answer. But in 2022, the XAT test pattern was changed. Essay Writing was brought back, and 10 minutes were added to the time limit. On the XAT exam, there are time limits for each section. So, candidates are told to keep a good pace in all four sections so they can finish the paper in the allotted time. Each right answer is worth one point, and each wrong answer is worth -0.25 points. 

Here are the most important parts of the XAT test pattern:

XAT SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
Decision Making2121
Verbal and Logical Ability2626
Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation2828
General Knowledge2525
Essay1(To be evaluated upon shortlisting)

XAT Syllabus 2023

The XAT syllabus covers all the important topics in Verbal and Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, and General Knowledge. Decision Making is a special part of the course for which there is no set curriculum. Questions from past years are used to prepare for the XAT. The rest of the XAT’s three subjects also cover important topics in their own fields.

The XAT has a unique section called “Decision Making.” It has passages about business and moral situations.

Reading comprehension, English grammar, and verbal ability are all part of verbal and logical abilities.

Math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, set theory, and other things are covered in the Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation section.

And in the GK section, the questions are about politics, culture, society, personalities, business, art & entertainment, sports, inventions, innovation, the world economy, science, technology, books, etc.

XAT Results 2023

In the third week of January 2023, the XAT result will be made public. On the official XAT and XLRI websites, candidates will be able to download their scorecards.

Here is a short explanation of how to download your XAT score:

  • Open the website, which is for XAT ONLINE.
  • Click on the “XAT scorecard for 2023” tab.
  • Enter your XAT User ID and date of birth, then click “login.”
  • Download the XAT scorecard and save it as a PDF file.

XLRI Counselling Through XAT

You can get into XLRI in Jamshedpur in 2023.

There are three steps: shortlisting of candidates, group discussion and personal interview, and final selection.

Step 1: Narrowing down the list of candidates

Based on how they did on the XAT, candidates will be chosen for a group discussion and a personal interview at XLRI, Jamshedpur.

Step 2: Talking in a group and having a personal interview

By the end of January, XLRI, Jamshedpur will tell selected candidates when their group discussions and personal interviews will take place. Admissions rounds will be held in different cities, and candidates must confirm their interview city online on the XLRI website within the time limit.

Step 3: Making the final choice

For making the final merit list, each candidate’s XAT 2023 score, how well they did in the GD/PI, their academic history, and other factors will be taken into account. Those who have been chosen will be called to finish the admissions process.

How do other schools that accept XAT scores choose their students?

Institutes that use the XAT score to let people into their MBA or PGDM programs have their own application and acceptance process. Some institutes start the registration process a long time before the XAT exam, while others don’t start until after the XAT result is released.

XAT Books

To do well on the XAT exam, you have to work very hard. But all that hard work won’t help if the study materials are wrong. So, the only way to prepare for the XAT is to read books that experts say are good. Using the right books to study for the XAT exam will help you cover the whole XAT curriculum, with explanations of concepts and sample questions to help you prepare. It is also important to choose the most recent edition of XAT books so that you can cover the most recent changes to the exam format and types of questions.

XAT Previous Year Question Paper

Candidates can get the XAT question paper from the year before by downloading it. By answering the XAT question papers, they will be able to figure out how well they are prepared.

XAT Mock Test

In the third week of December, XLRI put out the official Mock Test without the answer keys. This official practice test is the best way to get ready for the real test. But the Mock Test that XLRI put out has no answer key. 

You can find the full-length XAT Mock Tests on various sites with answers that were made by experts and can be used as a guide for the real test. With these free XAT Mock Tests, test takers can get a feel for how the XAT exam is set up and what kinds of questions they can expect. The test you take after each Mock will help you figure out what your Percentile will be.

XAT Answer Key

The XAT 2023 Answer Key will be out within two to three days of the test date. The XAT Answer key 2023 is likely to come out on January 10, 2023, from XLRI. Last year, the XAT answer key came out on January 3, 2022, just one day after the test, which was given on January 2. You can look at your Answer Keys on the website for the XAT. Only people who took the XAT in 2023 will be able to see and download both the Official XAT Answer Key and their own answers to XAT questions. It will help you figure out your XAT score and the percentile you are likely to get.

XAT Paper Analysis

The XAT 2023 analysis will help test-takers figure out how likely they are to get into XLRI or another top MBA school that accepts the exam. The analysis of the XAT 2023 test will be posted as soon as the test is over in January. The XAT exam analysis for 2023 will include a detailed look at the difficulty level of each section, the weighting of each topic, the types of questions, the number of good attempts, and the expected XAT cutoffs for admission to XLRI. This will help XAT candidates figure out how well they did and how likely they are to get into XLRI Jamshedpur or another B-school of their choice.

Preparation for the XAT

The Xavier Aptitude Test has three main parts that are very important for getting on the shortlist and figuring out your merit position. The 4th and 5th sections on general knowledge (GK) and essay writing are not used to figure out the merit. The XAT 2023 study plan and books for preparing for the XAT exam should be in line with the new entrance exam pattern and the XAT entrance exam syllabus. Preparing for the decision-making section of the XAT is different from preparing for other topics. 

When studying for the XAT, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Follow the Test Format: Learn the format, number, and types of questions inside and out.
  • Check out the XAT Syllabus in detail.
  • Decide if you want to prepare for the test online with coaching or on your own.
  • Get the best XAT preparation Books to study for exams
  • Try a lot of XAT Mock Tests and analyze each one. Try as many XAT question papers from the past as you can.
  • Plan how to study for the XAT so you can pass with a score of 95 or higher.

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Frequently Asked Questions About XAT Exam 2023

Q. How many times am I allowed to take the XAT?

Ans. The XAT is given once a year, so there is only one chance to take it in a given school year. One can take the XAT exam again the following year. There is no limit to how many times you can try.

Q. Where can I find the answer key for the XAT 2023?

Ans. The XAT 2023 answer key will be posted as a response sheet on the exam website. After the exam, candidates will be able to log into their XAT accounts and download their answer keys and response sheets.

Q. When will the XAT results for 2023 be made public?

Ans. The official brochure says that the XAT 2023 results will be released on January 31, 2023. But it can also come out before January 31. After the exam, XLRI Jamshedpur will announce when the results will be released.

Q. On average, how many people take the XAT?

Ans. Each year, about 95,000 people take the XAT. Students from many different fields and academic backgrounds take the XAT to get into top B-Schools in India.

Q. Is the XAT harder than the CAT?

Ans. XAT and CAT are both harder than other MBA entrance tests. In both exams, the LR and RC questions are hard, and there is a time limit for each section. But XAT is harder than CAT because it has sections on making decisions and general knowledge.

Q. Do the XAT cutoffs for different XLRI courses vary?

Ans. Yes, XLRI has different admissions requirements for each of its PGDM courses. The cutoffs for the XAT are different for men, women, and engineering and non-engineering candidates. Last year, the XAT cutoff for males was 93 percentile, while for females it was 90 percentile.

Q. How many months do I have to study for the XAT in 2023?

Ans. If you work hard for six to nine months, you should be ready for the XAT exam. But candidates must come up with their own ways to study for the exam based on their own strengths and weaknesses.

Q. Will the XAT 2023 have time limits for each section?

Ans. Yes, each section of the XAT test has a time limit. Part 1 of the test should be finished in 165 minutes, and Part 2 should be finished in 25 minutes. But candidates are told to time themselves so they can finish the test on time.

Q. Will I be able to use a calculator on the screen during the XAT exam in 2023?

Ans. Yes, there will be an on-screen calculator available to the candidates. The candidates will also get paper sheets for rough work and calculations. The candidates can use either one or the other to figure out their answers.

Q. I’m in my second year of college. Can I take the 2023 XAT?

Ans. No. As an entrance exam for postgraduate management courses, XAT 2023 is only open to people who have graduated or are in their last year of graduation.

Q. What types of scholarships do XLRI, Jamshedpur offer?

Ans. XLRI Jamshedpur gives scholarships to students who are both smart and poor. Here is a list of the scholarships that were available last year:

  • A scholarship from Aditya Birla
  • Kalyan Ganguly XEF Scholarship
  • Scholarship for Capital First
  • Naveen Jain and the Government of India’s Distinguished Alumni Award for Scheduled Tribe (ST) Students
  • Scholarships for Vasantha Sankaran
  • OP Jindal Engineering & Management XLRI Diamond Jubilee (Seniors) (Juniors)
  • Scholarships for T. Thomas Alumni
  • Pirojsha Godrej Alumni Scholarship
  • Mr. Joseph M. Sciortino (for ST Students)
  • Geeta Saxena Memoria

