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CAT Exam Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit, Reservation Policy

for CAT 2023 CAT: Eligibility Criteria The organisation in charge of giving the CAT (Common Admission Test) will publish the rules for who can take it. Since the MBA is a postgraduate programme, the main requirement to take the CAT is to have graduated. Everyone who wants to apply must have finished high school or […]

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CAT, Common Admission Test

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for CAT 2023

CAT: Eligibility Criteria

The organisation in charge of giving the CAT (Common Admission Test) will publish the rules for who can take it. Since the MBA is a postgraduate programme, the main requirement to take the CAT is to have graduated. Everyone who wants to apply must have finished high school or be in their last year of college. CAT 2023 exam eligibility requirements must be met by anyone who wants to take the CAT exam. According to the CAT (Common Admission Test) exam eligibility requirements for the CAT 2023 exam, candidates must meet certain requirements set by the organisation in charge.

For the CAT (Common Admission Test) 2023, you can apply if you have a Bachelor’s degree or something similar from a recognised university and got at least 50% (45% for SC/ST/PwD) of the possible points. Before doing anything else, like studying for the CAT, candidates are urged to look at the requirements and make sure they meet them. See below for the full list of what you need to do to be eligible for the IIM CAT, including what you need to have learned in school, how well you did on the required test, etc.

The group in charge of the CAT (Common Admission Test) exam will post the eligibility requirements for 2023 along with the policy for making reservations on the official website. Before the CAT application process starts, the people in charge will say who is eligible. Candidates for the CAT 2023 exam must meet all of the requirements to be eligible. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a college that is known. IIM Ahmedabad does not have an age limit for applicants in its list of requirements.

Applicants with work experience will have an advantage during the interview phase, but it is not a necessary qualification. During the selection process at IIMs, the candidate’s eligibility will be checked at different stages by the right people. Remember that even if you meet the minimum requirements for the CAT exam, that doesn’t mean you’ll get into the IIMs.

CAT Exam Eligibility: Other Key Points for 2023

The full list of requirements for taking the CAT in 2023 will be posted on the website for the test. Some of the CAT eligibility requirements have to do with schoolwork. Some of the important points on the list below are:

Number of AttemptsNo Limit
Academic QualificationBachelor’s Degree
Required Marks in Graduate50% (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
CAT Eligibility for Final Year StudentsWill be admitted on a provisional basis if qualified
Age Limit for CAT 2023No Age Restriction
Work ExperienceNot Mandatory
ReservationBased on Category

Criteria for CAT Eligibility in 2023

People who want to take the CAT exam in 2023 must meet the requirements set by the group in charge of giving the test.

  • Graduation: You must have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent from an accredited university in any field.
  • Minimum Marks: Applicants must have a grade point average of at least 50% in high school. For candidates from the reserved category, 45% is the minimum overall score they need to get in order to pass. Check out CAT 2023. Reservation
  • Age: There is no limit on how old you can be to take the CAT 2023.
  • Graduate students: Final-year students can also apply for the exam, but they will only be accepted if they graduate with at least 50% of the required marks (or 40% for SC, ST, or PwD). Also welcome are applicants who have taken their last test and are waiting for the results.
  • People with professional degrees like CA, CS, or ICWA can also take the CAT.
  • Number of Attempts: There is no limit on how many times you can take the CAT test.

CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023: Educational Requirements

The IIM Bangalore will list the academic requirements and scores that applicants must get in order to take the CAT exam in 2023.

MHRD/AICTE: The University shall be considered a university under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or shall be declared annexed by an Act of the Parliament or the State Legislature of India.

Bachelor’s Degree from any University/InstituteUGC50% (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
Engineering Degree – B.Tech/ B.E. from any University/InstituteMHRD/ AICTE50% (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
The final year of the degree examinationMHRD/ AICTE/ UGC50% (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD)
CA/CS/ICWA/Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of India (FIAI)Recognized by MHRD/ UPSC/AICTE 50% (45% for SC, ST, PWD candidates) 

CAT Eligibility Age Limit

No group of applicants has to be under a certain age to take the CAT, and there is no upper age limit. Anyone who meets the CAT eligibility requirements for 2023 can apply. Age is not a big deal when it comes to taking the CAT. Degrees that meet the requirements for the CAT are given priority.

CAT Eligible Degrees

You can take the CAT test if you have one of several degrees that are on par with a bachelor’s degree. The CAT exam eligibility criteria 2023 also allow people with these degrees to apply. Here is a list of the equivalent requirements that can be met to take the CAT 2023 exam:

  • You can also take the CAT exam if you have a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology or a post-B.Sc. or post-diploma course.
  • For the CAT, you need a diploma from a professional society recognised by the MHRD, UPSC, or AICTE that is equal to a bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology. For example, AMIE from the Institution of Engineers, India or AMICE from the Institute of Civil Engineers of India is both diplomas that are equal to a bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology.
  • The Association of Indian Universities in New Delhi has said that this qualification is the same as a bachelor’s degree for CAT exam eligibility.
  • The CAT 2023 exam is also open to people with degrees in CA/CS/ICWA (Gen: 50%; SC/ST/PWD: 45%).
  • Any candidate who meets the requirements for the CAT exam but whose degree is not listed here can still apply if they can show an equivalent certificate from the Association of Indian Universities in New Delhi.

Criteria for Taking the CAT Exam Signing up with Backlogs

One of the most common questions is, “Can graduate students with academic backlogs sign up for the CAT 2023?” It should be clear that people with academic backlogs from their graduate degrees who want to take the CAT exam can still apply and sign up for it. For the CAT 2023, you can apply if you have a degree score of at least 50% (or 45% if you are in a certain group). When filling out the CAT registration form 2023, you should ask, “Are you in the last year of your bachelor’s degree?” Say “Yes” to the question.

CAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria: How to Figure Out Your Marks

The CAT percentage will be based on the method each college or university where the candidates got their degrees will use to figure out the final score for CAT exam eligibility.

CAT eligibility criteria, where marks will be turned into percentages for CGPA and grades using a method approved by the relevant institution or university.

If no college or university has any plans for improvement, the percentage will be found by dividing the student’s CGPA by the highest possible CGPA and multiplying the result by 100.

As an example,

If a candidate needs a minimum CGPA of 10 and a maximum CGPA of 8.8, then 8.8/10 = 0.88, which when multiplied by 100 gives us 88%.

Candidate’s CGPA/Maximum CGPA) X 100 = Equivalent Percentage

What’s the Difference Between CAT Eligibility and IIM Eligibility?

People who want to take the CAT exam need to know the differences between the CAT eligibility criteria and the IIMs eligibility criteria.

The eligibility requirements for IIMs and CAT do not have an age limit.

Under the old system of education, you could take the CAT exam with a two-year bachelor’s degree, even though IIMs don’t accept them.

Aside from this, unless IIMs say otherwise, there are no other big differences.

IIMs like to see work experience in addition to academic and extracurricular activities that are not required to take the CAT exam.

In every other way, CAT exam eligibility and IIM eligibility are the same.

How to Take the CAT Exam to Get into an IIM: Work Experience 

  • IIM candidates don’t need to take the CAT exam if they have worked before.
  • Even though the CAT Application Form 2023 asks for it, there is no need to meet it.
  • It should be said that IIMs may put a lot of weight on this work experience during the final test. The exact number has never been made public, and it will be different from one IIM to the next.
  • In the end, work experience isn’t a deciding factor until the very end of the selection process.
  • IIMs are known for having a mix of students, both recent college graduates and people who have already worked.
  • Final-year students can take the CAT exam.

Eligibility for the CAT exam:

You have to be a graduate to take the CAT exam, but you can also take it if you are in your last year of a bachelor’s degree programme. To get into a course, a person must have graduated with at least a 50% grade point average. During the screening process, IIMs and other management schools check whether a candidate is eligible for the CAT and what is CAT syllabus. After taking the CAT 2023 exam, those who are shortlisted must follow these rules:

  • They must show an official certificate from the university or institution’s principal, department head, dean, or director that says they got at least a 50% grade or an equivalent grade (45% for a student in a reserved category) based on their most recent grades or marks.
  • At the interview, they also need to bring photocopies of the original certificates.
  • Selected candidates for the CAT exam who are eligible for IIM PGP can only enrol in the programme on a temporary basis if they can show a certificate that says so.
  • When the certificate was given to them, they had met all of the CAT exam requirements for a bachelor’s degree or something similar (results could still be waiting, though).
  • Their admission will only be confirmed when they show the original mark sheet and degree certificate that show they have a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification, as stated on the certificate from the Principal/Registrar of their college/institute.
  • They need at least a 50% or an equivalent grade to pass. Photocopies of the mark sheets and degree certificate must be sent in.

If this condition is not met, the provisional admission will be taken away automatically.

Who Can Take the CAT 2023?

The CAT eligibility criteria say that people can apply if they have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university with at least 50% of the total marks (45% for SC/ST/PwD) and at least 50% of the total marks in 12th grade.

Candidates have a bachelor’s degree from a recognised college or university or an equivalent degree.

For the SC/ST/PwD category, candidates must have at least a 45% score, and for the open category, they must have at least a 50% score.

Students in their last year of undergraduate school. But these candidates must send in a certificate of completion from the head of the university or institution by the deadline set by the relevant IIMs.

Who can’t take the CAT 2023?

If the person wants to get a professional degree (CS, CA, or ICWA) but doesn’t want to take the bachelor’s degree exam.

The applicant is working toward a bachelor’s degree and a professional degree but hasn’t finished either one yet.

If the candidate’s degree score is less than 50% (or 45% for SC/ST/PWT candidates), he or she can’t take the CAT exam.

If MHRD, AICTE, or UGC don’t recognise the degree, the candidate won’t be able to take the CAT exam.

Documents Needed for Final Year Students to Be Eligible for the CAT

They must show an official certificate from the university or institution’s principal, department head, registrar, or director that says they got 50% or an equivalent grade (45% for a student in a reserved category) based on their most recent grades or marks.

At the time of the interview, they must also bring photocopies of their 12th-grade marks, graduation degrees, and original certificates that prove they are eligible for the CAT.

Their admission will only be confirmed when they show the original mark sheet and degree certificate that show they have a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification, as stated on the certificate from the Principal/Registrar of their college/institute.

Photocopies of the mark sheets and degree certificates must be sent in.

How to make a reservation for a person with a disability (PwD)

People who want to apply in the PwD category must have a PwD certificate from the right authority. Candidates can only get the PwD benefit if they have a valid PwD certification from a legitimate organisation. The following tells you about the different kinds of disabilities that are covered by the PwD reservation:

  • Low vision and blind
  • Hearing loss and deafness
  • People with cerebral palsy, leprosy, dwarfism, acid burns and muscular dystrophy are all examples of people who have trouble moving around.
  • Illnesses like schizophrenia, autism, and some learning disabilities.
  • The RPwD Act of 2016 also lists other “specified disabilities” in “The Schedule.” People with more than one disability who are covered by sections (1) to (4)

Policy on Reservations Based on Caste

Applicants for the CAT who belong to the SC, ST, or NC-OBC categories are eligible for caste-based reservations. For these categories, the following rules apply:

  • For SC or ST candidates to be eligible for the CAT, they must have earned an overall grade of 45% in their Bachelor’s programme.
  • For the CAT, reserved candidates who fall into the NC-OBC category must have gotten an overall grade of 50% or higher in their Bachelor’s programme.

How to make a reservation for EWS Category?

According to the CAT EWS quota, 10% of the General quota seats will be set aside for EWS applicants.

Who is a member of the EWS?

People who don’t belong to the SC, ST, or OBC groups and whose family’s total annual income is less than Rs 8 lakh are called EWS for the purposes of the reservation. If you have an Income and Asset Certificate from a Competent Authority, you can get the reservation benefit under the EWS.

Who can’t get into the EWS Quota?

No matter how much money their family makes, candidates in any of the following groups are not eligible for the EWS quota benefits:

  • Those whose families own at least 5 acres of farmland.
  • Candidates who own homes with at least 1,000 square feet of living space.
  • Candidates whose parents own a 100-square-yard or larger home site in a certain city or town.
  • Candidates whose parents live outside of the towns that were notified and who own a residential plot of at least 200 square yards.

CAT Essential Certificates

People who are in the Differently Abled group must upload a PwD/DA certificate when they apply. At the interview, they must also bring the original certificate in the format that is preferred:

  • NC-OBC Certificate SC-ST Certificate DA/PwD Certificate Format for Final Year Format for Candidate Identification Affidavit Work Experience for IIM
  • There is no need for candidates to have worked before.
  • Even though it says on the CAT Application Form that it is required, it is not.
  • It’s important to keep in mind that the IIMs may put a lot of weight on this work experience when making the final decision. The weighting, which is different for each IIM, is never shared with the public.
  • In the end, work experience isn’t a deciding factor until the very end of the selection process.
  • IIMs are known for having a mix of students, both recent college graduates and people who have already worked.

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Frequently Asked Questions about CAT Eligibility Criteria

Q. How old do you have to be to take the CAT?

Ans. No. Anyone of any age can take the CAT test. CAT can be taken by anyone at any point in their career. Candidates only need a bachelor’s degree with an average grade of at least 50%.

Q. I have my bachelor’s degree, but I need to catch up on some classes. Can I take the CAT in 2022?

Ans. Yes, you can apply for CAT as long as you got at least 50% in the first and second years of your bachelor’s degree programme as a whole. On the CAT application form, you need to write down the total number of marks.

Q. I haven’t finished high school yet, but I’m going to school for CA. Am I qualified to take the CAT in 2022?

Ans. No, you can’t take the CAT exam until you’re done with the CA course. If candidates don’t have a bachelor’s degree, they have to get a professional degree before they can apply.

Q. How can people with disabilities take the CAT to become scribes?

Ans. There are no specific rules about who can use a scribe in the CAT exam. But he or she must submit a scribe affidavit proving that he or she will be there as the scribe for a certain candidate.

Q. I’m a student in the Reserved category. What kinds of documents must be sent with the CAT form?

Ans. When you fill out the CAT application form, you must upload the Caste Certificate from the Indian government. The following must be written clearly on the certificate:

  • Name of the tribe or caste
  • If the candidate is from a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe District and the State or Union Territory where the candidate lives most of the time.
  • Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe is the right category for a candidate whose caste or tribe is recognised by the government.

Q. I’m in my last year of college, and the sum of my grades from the first and second years is less than 50%. Can I take the CAT in 2022?

Ans. Yes, you can apply for the CAT in 2022, but you’ll need to make sure you do well enough in your last year so that your overall grade point average is at least 50%.

Q. When can I sign up for the CAT in 2022?

Ans. The application process for the CAT 2022 started on August 3 and will end on September 21 at 5:00 PM. The official notice about CAT 2022 came out on July 30. On the official website of the CAT, you can find the application form until the last day to sign up.

Q. Are the requirements to take the CAT and the requirements to take the MBA different?

Ans. No, CAT eligibility criteria and MBA eligibility criteria are the same i.e. graduation. But the minimum marks may be different from one institute to the next. Also, a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject is needed for MBA programmes like MBA in Pharma or MBA in Agri-Management.

Q. How much does it cost to take the CAT?

Ans. The application fee for the CAT is INR 2,300 for those in the General/OBC category and INR 1,150 for those in the SC/ST/PwD category. The fees must be paid online with a debit or credit card, a net banking account, or a mobile wallet.

Q. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. Am I eligible for the CAT exam?

Ans. Yes. The CAT exam is open to anyone with a bachelor’s degree in any field. But you must meet the minimum aggregate score requirements for CAT, which are 50% for students in the General category and 45% for students in the SC/ST category.

