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TISSNET Syllabus 2023: Section Wise Syllabus, Weightage

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai has outlined the requirements for the TISSNET Syllabus 2023. It provides a summary of the topics and the subtopics that fall under each segment of the examination.

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TISSNET: Syllabus

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai has outlined the requirements for the TISSNET Syllabus 2023. It provides a summary of the topics and the subtopics that fall under each segment of the examination. The TISSNET curriculum consists of three parts: English Proficiency, Mathematical Skills, and General Awareness. The TISSNET 2023 competition will take place on February 25, 2023; registration for the TISSNET competition began on December 14, 2022. It is expected of candidates that they have a comprehensive knowledge of the TISSNET curriculum prior to taking the entrance exam in order to do well. They can get a head start on their preparations with the assistance of the appropriate collection of TISSNET books, tutorials, and question papers from past years as well as sample papers. Have a look at the TISSNET curriculum broken down into sections, along with the most helpful study material available for TISSNET preparation.

Section-wise: An Inventory of Subjects

The TISSNET question paper for 2023 will consist of one hundred multiple-choice questions, each of which must be answered within one hundred minutes.

Competence in the English Language

Verbal AbilityReading Comprehension
Word substitute in a sentencePurpose of the passage
Right usage of words in fill in the blankStrengthen and Weaken
The right usage of the word matches the followingAssumption and Supporting Statement
Fill in the Blanks – HomophonesFlaw and Discrepancy
Idioms – Fill in the blankInference and Conclusion Drawn
Idioms – Match the followingPassage based questions
Error spotting – grammar/words/ punctuationAuthor’s Point of View
Sentence CorrectionMain idea of the passage

Competence in Mathematics

MathematicsLogical ReasoningData Interpretation
Profit and LossNumber SeriesBar graphs
AveragesAlphabet SeriesTables
Basic GeometryEye for detailPie chart
Ratio and ProportionStatement Conclusion/Assumption/ ArgumentsDouble pie chart
PercentagesLogical ConnectivityCase lets
Speed and TimeLinear/Circular/Family ArrangementMultiple graphs
ProbabilityVenn DiagramLine graphs
Number SystemPuzzlesData comparison

General Awareness

National EventsEnvironment & Ecology
International EventsPolitics/History/Governance/Law
Corporate Events and AwardsSocial Studies, Movements
National/International Awards in Entertainment IndustryEconomics/ Policy
National/International Awards for Social, and Environmental causeInternational politics/ current events
Defence, Military, Terrorism relatedGender/Health/Education/Labour
Finance, Budget Environment & EcologyMedia/ICTs/Literature/Art/Culture

Section-wise Weightage is on the Agenda for the TISSNET 2023 Exam.

The following is a list of the sections that are included in the TISSNET question paper, together with the number of questions that are included in each section and the marks that are assigned to each section:

Sections Number of Questions Marks
English Proficiency 3030 
Mathematics Skills & Logical Reasoning3030
General Awareness4040

The Section-wise Weightage of the TISSMAT 2023 Syllabus

The multiple-choice questions and descriptive writing that will make up the TISSMAT 2023 syllabus. The duration of the exam will be a total of forty-five minutes. Examine the following for an exhaustive rundown of the TISSMAT curriculum for 2023:

SectionsExpected number of questionsTotal marks
Management Data Interpretation1515
Business Awareness1010

Frequently Asked Questions About TISSNET 2023 Syllabus 

Q. Which part of the TISSNET exam carries the most weight?

Ans. The General Awareness component of the TISSNET exam carries the most weight overall. It consists of forty questions, and each one is worth one mark.

Q. Does the TISSNET curriculum get updated on a yearly basis?

Ans. Unfortunately, the TISSNET syllabus does not change significantly from year to year.

Q. I was wondering whether there was a time limit for each component of the TISSNET exam.

Ans. Unfortunately, the TISSNET exam does not have any provisions for a sectional time limit. Within the allotted amount of time, you are able to switch between the different portions.

Q. The question bank for the TISSNET’s Mathematical Skills portion has a total of how many questions?

Ans. The Mathematical Skills component of TISSNET contains a total of 30 questions to be answered by the student.

Q. How should I study general knowledge for the TISSNET exam?

Ans. The candidate ought to make it a routine to read popular newspapers and publications catering to general information enthusiasts. They should also make it a point to keep up with the major events that are taking on across the nation.

Q. The TISSMAT curriculum will cover what topics?

Ans. Applicants for the TISSMAT will be asked to respond to questions pertaining to Business Awareness, Data Interpretation, and Comprehension.

Q. In the General Knowledge part of TISSNET, which topics do you consider to be the most important?

Ans. For your general knowledge test, candidates are expected to study the following material:

  • Environment & Ecology
  • Politics/History/Governance/Law
  • Social Studies, Movements
  • Economics and Public Policy
  • Politics and current events from around the world
  • Gender/Health/Education
  • Labour
  • Media/ICTs/Literature/Art/Culture
  • Sports

Q. Is the TISSNET curriculum comparable to those of other MBA examinations?

Ans. Although the TISSNET syllabus is comparable to other MBA admission tests, the primary emphasis is placed on the candidate’s capacity for social interaction. The questions that are asked in the English and Mathematical Skills areas of this test are not as challenging as those on the CAT or XAT exam.

Q. Who decides what should be on the TISSNET syllabus?

Ans. The Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai is in charge of outlining the TISSNET curriculum.

Q. What are the most significant distinctions between the TISSNET and the TISSMAT exams?

Ans. TISSNET is obligatory for any applicant interested in enrolling in one of TISS’s postgraduate programmes, whilst the TISSMAT was developed exclusively for candidates interested in enrolling in one of the management programmes that the university has to offer.

Q. When taking the TISSNET exam, what format are the questions presented in?

Ans. The TISSNET exam uses a multiple-choice question-and-answer format for the questions.


TISSNET  Syllabus 2023: Section Wise Syllabus, Weightage

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