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TISSNET Exam Centres 2023:  City Wise Test Centre

TISSNET Exam Centre The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) administers one of the most competitive entrance examinations, known as TISSNET, for students seeking admission to one of its postgraduate degree programs. The admissions test will be given in a computer-based test format (also known as CBT) in forty different cities across India. The TISSNET […]

 Saurav Anand |17/01/2025 | Share:
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TISSNET Exam Centre

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) administers one of the most competitive entrance examinations, known as TISSNET, for students seeking admission to one of its postgraduate degree programs. The admissions test will be given in a computer-based test format (also known as CBT) in forty different cities across India. The TISSNET registration period began on December 14th, 2023, and the TISSNET examination is scheduled to take place on February 25th, 2023.

The list of testing locations for the TISSNET 2023 exam will be made available on the official examination website ( During the TISSNET registration process, the candidates will be given the opportunity to select the exam city in the order of their preference.

The TISSNET exam 2023 will be held in as many as 100 exam locations across the country, spread out across 39 cities.

It is anticipated that the TISSNET 2023 Application Forms will become available during the first week of December 2021.

Candidates have to be careful when choosing where they will take the TISSNET 2023 exam because any request to change locations will not be considered unless there is a valid explanation (s).

TISS will make every effort to ensure that the selected examination centre is full at the time of registration.

The candidate’s final test location will be listed on their TISSNET admit card after it has been assigned to them.

TISS has the authority to alter, cancel, or reschedule any examination centre or city, as well as the testing time and day, at its own discretion.

In the event that you have any inquiries regarding the location of the TISSNET examination, you are encouraged to call the conducting authority at the number 022-25525252.

How to Choose the Location of Your TISSNET Exam

Follow the steps that are described below in order to select the city that you would like to be allotted as the TISSNET 2023 test centre:

  • Create your own login credentials by registering on the TISS website.
  • To complete the registration process with the login id, click here.
  • On the application form for TISSNET, there will be a section for choosing the testing location.
  • Pick the testing location that best suits you.
  • Complete the remaining fields with your information.
  • Make payment and submit TISSNET 2023 Centre Announcement Date
  • TISSNET Exam Centre 2023: Important Points
  • Candidates have a responsibility to select their test locations with care, as the authorities will not grant any requests to change them unless a valid cause is provided.
  • The TISSNET admit card will have the ultimately assigned testing location printed on it.
  • TISS has the authority to alter, postpone, or cancel any examination in any city or location, as well as to alter the scheduled time and date.
  • The TISSNET examination centre must be reached by candidates at least one hour before the scheduled reporting time.

Do’s and Dont’s for the TISSNET Exam Center

At the TISSNET examination centre, the test participants will be required to demonstrate their identities and go through a verification procedure. Candidates are responsible for ensuring that they arrive at the testing location well in advance of the time that they are required to report in order to avoid any last-minute scrambling. The following is a list of both things that test takers should and should not do while at the testing centre.


At the examination centre, you are required to bring photo identification along with a hard copy of your TISSNET hall ticket.

Bring a pen or pencil with you to the testing location.

During the course of the verification procedure, you should work cooperatively with the professionals at the examination centre.

You can find your examination hall by consulting the roll number that is displayed on your admit card.


Inside the testing area, you are not allowed to use calculators, mobile phones, pagers, or any other type of electronic device.

Try your best not to be late at the testing location. 15 minutes before the start of the examination, the doors to the testing facility will be locked.

In the examination room, you are not permitted to bring in any bags, pencil cases, handbags, or purses, nor any food or drink.

A List of Test Locations for TISSNET 2023

The TISSNET 2023 examination will take place in forty different places across India. Check out the list of cities that will be used as test locations for TISSNET 2023 below, which covers all regions:

Northern Region
New Delhi
Greater Noida
Eastern Region
Western Region
Southern Region

Exam Centres for the TISSNET PIT (TISMAT/TISSPAT) and Interview

The Pre-Interview Test (also known as TISSMAT or TISSSPAT) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds make up the second step of the TISSNET Selection Procedure.

The candidate’s performance in the TISSNET 2022 exam is taken into consideration while making the shortlist for the PIT and PI rounds.

Pre-Interview Test (TISSMAT/TISSPAT) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds will be conducted only at TISS campuses in the following cities: While the test itself will be held in about 40 cities, the TISSMAT/TISSPAT and PI rounds will be held only at TISS campuses in the following cities:

  • Mumbai
  • Hyderabad
  • Guwahati

How to Choose the Right Exam Center for the TISSNET 2022 Exam?

Candidates are needed to select the centres during the registration process for the TISSNET 2023 exam.

Candidates will be given a list from which they can choose the testing locations that are most convenient for them, and this list will be predetermined.

The principle of “first come, first served” will be utilized in the process of selecting locations for the examinations.

After you have chosen the locations of the exams, you will need to make payment and then upload a current photo of yourself along with your signature.

Candidates who complete the registration process without any errors will be issued a TISSNET Admit Card 2023 at least three weeks before the exam is scheduled to take place. It will include a notation of the ultimately assigned testing location.

How to Alter the TISSNET Examination Location in 2023

It is recommended to exercise extreme caution when selecting TISSNET Exam Centers.

Even if the locations of the exams cannot be changed, the institute will take any legitimate requests into consideration.

A candidate who wishes to modify the location of the test must give notice to TISS, the organization in charge of TISSNET’s administration.

This can be accomplished through the use of email. Candidates have the option of sending an email to the address “” with their request to modify the TISSNET exam centres in 2023. List of Exam Centres of TISSNET MBA 2023; TISSNET exam centres in East · Silchar. -; West. Gwalior. Bhopal; West · Nagpur. Navi Mumbai; West · Mumbai. Aurangabad ; West · Indore. Thane, etc

You also have the option of sending a letter to the following address: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, located at V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai, 400 088.

(022) 2552525 is the number to call for the Admissions Helpline.

Frequently Asked Questions About TISSNET Exam Centres

Q. After the admit card has been distributed, is it possible for me to change the location of my TISSNET exam?

Ans. In order for the request to alter the location of the examination to be considered, the applicant must first offer a valid reason for wanting the change.

Q. Are you permitted to bring any electronic devices into the testing area?

Ans. No, the candidate is not permitted to bring a calculator or any other electronic object into the testing room. This includes cell phones.

Q. When will the test for the TISSNET certification be given?

Ans. The computer-based test for TISSNET 2023 will take place on February 25th, 2023.

Q. What happens if I get to the TISSNET examination centre after the test has already begun?

Ans. After the start of the TISSNET exam, no candidate will be allowed to enter the testing facility where the exam is being held.

Q. Can I bring stuff to eat and drink, such as water and food, into the TISSNET testing centre?

Ans. No, both food and liquids of any kind, including water, are not permitted within the TISSNET examination centre.

Q. Can guardians and parents accompany their children to the TISSNET testing centre?

Ans. The only people who will be permitted inside the exam centre are those who are working at the test centre, security employees, and TISSNET candidates.

Q. When filling out the TISSNET application form, how many different test cities can be chosen to participate?

Ans. A candidate has the ability to choose between up to four different cities in which to take the examination.

Q. At the location of the TISSNET exam, will there be any way for candidates to leave their belongings behind?

Ans. No, before entering the testing facility, all contestants will be responsible for making their own arrangements for their bags and luggage.

Q. Should I bring a sheet with me to TISSNET in case I need to do some rough work?

Ans. No, the invigilator will give you a sheet for rough work while you are still in the testing room.

Q. What should I do if the computer I bring to the TISSNET examination centre does not work properly?

Ans. If there is a problem with the computer, candidates need to promptly tell the invigilator of the situation.


TISSNET Exam Centres 2023:  City Wise Test Centre

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