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TISSNET Cutoff 2023: Expected and Previous Year Cutoff

The cut-off for TISSNET 2023 will be made public by the authorities concurrently with the announcement of the results. In the previous year, the minimum score required for Human Resource Management was 67, and the minimum score required for a master’s degree in Organizational Development, Change, and Leadership was 63.

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The cut-off for TISSNET 2023 will be made public by the authorities concurrently with the announcement of the results. In the previous year, the minimum score required for Human Resource Management was 67, and the minimum score required for a master’s degree in Organizational Development, Change, and Leadership was 63. Candidates who receive a score that is higher than the minimum qualifying mark will be required to participate in the Online Assessment rounds. A few days following the announcement of the TISSNET 2023 result, which will also be made online, the overall cutoff will be made available on the website of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai. The announcement of the result will take place online. It is anticipated that the TISSNET cut-off for the Mumbai campus will range anywhere from 65 to 70 marks in 2023. TISSNET 2023 results will declare in the fourth week of March 2023. TISSNET is an entrance test which is organized by TISS to offer admission.

Candidates are selected for the programs that are provided by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences based on their performance in the TISSNET examination, which takes into consideration cutoffs in certain categories.

The TISSNET cutoffs 2023  will be influenced by a wide variety of criteria, including the total number of applicants who took the exam, the progression of prior cutoffs, the candidates’ overall performance, and many more. TISSNET cutoffs 2023 MBA- HR for General Category is 68 marks and for SC/ ST is 58.

TISSNET will only be used for shortlisting rounds. Following that, the TISSMAT, GD, and PI scores will be used to make the final selection. It has the following weightage: 30:40:30.

Cut-off for TISSNET in 2021 The candidates who fall into the general group have the highest minimum score requirement, which is 73.83.

TISSNET Cut-Off Conditions Determining Factors

The number of participants expected to take the TISSNET in 2023

Availability of seats for a certain program throughout a campus’s total capacity

The number of candidates who were able to pass the qualification threshold

Classification of the potential possibilities

Date for Cut-Offs TISSNET 2023

Take a look at the table that’s been provided below for more information regarding the TISSNET 2023 exam.

DatesUpcoming Exam Dates
Mar ’23TISSNET Results 2023

Different Kinds of TISSNET Cutoffs

There are generally speaking three different sorts of TISSNET cut-offs. We are currently going to great lengths regarding the:

The TISSNET Qualifying cut-off is the minimum qualifying score that must be achieved in order to be considered for selection to the PIT and PI rounds. Candidates whose scores are lower than the minimum requirements for qualification will not be considered for the TISSNET cut-off list for the Online Assessment.

CategoryThe qualifying cut-off (%)
CategoryScore (%)
General, EWS, Kashmiri Migrants and Armed Forces14
PwD and OBC(NC)12
SC and STNo sectional cut off applied

TISSNET cut-off for online assessment: In order to be considered for the final cut-off list, candidates must have obtained a score that is higher than the one listed above. This opens the door for candidates to move on to the online assessment.

TISSNET 2023 Cut-Off Mumbai Campus (Expected)

Candidates have the ability to verify the projected cutoff for TISSNET 2022 for the Mumbai Campus based on the cutoff from the previous year. The TISSNET cutoff will be made public category by category by the authorities.

Economically Weaker Section70.57
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)68.40

TISSNET Cut-Off for the Previous Year

Candidates have the option of consulting the TISSNET cut-offs from previous years and tracking how they have evolved over the course of the past few years.

Cut Off for TISSNET in the Previous Year (2022)

The program-wise cut-off score for TISSNET 2022 is listed in the table below:

TISS programTISSNET cut-off 2022 (General)
MA Human Resource Management67
Masters in Organisation Development, Change, and Leadership63
MA Globalisation and Labour70
MA Public Health61
MPH Social Epidemiology50
MA Clinical Psychology57
MA Culture and Media Studies65
MA Mental Health54
MA Women Studies48
MA Social Entrepreneurship62

Cutoff for TISSNET in 2021

The cut-off for applying to the TISSNET master’s program in human resource management and labor relations is 2021.

CategoryCut off
OBC (NC)68.40

Labor Studies and Practices TISSNET Cut-offs: 2021

CategoryCut off
OBC (NC)63.10

TISSNET 2021 Cutoff – Social Entrepreneurship in Massachusetts

CategoryCut off
OBC (NC)62.13

MA/M.Sc. in Analytics TISSNET Cut-Offs: January 20, 2021

CategoryCut off
OBC (NC)63.23

The TISSNET 2021 cut-offs for the Master of Arts in Organizational Development, Change, and Leadership

CategoryCut off
OBC (NC)58.67

The Selection Procedure for the TISS

Following the publication of the TISSNET 2023 cut-off list, students who meet the requirements will be obliged to take part in online examinations. It is important to note that TISS has modified the application process for the academic session 2022-2023.

Aggregation of TISSNET Scores for MA Programs in HRM, ODCL, and Other Disciplines

StageActivityMaximum MarksWeightage 
Stage 1: TISSNETCenter-based objective-type test10050
Stage 2: Online AssessmentsExtempore reflection on a given topic10020
Online Personal Interview10030

Admission to TISS requires prior seat reservation.

Check out the percentage of seats that are set aside for different groups in the following table, which pertains to admission to the TISS-Mumbai, Tuljapur, and Hyderabad campuses as well as the Centre at BALM:

CategoryPercentage of seats (%)
Scheduled Caste15
Scheduled Tribe7.5
Other Backward Castes (Non-Creamy layer)27
PWD1)      Low vision/blindness2)      Hearing impairment3)      Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy3
Kashmiri Migrants1
Armed Forces5

Frequently Asked Questions About TISSNET

Q. What exactly does “TISSNET Cut Off” mean?

Ans: The TISSNET cut-off is the minimum score that candidates need to achieve in order to move on to the TISSMAT and Online Personal Interview (OPI) rounds.

Q. I was wondering if all of the students have the same TISSNET cut-off time.

Ans: The TISSNET cut-off is sent to students not long after the announcement of the TISSNET Results.

Q. What is the maximum score required to qualify for TISSNET?

Ans: The qualifying cut-off for TISSNET has been established by TISS, and it specifies the minimum number of points needed to be eligible for the PIT and PI rounds.

General/OBC- 45% SC/ST- 35%

Q. If I get the qualifying cut-off marks, would I be considered for the Pre-Interview Test (PIT) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds?

Ans: Meeting the time limit for qualification does not ensure that you will progress to the following rounds. Candidates will be contacted based on the cut-off grades announced by each campus as well as the order in which they listed their course preferences.

Q. Will the themes that are discussed throughout the TISSMAT and Personal Interview (PI) rounds be the same for all of the programs?

Ans: No, the TISSMAT and Personal Interview (PI) rounds will be tailored to the requirements of the particular program, and it is possible that these requirements will be different for each program.

Q. What would be considered a satisfactory grade for a management class at the TISS campus in Mumbai?

Ans. An applicant must have a score greater than 65 in order to be considered for the management program at TISS Mumbai.

Q. Does TISSNET have any kind of facility for sectional cut-offs?

Ans: Unfortunately, the TISSNET examination does not have a mechanism for a sectional cut-off.

Q. My TISSMAT and personal interview are scheduled for a certain date; is it possible for me to change that date?

Ans: An applicant may submit a request to reschedule the date of the pre-interview test and the personal interview if the date of the candidate’s final year exam conflicts with the schedule for those two phases of the selection process. The candidate, on the other hand, will be expected to provide documentary evidence to support this claim. Because of the pandemic, this year’s TISSMAT 2021 conference has been canceled.

Q. When will the TISSMAT examination and the personal interview take place?

Ans: The TISSMAT and the Personal Interview, which were both scheduled to be carried out on June 20 and from July 1 to July 21, respectively, have both been canceled. A revised selection process for TISSNET 2021 will be made available very shortly.

Q. To pass the TISSNET exam, what is the absolute lowest score that can be accepted?

Ans: The minimal number of points needed to pass the written exam is 35% (for SC/ST candidates) and 45% (for all other candidates) (for others).

Q. What kind of grade do you need to get into the MA in HRM & LM program at TISS in Mumbai?

Ans: The probability of being selected for the PIT and PI rounds for the MA in HRM & LM program increases for candidates who have achieved a score of greater than 70 on TISSNET.

Q. Will I be informed about whether or not I have advanced to the PIT and PI rounds?

Ans. No, TISS does not let students know whether or not they have been accepted into the school. Candidates who want to maintain track of their admission status should regularly check the official website of the institution.

Q. Will the TISSNET cutoff be the same for each of the different categories?

Ans. No, the TISSNET qualifying score will be different for each course, depending on the number of seats available and the type of applicant.


TISSNET Cutoff 2023: Expected and Previous Year Cutoff

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