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TANCET Reference Books 2023: Course Wise TANCET Books

TANCET Reference Books The date for the TANCET 2023 exam has been set for September 26. The entrance examination is required for students who wish to enroll in the Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, Master of Planning, Master of Architecture, Master of Business Administration, or Master of Computer Application degree programs that are provided […]

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TANCET Reference Books

The date for the TANCET 2023 exam has been set for September 26. The entrance examination is required for students who wish to enroll in the Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, Master of Planning, Master of Architecture, Master of Business Administration, or Master of Computer Application degree programs that are provided by a variety of colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu. To get a good grade on the test, students need to begin their TANCET preparation using the most helpful books and other study tools that have been produced specifically for the TANCET.

Books and Sample Tests for the TANCET Exam

The method of preparing for the examination includes selecting the appropriate library books an important step. Because there is such a wide variety of learning resources accessible, both online and offline, it can be challenging for someone just starting out to choose which ones to use. Those who aspire to achieve something should consult books that thoroughly cover all of the subject areas and explain the answers in the most straightforward way feasible. They also have the option of seeking assistance from coaching institutes, at which the course materials are developed by subject matter specialists.

The Top MBA Preparation Textbooks for the TANCET

Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, Business Situation Analysis, Reading Comprehension, and English Usage are the five parts that make up the TANCET MBA syllabus.

The Best Books to Read in Order to Prepare for the TANCET MBA Exam: Quantitative Ability

The candidate’s mathematical ability will be judged based on their performance in this area. Candidates are expected to have a working knowledge of a variety of mathematical concepts, including Algebra, Number Systems, Linear Equations, Speed, Distance, Time and Work, Mensuration, and Probability, amongst others. The following publications are available to candidates for use in their preparation for the TANCET:

Book TitleAuthor
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance ExaminationsDinesh Khattar
Quantitative AptitudeRS Aggarwal
Class IX and X booksNCERT
Magical book on Quicker MathsM Tyra

The Data Sufficiency Guide to the Best Books for TANCET MBA Preparation

This section covers a variety of subjects, some of which include the bar graph, the line chart, the tabular form, the case form, and the missing data. 

The following table provides a list of the top books to read in order to prepare for the Data Interpretation exam:

Book TitleAuthor
Data Interpretation for CATArun Sharma
Data Interpretation & Data SufficiencyAnanta Ashisha
Data Interpretation & Logical ReasoningGautam Puri
Data Interpretation SimplifiedJagan Saneja

The Business Situation Analysis is One of the Best Books for Preparing for the TANCET MBA Exam

In this part of the test, the applicants’ analytical ability and their capacity to make decisions are both evaluated. 

The following table provides a list of the top books to read in order to prepare for a Business Situation Analysis:

Book TitleAuthor
Analytical ReasoningMK Pandey
Multi-Dimensional ReasoningMishra & Kumar Dr. Lal
Reasoning Book for Competitive ExaminationsPearson

The Most Helpful Books for TANCET MBA Exam Preparation: Reading Comprehension and English Usage

In this part of the test, candidates’ command of the English language is evaluated. This section covers a wide range of topics, including Antonyms, Articles, Editing, Omitting, Prepositions, and Analogy, among others. 

The following table contains a list of the top books available for improving reading comprehension and English usage:

Book TitleAuthor
High School GrammarWren & Martin
Word Power Made EasyNorman Lewis
Business English and CommunicationJohn O E Clark
30 Days to a more powerful VocabularyNorman Lewis
The Students’ CompanionWilfred D Best

Additional Books That Are Highly Recommended for the TANCET 2023 Exam TANCET MBA by E.S. Ramaswamy

  • TANCET MBA by E.S. Ramaswamy
  • TANCET MBA Solved Papers by S.Sambasivan DR.Antony

The Top Books for Studying for the TANCET and the MCA

Questions pertaining to Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Computer Awareness will be included in the MCA examination paper. 

The following is a list of the top books to study for the TANCET MCA exam:

Book TitleAuthor
TANCET MCA Entrance Exam Preparation BookVVK Subburaj
Popular Master Guide MCA Entrance examinationR Gupta
A Complete Package for MCA Entrance GuideAmit M Agarwal
High-Speed System of Basic ArithmeticUpkar Publication

Best Books for TANCET Preparation for the MTech, ME, MArch, and MPlan Degrees

The TANCET question paper for MTech/M.E/M.Arch/MPlan students are broken up into three distinct sections. The first part, which covers engineering mathematics, and the second part, which covers fundamental engineering and science, are the same for every candidate. The third section varies according to the discipline being discussed. 

The level of difficulty is that of questions asked in an undergraduate program:

Book TitleAuthor
TANCET M.E/ MTech Exam BookC.S.Hariram Kumar, Janani, P.Vigneshwari
TANCET ME EntranceM Parshve

How Should One Study for the TANCET Exam 2023?

Candidates should begin their preparation for the TANCET by being familiar with the format of the TANCET exam. In this article, we will go over the structure of the entrance exam according to the courses.

The TANCET Exam Format for MBA and MCA Candidates

Check out the exam pattern for the TANCET below, which is applicable to MBA and MCA programs:

Mode of TANCET ExamOfflineOffline
Duration of test2 hours2 hours
Number of sections5 (Business Situation Analysis, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage)4(Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Computer Awareness
Sectional Weightage20 marks allotted to each section25 marks allotted to each section
Total Marks100100
Negative Marks1/31/3

Exam Pattern for TANCET for M.Tech, M.E, M.Arch, and M.Plan

Please refer to the table below for the TANCET exam pattern for the M.Tech., M.E., M.Arch., and MPlan programs:

Mode of TANCET ExamOffline
Duration of Test2 hours
Number of Section3(Part I-Engineering Mathematics, Part II-Basic Engineering & Sciences Part III- for different disciplines)
Sectional WeightagePart I: Part II: Part III- 20:20:60
Total Marks115
Negative Marks1/3

Advice for Getting Ready for the TANCET 2023 Exam

The following is a list of some of the preparation advice for the TANCET that was recommended by those who scored highest in the prior sessions:

  • Candidates need to create a study plan that details the subject-by-subject preparation method, the books that need to be read, and the amount of time that should be given to each subject.
  • It is essential for potential candidates to have an accurate understanding of both their strengths and flaws. Aspirants should not ignore areas that could bring about a decrease in their confidence when they are working to improve their strengths.
  • Candidates need to put more emphasis on maximizing the effectiveness of each study session rather than simply devoting a large amount of time to it. There must be some key lessons from each session.
  • In addition to that, candidates ought to compile a list of shortcuts, tricks, and formulas. This will assist in arriving at the answer to a question in a more timely manner.
  • In the final two months leading up to the exam, candidates are encouraged to complete anywhere from 15 to 20 practice tests for the TANCET

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Frequently Asked Questions About TANCET Reference Books 2023

Q. What are the most helpful books for preparing for the TANCET Quant exam?

Ans. In order for candidates to strengthen their foundational knowledge, they should read NCERT Mathematics books ranging from classes IX to XII. They can also prepare for the Quant section by consulting Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal or Quantitative Aptitude by S.N. Jha.

Q. When taking the TANCET MBA exam, which part of the test has the most weightage?

Ans. The TANCET MBA exam consists of five portions, and each one carries the same amount of weight. There is a weight of 20 points assigned to each section.

Q. Can I access study material for the TANCET MBA exam using the internet platform?

Ans. Prospective students can join online MBA preparation groups on Facebook, WhatsApp, or Telegram, where a significant amount of high-caliber academic content is distributed and discussed.

Q. Does the TANCET examination take place in locations other than Tamil Nadu?

Ans. No, the TANCET is exclusively offered in the 15 cities that make up the state of Tamil Nadu.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the English portion of the exam?

Ans. Reading Comprehension and General English are the two parts of the TANCET MBA examination that are devoted to the English language. A: Candidates who want to do well in English should make it a practice to read books, periodicals, and newspapers on a daily basis. This will help them improve their language skills. In addition to this, they should consult High School Grammar by Wren and Martin in order to construct a solid basis.

Q. For the Master of Technology, Master of Engineering, Master of Architecture, and Master of Planning programs, what is the overall weightage of the TANCET exam?

Ans. The TANCET question paper for the MTech/M.E/M.Arch/MPlan program has a total weightage of 115 marks, and it must be solved in two hours. This is a requirement for passing the exam.

Q. Does the TANCET examination not have any sectional time limits? 

Ans. No, the TANCET exam does not have a subsection time limit for any of the tests.

Q. To adequately prepare for the TANCET, is it essential to enroll in coaching classes?

Ans. The candidate has complete freedom in determining the manner in which he or she will prepare for the TANCET examination. Self-study is an option for an aspirant who already possesses a solid foundation in their field of interest. However, if the candidate wants to make the most of the resources that are available to him, he certainly has the option of enrolling in a coaching institute or taking a course that is offered online.

Q. Is there a chance of getting a lower score on the TANCET?

Ans. In the TANCET, you will receive a lower score for each incorrect response you provide. One-third of a point is deducted for each wrong response.

Q. How much emphasis is placed on each individual section of the TANCET MCA exam?

Ans. Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Computer Awareness are the four parts that make up the TANCET MCA exam paper. Each component of the exam is worth a total of 25 points.

Q. To prepare for the TANCET and MCA exams, which books do you recommend reading the most?

Ans. TANCET MCA Entrance Exam Preparation Book by VVK Subburai and A Complete Package for MCA Entrance Guide by Amit M. Agarwal are two of the top books for TANCET MCA preparation.


TANCET Reference Books 2023: Course Wise TANCET Books

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