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TANCET Application Form 2023: Registration, Fee

TANCET Application Form The TANCET registration process will soon get underway at Anna University. According to the timetable for the TANCET from the previous year, the application window will be open for submissions for a total of one month. On the official website for the TANCET, which can be found at, Anna University makes […]

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Table of Contents

TANCET Application Form

The TANCET registration process will soon get underway at Anna University. According to the timetable for the TANCET from the previous year, the application window will be open for submissions for a total of one month. On the official website for the TANCET, which can be found at, Anna University makes the TANCET application form available online. Candidates who are interested in taking part in the examination process for postgraduate professional courses in Tamil Nadu can fill out TANCET application forms in order to do so. The application procedure for the TANCET consists of a number of stages, including a one-time registration, the payment of the application cost, the filling in of personal and academic details, etc. Applicants who belonged to an unreserved category were required to pay a registration fee of 800 Indian Rupees (INR) at the prior examination session. The application and cumulative examination cost was INR 400 for candidates applying under a reserved category. All of the applicants who were selected to move on to the next round will be given an admission card so that they can take the TANCET 2023 exam.

Annually, there are over 40,000 people interested in taking the TANCET exam in order to gain admission into professional PG courses. Candidates who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a suitable field are eligible to submit an application for the TANCET in 2023.

The following information pertains to the application form for the TANCET 2023 exam:

  • Beginning in January 2023, applicants can use the online application form for the TANCET 2023 beginning in that same month.
  • Candidates are required to thoroughly confirm their eligibility before submitting an application for the exam.
  • In order to fill out the application form, candidates need to input information such as their name, academic data, email address, and phone number, among other things.
  • Candidates are responsible for ensuring that the information they enter on the application form is accurate because there will be no opportunity for corrections at a later point.
  • The submission of completed application forms will be accepted until the end of February in 2023.
  • There is no requirement that a physical copy of the application form be mailed to the candidate in any capacity.
  • Candidates are required to print off a copy of the application form for their own records and to save for future reference.

Registration for the TANCET in 2023: Important Dates

The dates for applying to take the TANCET 2023 are listed in the table below, along with the timetable for subsequent exam events:

TANCET 2023 EventsTANCET Registration Dates 2023
Commencement of TANCET 2023 registrationIt to be updated soon!
Last date to apply for TANCET 2023To be notified
Issuance of TANCET 2023 admit cardThe second week of February 2023
TANCET exam date 202325-Feb-2023 (MCA, ME, MTech, MArch, and MPlan)26-Feb-2023 (MBA)

TANCET 2023 Application Process Prerequisites and Requirements

Before beginning the TANCET registration process, candidates are required to have the following information and papers available to them:

  • Valid email ID and mobile number
  • Colored passport-size photo of 200×300 pixels resolution
  • Scanned signature of 200×70 pixels resolution
  • Registration number/ Roll number and year of the passing of Class 10
  • Registration number and year of the passing of Class 12
  • Copy of community certificate in PDF format (for SC/ST/SCA categories)
  • Bank details online payment of TANCET application fee

How to Fill the Application Form for the TANCET 2023?

The application process for TANCET 2023 consists of seven separate steps. In order for candidates to submit their forms, they need to finish all of the stages. The TANCET admit card, which is required to be presented during the examination, is only given to those applicants who submit their application forms before the closing date. 

The following instructions for completing the TANCET 2023 application can be found in the space provided below:

Step 1: Registration for the TANCET 

In order to move on to the next stage of the TANCET application process, candidates are required to finish the one-time registration:

  • Visit the official website of the TANCET 2023 exam, which may be found at
  • To register for the course online, click the “Click Here” button that is located next to the text that reads “For Online Registration.”
  • Enter the required information, which may include your name, email address, cell phone number, date of birth, SSLC registration number, nativity, and other facts.
  • Make a password and select the postgraduate professional program you want to enroll in based on your TANCET 2023 score.
  • After entering the captcha code, you will be prompted to click the “Submit” button.

Step 2: Log in to the TANCET

Applicants will receive an email letting them know that the one-time registration for TANCET 2023 has been completed once the registration has been finished, at which point candidates will be able to move on to filling out the application form. The TANCET login process is simplified with the use of a registered email ID and password. Candidates are required to continue after successfully logging in in order to complete the application form by providing details and uploading documents.

Step 3: Complete the TANCET Application Form with Your Personal Information

Candidates are free to move on to the next step, which is filling out their personal information. The following are examples of the kind of personal information that need to be filled out on the TANCET application form:

  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Address
  • City
  • Pin code
  • State

Candidates are required to click the “Next” button once they have finished filling in the information mentioned above.

Step 4: Providing Details of Your Educational Background on the TANCET Application Form

Candidates are required to provide the relevant academic information in order to move forward with the TANCET application procedure. When filling out the application form, there is a list of academic information that must be submitted, which is as follows:

  • SSLC/ Class 10 registration number
  • Year of passing SSLC/ Class 10
  • HSC/ Class 12 registration number
  • Year of passing HSC/ Class 12
  • Qualifying degree name
  • Specialization in the qualifying degree
  • Year of completing the qualifying degree

In order to continue with the TANCET 2023 registration process and go on to the next phase, candidates are required to click the “Next” button.

Candidates whose results on qualifying exams are still pending can also submit an application. Candidates are required to type “NA” in the area that asks for the “Year of Passing” of the degree.

Step 5: Filling in the Examination Details on the TANCET Application Form 

After the candidate has provided their academic information, they will be prompted to select their exam city from a list of TANCET exam centres. In addition, applicants are required to select the course name they wish to enroll in depending on their TANCET scores. After you have finished entering the exam details, you will be prompted to click the “Save & Continue” button.

Step 6: To upload the necessary documents into the TANCET application form

When applying for the TANCET, applicants are required to upload a variety of documents, including a photograph and a signature in addition to the application form itself. In order to avoid having the candidate’s application cancelled, the documents have to be uploaded in a particular format. The following is the procedure to be followed in order to upload the photograph and signature when filling out the TANCET form:

  • Pick the image file from the options on the system.
  • After the image preview has been displayed, you may select whether or not the image should be uploaded by clicking the “Upload” button.
  • Click the ‘Next’ button once the picture has been successfully uploaded.

Step 7: Verify the Information You Entered into the TANCET Application Form

Confirming every detail is the final step that needs to be taken after the candidates have finished all of the steps that were discussed before. Candidates have the opportunity to review all of the information that they have entered in the preceding phases, as well as a preview of the photographs that they have uploaded, at this step. Candidates are required to make changes to their information in the event that any of the details displayed on the screen are inconsistent. Because Anna University does not offer any opportunity for TANCET application form revision, it is essential to complete this step before submitting the application for final review.

Step 8: Payment of the TANCET Application Fee 

Candidates are required to submit an application fee that varies depending on their category once they have confirmed the information that was entered into the TANCET application form. Candidates who fall into a reserved category are eligible for a reduced application cost. The application fee is non-refundable after it has been submitted to Anna University. As a result, candidates are obligated to review all of the data carefully before paying the price.

Image requirements for the TANCET 2023 document upload (in brackets)

Applicants to the TANCET will be required to upload various papers during the application procedure. Specifications regarding the document upload can be found in the space below:

DocumentFormatDimensions in Pixels (Height x Width)Size
PhotographJPG300 x 20050 KB
SignatureJPG70 x 20011 KB
Community certificate for SC/ST (to be uploaded for fee concession)PDF

Application Fees for the TANCET 2023 Exam

The following table provides information regarding the TANCET registration fee, broken down by category:

CategoryTANCET Registration Fee (in INR)
SC /SCA /ST (Belonging to Tamil Nadu)400

TANCET application fees for applicants applying to more than one program: Candidates who wish to apply to more than one program must pay an additional fee of either INR 800 or INR 400, depending on their category.

NOTE: The application price for the TANCET is based on the exam session from the year before and is likely to remain the same. This information can be found in the tables above.

Correction made to the TANCET 2023 Application Form

In the event that a candidate makes an error when filling out the application form, they have the opportunity to rectify it before the application deadline. The authority in charge of the examination will not make available a separate window via which applicants can make corrections to their TANCET 2023 applications. Candidates are strongly encouraged to carefully fill in the details, as there will be no opportunity to make any changes to the information once the application has been submitted in its final form.

The TANCET Registration Throughout the Years

The following table presents the trend in TANCET registration throughout the course of the past nine years (2013-21):

YearNumber of TANCET Registrations

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Frequently Asked Questions About TANCET 2023 Application Form

Q. Can I register for many programs?

Ans. Candidates are permitted to submit an application for admission to more than one program using the TANCET. Candidates who choose to enroll in more than one class, on the other hand, are required to pay an additional application fee that is proportional to the number of classes they wish to take.

Q. Can I submit my TANCET application using paper forms instead of the online system?

Ans. No. The TANCET registration is only available in an online format for candidates to use. The submission of application forms through other channels is not supported by Anna University.

Q. Can a candidate who lives in a state other than Tamil Nadu apply for the TANCET 2023 exam?

Ans. The application form for the TANCET examination can be submitted by candidates who are located in states other than Tamil Nadu. However, they must satisfy the eligibility requirements established by the TANCET participating colleges and universities in order to take the exam.

Q. Can a candidate who earned their high school diploma through correspondence or other forms of distance learning submit an application for TANCET 2023?

Ans. No. Candidates for the TANCET 2023 exam must have previously finished a bachelor’s degree program while attending school full-time in order to be eligible.

Q. Can I still get a discount on the application price even though I don’t fall into the SC, ST, or SCA categories?

Ans. No. Concessions on the application fee are available to candidates who identify as belonging to the SC, SCA, or ST categories. The application cost of 400 Indian Rupees (INR) must be paid by candidates from reserved categories who are residents of Tamil Nadu. For candidates in this category, submitting the community certificate is required in order to take advantage of the reduced application price.

Q. What is the maximum age that candidates can be to take the TANCET 2023 exam?

Ans. A candidate’s age does not have to fall within a certain range in order for them to be eligible to take the TANCET exam. Candidates who do not meet any of the other qualifying requirements, on the other hand, will not be permitted to take part in the examination.

Q. Do I need to complete a second registration form in order to take the TANCET 2023 counselling session?

Ans. The application form for the TANCET exam and the registration form for counselling are two independent documents that need to be filled out. Only candidates who are successful in the examination will be allowed to complete the TANCET counselling registration.

Q. If I am unable to take the TANCET exam, will Anna University be able to reimburse me for the application fee?

Ans. Unfortunately, the TANCET 2023 application fee is not refundable under any circumstances. Before making the payment for the TANCET registration fee, therefore, applicants are required to double-check both the exam dates and the qualifying requirements.

Q. Can I make changes to the TANCET 2023 application form after I’ve already submitted it?

Ans. Unfortunately, Anna University does not offer any type of facility for the revision of application forms. Therefore, applicants are required to double-check all of the information contained in the TANCET application form before submitting it.

Q. When is the final day to submit an application for the TANCET 2023?

Ans. The dates for the TANCET 2023 exam have not been made public by Anna University as of yet. Applicants should anticipate that the application window will close in the month of January.

Q. During the TANCET application procedure, what is the recommended size for the digital photograph that applicants are required to upload?

Ans. While submitting their applications for the TANCET, candidates are required to attach a photo of themselves and their signatures. The maximum size of the photograph that can be submitted is 51 millimeters on each side.

Q. During the process of getting into TANCET, if I want to take advantage of the reservation benefits, do I have to upload a copy of my caste certificate?

Ans. Candidates who are interested in receiving reservation benefits under their category are required to upload the caste certificate while they are submitting the application form.

Q. When will the registration process for the TANCET 2023 begin?

Ans. The beginning date for registration to take place for TANCET 2023 will be announced soon by Anna University. Candidates can anticipate that the online application form will be made available somewhere during the month of December.


TANCET Application Form 2023: Registration, Fee

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