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TANCET 2023: Application Form (Soon), Exam Dates (Soon)

TANCET 2023: Overview The TANCET 2023 examination scheduled to take place at Anna University has been delayed. Earlier, the university made the decision to hold the TANCET exam on the 25th and 26th of February. The most recent updates to the website for the TANCET exam ( contain a banner that states the TANCET exam […]

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TANCET 2023: Overview

The TANCET 2023 examination scheduled to take place at Anna University has been delayed. Earlier, the university made the decision to hold the TANCET exam on the 25th and 26th of February. The most recent updates to the website for the TANCET exam ( contain a banner that states the TANCET exam dates will be revealed in the very near future. The information on the examination, such as the information bulletin, event schedule, eligibility criteria, and so on, will be made public by Anna University very soon. In addition to this, the window for online registration for the TANCET 2023 will open at Anna University. It is expected that the application form for the TANCET 2023 would be made available to candidates fifty days before the exam date. Applicants for the TANCET MBA exam must hold a bachelor’s degree in order to proceed with the application process.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) both acknowledge Anna University, and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has awarded the university with an “A” grade. According to the NIRF’s rankings in the year 2020, the University of was ranked number 14 for Engineering. The university first opened its doors in 1978 and now provides more than 50 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs through its eight faculties as well as more than 100 degree and certificate programs through its 500 affiliated colleges. In addition to this, it provides courses that can be taken through distance learning through its Centre for Distance Education. The University’s reputation has grown over the years thanks to the success of its programs in the fields of engineering, science, and management. In addition to this, it has established partnerships with 37 institutions located in other countries so that it can offer its students to participate in international student exchange programs. On the campus of the university, the classes can be found listed under any of the eight faculties and more than 30 departments. On the grounds of the university are more than 20 research centres that students can use to do research in a variety of fields, including technology, science, management, and education, among others.

People Also Asked

Q. What is the mode of administration for the TANCET 2023 exam?

Ans. The TANCET 2023 examination will be carried out in the offline format, also known as the paper-and-pencil method. On the OMR sheet, the candidates need to circle the choice that corresponds to the correct response.

Q. Who is in charge of administering the TANCET test?

Ans. On behalf of the government of Tamil Nadu, Anna University is in charge of administering the TANCET exam for postgraduate professional programs.

Q. When will Anna University make the application form for the TANCET 2023 available to the public?

Ans. It is anticipated that Anna University will soon allow the opening of the registration window for TANCET 2023. Soon, the TANCET 2023 comprehensive timetable will be made available to the public.

Q. Is it possible to receive a failing grade for the TANCET exam?

Ans. The TANCET has a marking structure that includes negative points. Each incorrect response results in a loss of one-third of one point from the total score.

Q. What percentage of available seats are determined by a student’s TANCET score?

Ans. Anna University is responsible for organizing the TANCET exam, which is used to fill the approximately 18,000 available spots in MBA programs at the best business schools in Tamil Nadu.

What exactly does TANCET stand for?

The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test, sometimes known as TANCET for its shorter form, is a test that is given to prospective postgraduate students by colleges in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Exams for admission to many postgraduate programs, such as MTech, MArch, MPlan, and ME, as well as MCA, and MBA are coordinated by Anna University and given at the state level. TANCET scores are accepted for entry into more than 200 different colleges and universities throughout the state of Tamil Nadu. More than 40,000 prospective MBA students take the TANCET exam each year in an effort to win one of the more than 15,000 available spots at one of Tamil Nadu’s many educational institutions. The TANCET is taken offline and consists of one hundred questions of an objective type that must be answered within two hours. TANCET counselling for MBA admission is managed by DTE, Chennai, and is open to candidates who meet the requirements.

Exam Highlights for the TANCET 2023

The following table provides a summary of the most important aspects of the TANCET 2023 examination:

Exam nameTANCET
TANCET full formTamil Nadu Common Entrance Test
Conducting BodyAnna University
Exam LevelState-level
Exam frequencyOnce a year
Exam modeOffline
Exam duration2 hours
Exam sections (MBA)Business Analysis, Quantitative Aptitude, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability, Data Sufficiency and General English
Number and type of questions100 questions in MCQ format
Exam mediumEnglish
Exam fees (hiked)– INR 800 for unreserved categories- INR 400 for reserved categories (belonging to Tamil Nadu)
Exam purposeAdmission into SRMIST, HICAS, PSG Institute and- 200+ MBA colleges in Tamil Nadu- 250+ MCA colleges in Tamil Nadu- 340+ MTech colleges in Tamil Nadu
Course offeredMBA, MCA, MTech, MArch, ME, MPlan
Number of test cities14
Seats availableMBA: Approx. 18,000MCA: Approx. 17,000Engineering: Approx. 20,000
Exam helpdesk number044-22358574/75/76
Exam website

Dates for the TANCET Exams in 2023

Exam dates for the TANCET 2023 can be found in the following table, which candidates can consult:

TANCET 2023 EventsTANCET 2023 DatesSalient Features
TANCET 2023 registration beginsAnytime Soon!Anna University commenced registrations in online mode at
Last date of the TANCET 2023 registrationto be notifiedCandidates who register before the deadline are eligible to appear for the exam
Issue of TANCET 2023 hall ticketto be notifiedAdmit card will be released online and acts as identity proof on the exam day
TANCET 2023 exam date for MCA, ME/MTech/MArch/MPlan courses25-Feb-2023The exam will be held in a two-hour slot 
TANCET 2023 exam date for MBA courses26-Feb-2023The exam will be held in a two-hour slot
Declaration of TANCET 2023 resultto be notifiedThe result will be declared on the official website
Commencement of the TANCET scorecard download processto be notifiedCandidates will be able to download the TANCET scorecard by visiting the official website.
Last date to download TANCET 2023 scorecardto be notifiedCandidates will be able to download the TANCET scorecard within a stipulated deadline
TANCET 2023 counselling application beginsto be notifiedDTE will hold counselling for MBA and MCA courses 

TANCET 2023 Eligibility Conditions 

Eligibility Requirements for the TANCET 2023 MBA Exam

An applicant is considered eligible if they have a Bachelor’s degree with an aggregate grade point average of at least 50% (or 45% for reserved categories).

If a candidate has completed their schooling according to any of the following formats, they are entitled to apply:

  • 10 + 2 + 3 / 4 /5 years pattern
  • 10 + 3 years diploma + 3 years pattern
  • 10 + 2 + B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch. / B.Pharm.
  • 10 + 2 + AMIE
  • 10 + 3 years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE

TANCET 2023 MCA: Eligibility Criteria

Candidates are required to hold a bachelor’s degree in either BCA or B.Sc (IT/ CSE/ equivalent) with at least three years of relevant work experience. Or, candidates who have studied mathematics either at the 10+2 level or at the graduation level are also qualified for the position, provided that they hold a bachelor’s degree that is at least three years long and is not one of those discussed here. Candidates are required to have achieved an aggregate score of at least fifty percent or higher on the relevant examination (45 percent for reserved category candidates).

Candidates are considered qualified if they have graduated from an accredited institution in accordance with one of the following formats:

  • 10 + 2 + 3 / 4 / 5 years pattern
  • 10 + 3 years diploma + 3 years Pattern
  • 10 + 2 + AMIE
  • 10 + 3 years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE

Eligibility Criteria for the TANCET 2023 ME/M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan Degree Programs

Candidates are required to have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a grade of at least 50%. (45 percent for reserved category candidates).

Only those applicants who have finished their bachelor’s degrees with one of the following degrees are allowed to apply:

  • B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch. Degree Programmes
  • B.Pharm
  • 10 + 2 + AMIE
  • 10 + 3-year diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE
  • Candidates who have completed a Master’s degree program in the relevant branch of Science / Arts are also eligible.

Application form for TANCET 2023

The online TANCET application form can be found on the Anna University website. Candidates have till the designated cutoff time to finish the TANCET registration process. The enumerated procedures for completing the TANCET 2023 application form are provided in the following space:

1st Step: Registration

2nd Step: Login

3rd Step: Payment of application fee

4th Step: Filling personal details

5th Step: Filling educational details

6th Step: Choosing exam city preference

7th Step: Upload of document

Admit Card for the TANCET 2023

Candidates who submit a completed TANCET application form are given an admission card that allows them to participate in the examination. On the day of the exam, you are required to bring any documents, including your Anna University TANCET admit card. You will be able to acquire your TANCET admit card 2023 from the official test website, which is located at Access to the hall ticket cannot be gained by any other means. The TANCET admit card contains essential information pertaining to the examination as well as the test taker, as well as recommendations for the TANCET exam day. In the event that a candidate does not bring a printed copy of their TANCET admit card to the testing location, they will be denied access.

The actions that need to be taken in order to download the admit card for TANCET 2023 are outlined in the following space:

  • Go to the website for the TANCET examination.
  • To download your TANCET hall ticket, select the appropriate tab.
  • Please enter your email address and password.
  • Provide the answer to the captcha.
  • To log in, select the “Login” option.

Exam Centers

Exam Centers In the year 2023, the TANCET will be administered by Anna University, which will also serve as the conducting body. It is anticipated that the notification of the exam will be distributed within the first week of the month of January. The notification will include all of the necessary information, such as the exam dates and schedule, the exam pattern, and the curriculum, among other things. The TANCET examination centres can be found in a variety of cities and towns around the state of Tamil Nadu. The entrance examination will be held in 15 different cities across the state of Tamil Nadu, as was the case in the previous year. The number of test locations or cities may expand for the TANCET 2023, but this will be up to the discretion of the people in charge of the exam. During the process of filling out the TANCET application form, candidates will be prompted to select their chosen examination location. Although the authorities will make every effort to assign the candidate’s TANCET 2023 test centre in the city of their choice, in the event that there are no available seats at the test centres in the candidate’s preferred city, the authorities reserve the right to relocate the candidate’s TANCET 2023 exam centre to another city. 

Exam Pattern for the TANCET in 2023

The TANCET MBA question paper consists of one hundred multiple-choice questions, each of which, if answered properly, can earn a candidate a maximum of one mark. On the other hand, one-third of a point will be deducted for each wrong response. The following is the format of the TANCET MBA examination:

TANCET Test Structure ElementsDetails
Duration of test2 hours
Examination modeOffline
Number of sectionsFive (5) sections, namely,- Business Situations- Quantitative Ability- Reading Comprehension- Data Sufficiency- English Usage
Total marks100
Marks assigned to each section20
Negative marks-1/3 marks for each incorrect response
Exam mediumEnglish, and Tamil


Candidates are responsible for ensuring that their preparations are in line with the TANCET 2023 syllabus. The TANCET MBA syllabus is something that Anna University comes up with. The TANCET 2023 curriculum calls for a total of five sections to be covered during the examination. The following table provides a condensed summary of the TANCET MBA curriculum:

Quantitative AptitudeSimple & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Time Speed & Distance, Time & Work, Mixtures & Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Logarithms, Series and Progressions
Data InterpretationQuestions from DI are based on Number Systems,  Algebra, Arithmetic Topics, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, and Tables
Reading ComprehensionQuestions based on Reading Comprehension, one-word substitution, Synonyms antonyms, Vocabulary
General EnglishFill in the blanks, Grammar, Sentence Corrections, Idioms, Cloze Test, sentence arrangement, spotting errors
Business Situations AnalysisSyllogisms and Puzzles, Decision Making, Blood Relations, Binary Logic, Coding-Decoding, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Sequence & Series


The results of the TANCET 2023 were made available to the public online by Anna University. Visit the test portal that is accessible on the official website of TANCET Anna University, which is located at, in order to view your TANCET 2023 results. Candidates can check their TANCET results by entering their email ID and password into the appropriate fields. The scorecard for the TANCET 2023 will include details such as the sectional score, overall score, qualifying status, and basic information about the person who took the test. Candidates who have met the requirements outlined in the TANCET 2023 results can be considered for participation in the TANCET counselling procedure.


Candidates who score well enough on the TANCET will be invited to take part in the counselling procedure. TANCET counselling acts as a link between the students who have qualified and the colleges that are participating. The Department of Teacher Education (DTE) publishes a rank list that includes the names of candidates who are qualified to take part in the TANCET seat allotment round. After confirming that the following certifications have been met, the ranking list will be made public:


The date for the TANCET 2023 exam has been set for September 26. The entrance examination is required for students who wish to enroll in the Master of Engineering, Master of Technology, Master of Planning, Master of Architecture, Master of Business Administration, or Master of Computer Application degree programs that are provided by a variety of colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu. To get a good grade on the test, students need to begin their TANCET preparation using the most helpful books and other study tools that have been produced specifically for the TANCET.

Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, Business Situation Analysis, Reading Comprehension, and English Usage are the five parts that make up the TANCET MBA syllabus.

The Questions from the Previous Year

Soon after the TANCET 2023 exam, the question papers may be made available for download by Anna University. However, during the course of the past many years, the university has never disclosed the TANCET exam question papers. The TANCET exam papers from previous years bring a notch of improvement to the whole preparation plan. No one who has studied for the test utilizing the question paper from the year before or TANCET sample papers can possibly be ignorant of the most important aspects of the test. The TANCET test preparation process cannot be considered complete without the completion of TANCET questions from previous years and practice exams. Candidates will benefit from this because it will assist them in becoming accustomed to the format of the TANCET exam, as well as the types of questions, marking scheme, and level of difficulty of the question paper. Candidates should do a self-evaluation of their performance after each trial in order to achieve higher results. This will assist them in determining the areas in which they excel and those in which they struggle.

Practice Exam

The level of accuracy with which a candidate tackles the TANCET question paper and mocks will be the determining factor in whether or not he passes the exam. Before taking the real TANCET test, all of the candidates who are currently preparing for the TANCET should have already worked through at least 20 to 25 practice questions first.

The candidate will have an easier time understanding the TANCET exam format and the marking method for each question thanks to it.

The total effectiveness of a candidate can be improved by working through TANCET sample papers.

Candidates learn how to achieve the correct mix between speed and precision by solving TANCET sample papers, which are available online.

Candidates will be able to learn tips and strategies for solving questions more quickly and accurately by practicing with TANCET sample papers and putting such strategies into practice.

Additionally, it will prepare the candidate to answer questions of varying categories with a reasonable amount of ease.

TANCET 2023 Answer Key

There is a possibility that Anna University will publish TANCET answer keys in 2023; nevertheless, based on the patterns seen in the prior years, the solution key for the TANCET exam is not published publicly. Unofficial answer keys for the TANCET 2023 exam are available for candidates to find. The unauthorized answer keys for the TANCET 2023 exam will be posted on a number of YouTube channels and made available by a few different coaching centres. Candidates will be able to evaluate their performance by referring to the solution keys provided for the TANCET 2023.

Analysis of the TANCET Paper

The analysis of the TANCET 2023 will be made public and uploaded as soon as possible after the exam. When compared to the patterns of the previous year, the format of the TANCET exam has not changed at all. The analysis of the TANCET exam will determine the difficulty level of each component, as well as any surprises that may be included in the test, and the projected cutoff score. Candidates have the option of consulting the exam analysis from the year before and preparing for the TANCET 2023 exam appropriately.

The TANCET 2021 was administered throughout the course of the 20th and 21st of March. Candidates who are interested in taking the TANCET in one of the next sessions are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the TANCET 2021 analysis. In the year 2021, the question paper for the MBA program was of an average level of difficulty. The TANCET analysis provides information regarding the MBA question paper by providing a section-by-section evaluation of the different types of questions asked, the difficulty level of the questions, and the number of good tries.

Advice for Getting Ready for the TANCET 2023 Exam

Every year, close to 40,000 students seek admission into institutions in Tamil Nadu by registering for the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET). Candidates need to have an outstanding preparation strategy in order to succeed on the examination and gain acceptance into an institution that is a TANCET participant.

The following is a list of some of the tried and true techniques for preparing for the TANCET that the top scorers in the past sessions followed:

Candidates are required to begin by having a thorough understanding of the examination format and the syllabus in order to avoid wasting time by studying additional topics that fall under a particular area.

After analyzing the course material and the format of the examination, create a study plan and adhere to it.

Perform a review of all of the material that was studied the day before or the week before in order to ensure that nothing is forgotten in the course of the preparation plans moving ahead.

While you are learning about each topic, jot down some brief notes.

A tried and true method for improving one’s score on the TANCET examination is to practice by solving sample papers, preparing to utilize question papers from the previous year’s exam, and taking practice exams.

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Frequently Asked Questions About TANCET 2023:

Q. Is it possible for a candidate who does not come from Tamil Nadu to gain admission through the TANCET 2023 exam?

Ans. Candidates from other states are also eligible for TANCET provided that they fulfill the eligibility conditions outlined by the participating universities and institutions for MBA admission. However, this eligibility is contingent upon the candidate’s home state.

Q. What is the validity of the TANCET score?

Ans. The TANCET score can only be used for one admissions cycle at a time. Only candidates who have a scorecard for the TANCET 2023 will be allowed to take part in the TANCET counselling session for 2023. Aspirants are required to take part in the TANCET 2024 examination in order to be considered for admission to the 2024-26 batch.

Q. Could my TANCET score be used to determine whether or not I get admitted to a distance learning program?

Ans. Yes, candidates’ TANCET scores will be considered when making admissions decisions for distance learning programs.

Q. What exactly is TANCA?

Ans. Tamil Nadu Common Admissions (TANCA) is what the acronym stands for. TANCA is required to be taken in order to be admitted to M.Tech/M.E. or M.Arch programs. It is the obligation of Anna University to publish the TANCA rank list, which is determined by the marks obtained in the GATE and TANCET examinations, in that order.

Q. Is there a minimum or maximum age requirement to take the TANCET?

Ans. No. There is no upper age limit for students admitted to Anna University based on their TANCET scores. Candidates, on the other hand, are required to fulfill not only the eligibility requirements outlined in the information bulletin but also the eligibility requirements outlined by the colleges that are taking part in the program.

Q. What is the application fee for TANCET 2023?

Ans. The examination application fee for the TANCET 2022 was increased to INR 800 for the unreserved categories and INR 400 for applicants from Tamil Nadu who belonged to the reserved (SC/SCA/ST) category. It is anticipated that the application fees for TANCET 2023 would not change.

Q. To be eligible to take the TANCET MBA exam, what are the bare minimum requirements that must be met?

Ans. A candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree with a minimum aggregate of 50 percent marks for open-category applicants or 45 percent marks for reserved-category candidates in order to be eligible to apply for the TANCET MBA exam.

Q. Does the TANCET examination last for a total of three hours?

Ans. The TANCET examination lasts for a total of four hours, including two breaks. During this two-hour time, candidates are free to respond to questions from any of the sections. The TANCET does not have a subsection time limit at any point.

Q. How many different colleges are a member of the TANCET counselling program?

Ans. TANCET scores are used by more than 242 colleges across the state of Tamil Nadu to determine admission to MBA programs. Included in this category are colleges that receive financial assistance from the government as well as those that generate their own revenue.

Q. What are the dates for the TANCET exams in 2023?

Ans. After the conclusion of the last examination period, Anna University announced the dates for the TANCET examination. On the other hand, the most recent updates to the official website indicate that the TANCET 2023 exam might be delayed. The TANCET 2023 examination was supposed to take place on February 25 and 26, according to the timetable that had been provided previously.

