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How to Prepare for TANCET 2023: Preparation Tips and Tricks

TANCET Preparation Exams for admission to postgraduate professional programs like MBA will be given by Anna University in the form of TANCET. The preparation for the TANCET must currently be in its preliminary level, as the test is scheduled to take place in February. There are about 40,000 applicants competing for more than 15,000 available […]

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TANCET Preparation

Exams for admission to postgraduate professional programs like MBA will be given by Anna University in the form of TANCET. The preparation for the TANCET must currently be in its preliminary level, as the test is scheduled to take place in February. There are about 40,000 applicants competing for more than 15,000 available MBA seats at TANCET member universities. Candidates who want to get into the school based on the TANCET exam need to have an excellent approach for preparing in order to compete with the other applicants. Candidates are required to begin their preparation for the TANCET around four to five months ahead to the scheduled exam date. Knowledge of exam information such as the syllabus and exam pattern, sufficient study resources such as previous year’s TANCET question papers, sample papers, etc., and effective time management are key components that should be incorporated into the preparation for the TANCET. TANCET 2023 preparation should begin as soon as feasible, aspirants are urged not to wait for Anna University to announce the exam information before beginning their studies for TANCET 2023.

TANCET Preparation 2023: An In-Depth Look at Each Section

Candidates need to be aware of the sectional distribution for each course before they can begin their preparations for the TANCET 2023. The arrangement of the TANCET exam’s sections according to the course is shown below:

The TANCET exam that is required for MBA admission consists of questions from five sections, with each subject having 20 questions. The following is a list of TANCET MBA sections:

  • Situations pertaining to business
  • Comprehension of the Reading Material
  • Quantitative Ability
  • Data Sufficiency
  • English Language Usage

The TANCET MCA test is broken up into four portions, each having a total of 25 questions. The following is a list of the sections that are included in the TANCET MCA exam:

  • Analytical Ability
  • Quantitative Ability
  • Using One’s Head to Make Sense
  • Understanding of Computers

The TANCET exam for all other courses consists of three components, and each section has a different weighting than the others. The following is a list of TANCET exam parts for the ME, M.Tech, M.Arch, and M.Plan degrees:

  • Mathematics Used in Engineering
  • Fundamentals of both Engineering and Science
  • Section dedicated specifically to the discipline

Advice for Taking the TANCET in 2023

Without proper preparation, the TANCET exam can be quite challenging to pass due to the enormous number of students who take it. To do well on the TANCET, all that is required is a positive attitude toward one’s academic pursuits and a strategic approach to one’s test preparation. Aspirants can find here a complete TANCET preparation schedule and a study guide for efficient learning:

Understanding TANCET Exam Pattern

Candidates are required to become familiar with the TANCET examination pattern prior to beginning their preparation for the TANCET. In this section, we have included an outline of the test formats for all of the programs that are covered by the TANCET.

Exam Pattern for the TANCET 2023 Exam for MBA

TANCET Exam PatternDetails
Duration of test2 hours
TANCET MBA sectionsFive (5), namely- Business Situations- Reading Comprehension- Quantitative Ability- Data Sufficiency- English Usage
Total marks100
Sectional weightage20
Negative marks-1/3
Exam mediumEnglish, Tamil

Exam Pattern for the TANCET 2023 Exam for MCA

TANCET MCA Exam PatternDetails
Duration of test2 hours
TANCET MCA sectionsFour (4), namely- Analytical Ability- Quantitative Ability- Logical Reasoning- Computer Awareness
Total marks100
Sectional weightage25
Negative marks– 1/3
Exam mediumEnglish

Exam Pattern for TANCET 2023 for M.Tech., M.E., M.Arch., and M.Plan

TANCET Exam Pattern FeaturesDetails
Duration of Test2 hours
TANCET exam sections for M.Tech/M.E./M.Arch/ M.Plan coursesThree (3), namely- Engineering Mathematics- Basic Engineering and Sciences- Discipline-specific section
Total marks115
Marks per section– Part I: 25 marks- Part II: 30 marks- Part III: 60 marks
Negative Marks-1/3
Exam mediumEnglish

A Familiarity with the TANCET Curriculum

This is the single most important thing you can do to prepare for the TANCET. The TANCET exam’s syllabus is going to be different for each subject because the portions are going to be different for each course. Candidates are responsible for reviewing the TANCET syllabus in its entirety, topic by topic and section by section. Candidates might discover significant issues that need additional attention. Candidates have no choice but to address these issues as soon in the process as they can.

Refresh Your Memory on the Basics

Given the amount of time that is still available before TANCET 2023, candidates need to have a fundamental understanding of the basic ideas, formulas, and shortcut approaches that may be used to answer or solve typical questions that will be on the exam. An aspiring individual should not overlook the significance of compiling a list of all the useful formulas and shortcuts. In addition to that, this is beneficial during the process of editing as well.

Put more emphasis on quality than quantity.

Candidates for the TANCET should not place an emphasis on the number of subjects they learn about during their preparation. The candidate ought to place the utmost importance on conducting qualitative research. Students who focus on the quantity rather than the quality of their preparation are more likely to forget some of the material they have studied in the past. The most effective strategy for moving forward is to take something new away from each study session. A candidate needs to devise a suitable study plan, the primary focus of which should be on the areas in which they feel they need to improve.

Establish a Regular Study Schedule

Candidates need to establish and maintain a regular study schedule in order to adequately prepare for the TANCET. Make a schedule for each day and try to find a happy medium between your studies and your free time. The strategy ought to be crafted in such a way that it incorporates time for reviewing, working through TANCET sample papers/question papers, practicing for other exams, and so on. In spite of the fact that students do not need any kind of coaching in order to prepare for TANCET, taking practice exams for a variety of MBA entrance exams will serve the same purpose as section-wise preparatory analyses.

Invest in the Very Best Learning Resources

Candidates should keep in mind that the best books for TANCET preparation should include all of the topics that are given in the syllabus. This is something they should keep in mind when selecting these books. In addition to that, the book’s language ought to be straightforward.

Maintain your own good health.

Aspirants for the TANCET should not minimize the significance of maintaining a healthy body during the preparation process. They should eat at least 8 glasses of water each day in addition to healthful food and drink. Candidates might also try activities like yoga and meditation in order to reduce their levels of stress. Candidates need to be aware of the fact that the pauses they take after each session of studying should be spent recharging their batteries in order to be ready for the next session of studying. In addition, they want to limit their time spent on social media while they are getting ready for the event.

10 Helpful Hints & Pointers for Getting Ready for the TANCET

Get your ideas and fundamentals straight.

The first thing you should do when studying for an exam is to make sure you understand the concepts. If you haven’t mastered the fundamentals, no amount of practice tests or memorization will help you when it comes to the real thing. Maintain the frequent practice of the formula, rules of grammar, and vocabulary. If you go back and review the fundamentals, it will be much simpler for you to find the answer to any query. Make it a point to review all of the material that will be covered on the test, as outlined in the TANCET curriculum.

Be aware of both your strengths and your flaws.

Participating in mock tests is highly recommended as it provides the best opportunity to evaluate both your strong and weak points. Finding out which parts of a section or topic are ones in which you excel and which are regions in which you struggle will be of great assistance to you. As a result, you will be able to design a plan for addressing the problematic regions after analyzing them.

Take simulated tests

You should try to complete as many practice exams as you can because they will help you prepare for the real thing. Additionally, make sure to evaluate your performance after each practice exam that you take. This will assist you in determining how well-prepared you are for the TANCET exam. In addition to performing practice examinations, it is essential to analyze the practice examinations in order to determine the areas that require improvement and the factors that led to incorrect answers. There are two primary reasons for this, the first being a lack of conceptual clarity, and the second being foolish blunders. In the event that the former is true, you will need to review the fundamentals. If the latter is the case, then the only solution is to get more practice.

Practice Question/Sample Papers

The Practice Papers and Sample Papers are the most helpful resources for TANCET preparation for the year 2020. Therefore, it is important to continuously work through the TANCET questions and sample papers because the topics and types of questions will be tested multiple times during the exam. You will benefit from having an accurate understanding of the TANCET exam’s level of difficulty.

Concentrate on enhancing both your speed and accuracy.

When it comes to performing well on the test, speed, and accuracy are two factors that are quite significant. First, put your attention into improving your level of accuracy, and then, with consistent practice, you will become an expert at answering questions quickly. Because the TANCET examination format does not have a system for deducting points for incorrect answers, you need to concentrate on your speed and attempt as many questions as you can, as doing so will increase the likelihood that you will achieve a higher score.

Time Management

Prepare a strategy for how you will divide your time when taking the exam amongst the various portions. The best strategy would be to carefully read through the question paper and then work on the problems that require the least amount of time. In the first round, you can choose to answer questions that are easier, and you can save the questions that are more difficult for later. In the second round, you should focus on solving moderate to difficult problems. Keep in mind that there is a negative marking system; for every erroneous response, you will lose a third of your points. As a result, the questions that you ask need to be chosen carefully.


The process of reviewing prior material is critical to success on the TANCET. Take a look at the theorems and the formula on a frequent basis. Make a note of the subjects that you have already studied up to this point. This will aid in simplifying and speeding up the process of reviewing the topics. You can get a better grasp on terminology and formulas by putting together flash notes and notebooks and keeping them close at hand. This will allow you to review the material without having to exert any additional effort.

Do not initiate brand-new discussions.

You should have finished the curriculum by now, and you should have evaluated both your strengths and your faults. You should avoid beginning work on subjects that you have not yet begun, even if you feel confident that you will be able to handle them or that they will be possible to score, while you are free to review and prepare for problem areas that you believe will be able to be scored. You should focus more on preparing the ones that they have learned up to this point.

A well-defined and transparent plan for the day of the exam

To succeed in the test, you are going to need a strategy that is well outlined. You need to have a clear strategy for how to attempt each segment, how to allot time to each question and other similar considerations. Maintaining adherence to the strategy is essential. Determine your approach to the real test based on the practice exams that yielded the highest scores. It is best, to begin with, the parts of the course in which you are most confident since this will give you a boost of self-assurance; after that, you may go on to the more challenging parts.

Be confident

Maintain a high level of self-assurance at all times. You will be able to learn more effectively and maintain your composure throughout the test if you believe in yourself and your talents. If you allow yourself to become anxious, your performance on the test will suffer as a result.

TANCET 2023: Hints for the Final Minute of Preparation

The tactics that candidates need to design in the final few days before the exam in order to fine-tune the learnings that they have received up until this point are referred to as “last-minute preparation recommendations.” At this stage, no new topics should be initiated, and a complete revision should be done for all of the sections and themes that have been created up to this point. This window of opportunity should also be used to get a comprehensive understanding of the directions for taking the TANCET 2023 examination and to design an exam-taking strategy that is congruent with these directives. The following are a few helpful hints regarding your last preparations that can assist you in calming your exam nerves and performing admirably on the next test:


This is the single most important thing you can do to prepare for the TANCET. In order to successfully complete mathematics problems in the exam, candidates should review all of the most important ideas, concepts, formulas, and shortcut tactics. Candidates can feel more prepared to answer questions if they review the material that has previously been discussed by the examination committee.

Always have a backup plan ready.

It is essential for a candidate to enter the testing room in the proper frame of mind in order to do well. A candidate who maintains their composure and approaches each question with a new perspective can improve their performance on an examination, even if the questions have a high difficulty level or the paper contains components that are unexpected.

Managing time

When it comes to competitive examinations, time management is essential. Candidates are strongly encouraged to develop an in-depth strategy in order to succeed in TANCET 2023. They ought to establish a time limit for each question that they will attempt throughout the examination and stick to it. It is strongly recommended to candidates that they overlook difficult and time-consuming questions in order to avoid receiving bad marks.

Always have your Admit Card on hand.

Candidates are advised to take a printout of their TANCET 2023 admission ticket and save it in a secure location along with a valid form of identification. The last-minute cramming for this will just take your attention away from the test, so be sure not to put it off till then.

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Frequently Asked Questions About TANCET 2023 Preparation

Q. How can we best study for the component on Aptitude and Reasoning that will be on the TANCET exam?

Ans. The segment on aptitude and reasoning is heavily based on concepts. Candidates are strongly encouraged to review the fundamentals of the subject matter and establish a practice routine in order to enhance both their speed and their accuracy.

Q. How can we make sure that we don’t forget any of the time-saving strategies that we picked up while we were getting ready?

Ans. The ability to score well on the TANCET’s logical ability component requires that you become proficient in shortcuts and speed calculation. Candidates have the option of compiling a list of shortcuts and checking it for accuracy every other day.

Q. How crucial is it to practice with mock exams before taking the TANCET?

Ans. Taking mock exams is a good way for an aspirant to gauge how well-prepared he is for the real thing. Candidates have the option of beginning with sectional examinations and then progressing to full-fledged mock tests later on in the process.

Q. In these final few days before the TANCET exam, how can I boost my chances of passing it?

Ans. Prospective employees should make it their goal to get the most out of each study session. In addition, if you want to improve your chances of doing well on the test, it is in your best interest to avoid typical distractions such as social media and telephones.

Q. In order to get started on preparing for the TANCET exam, what should the first step be?

Ans. Before anything else, candidates need to have an understanding of the TANCET pattern. If a candidate wishes to take the MTech or MCA exam, they need to get themselves ready in the appropriate manner.

Q. To adequately prepare for the TANCET, is it essential to enroll in coaching classes?

Ans. A student has complete autonomy over the manner in which they desire to prepare for the TANCET. Candidates have the option of preparing for the exam either online or by attending a tutoring institute.

Q. How can I ensure that I get the highest possible score on the TANCET exam?

Ans. A minimum of three months must be devoted to TANCET preparation on the part of candidates. The time allotted for preparation ought to be outcome-focused, during which you should assess the insights you gained from each individual study session.

Q. When we are studying for the test, how should we handle the mental exhaustion that always sets in?

Ans. To combat the fatigue issue, candidates can make sure to take many pauses, consume a lot of water, and even play their preferred sport during the breaks that are provided.

Q. How should we study for the Computer Awareness section of the TANCET MCA exam?

Ans. During the course of their preparation for the Computer Awareness test, candidates should compile a list of all of the significant acronyms and jargon that they encounter. They should continue to revise the complete list every other day.

Q. A common question asked during the TANCET is “how can I enhance my accuracy?”

Ans. Applicants need to continue to test their knowledge using mock exams and assess how well they did. Your accuracy on the test can be improved if you begin by concentrating on the areas in which you struggle the most.

Q. How should I go about preparing for the TANCET exam’s Analytical Reasoning section?

Ans. Prospective employees should acquire the ability to differentiate between the possible outcomes and the certain outcomes associated with a specific set of circumstances. This is something that can only be accomplished by a candidate who is so attentive that they do not overlook even the most minute of the specifics that are provided in the inquiry. Candidates must never make assumptions or use information that is not mentioned in the question.

Q. How can I improve my performance in the English portion of the exam?

Ans. The TANCET MBA exam has two portions devoted to the language of English. The first one tests the candidate’s ability to read comprehension passages and demonstrate their verbal abilities. The second section, General English, analyses the candidate’s command of English grammar. Candidates must make it a point to read books, periodicals, and newspapers on a regular basis in order to build a deeper comprehension of English Knowledge. They can also consult High School Grammar by Wren and Martin to build a solid foundation. This book is available to them.


How to Prepare for TANCET 2023: Preparation Tips and Tricks

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