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TANCET Exam Pattern 2023: Marking Scheme, Total Marks

TANCET Exam Pattern The test pattern has been released by Anna University, which is the conducting body for TANCET 2023. The TANCET pattern for the MBA programme is distinct from that of the MCA/ME/MTech/MPlan and MArch programmes. The dates for the TANCET 2023 are going to be the 25th and 26th of February. According to […]

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TANCET Exam Pattern

The test pattern has been released by Anna University, which is the conducting body for TANCET 2023. The TANCET pattern for the MBA programme is distinct from that of the MCA/ME/MTech/MPlan and MArch programmes. The dates for the TANCET 2023 are going to be the 25th and 26th of February. According to the patterns that have emerged in the past, it is anticipated that the TANCET MBA 2023 examination will follow the same format. The TANCET 2023 examination will be administered by Anna University in a pen-and-paper format, sometimes known as the offline method. Analysis of Business Situations, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage will be the five components that make up the question paper for the TANCET 2023 MBA test. This structure was determined by looking at previous exams. There will be twenty questions in each section. Within a time limit of two hours, contestants are required to provide answers to questions from each of the categories.

The TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 

TANCET Exam Pattern for MBA

Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, Business Analysis, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage are the five areas that make up the 100 questions that are on the test. This is in accordance with the TANCET Exam Pattern for MBA.

TANCET Exam Pattern for MCA

According to the TANCET test pattern 2023 for the MCA programme, there will be a total of one hundred questions, each of which will be broken down into one of four categories: quantitative, logical, analytical, and computer awareness.

TANCET Exam Pattern for ME/MTech/March/MPlan

The TANCET 2023 examination pattern for the M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch./M. Plan degrees will consist of 115 questions, which will be distributed as follows:

  • Part I: Mathematics Applied to Engineering (20 questions)
  • Part II: Fundamentals of Engineering and Science (35 questions)
  • Part III- For diverse disciplines (60 questions)

The TANCET 2023 exam will go for a total of two hours. Every question is a multiple-choice one, and you have four different answers to choose from for each one. According to the marking structure for the TANCET, you will receive one mark for every correct answer, but you will lose one-third of a mark for each incorrect answer.

TANCET Exam Pattern 2023: Key Points to Remember

For your convenience, the following list outlines the most important aspects of the TANCET Exam Pattern 2023:

Exam dates for the TANCET 2023 are as follows: 

  • February 26, 2023 for MBA
  • February 25, 2023 for MCA
  • February 26 for M.E./M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan.

There will be a total of 120 minutes for the exam.

The number of questions on the MBA and MCA exams is 100, whereas the M.E., M.Tech., M.Arch., and M.Plan exams each have 115 questions.

Total Points on the Exam: 100

The paper will be written in English.

The number of possible responses is 4. (MCQ)

There are two modes of examination: offline and pen-and-paper.

TANCET One point will be awarded for each correct response, and one-third of a mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

Exam Pattern 2023 for TANCET Exam, Required for MBA

The TANCET exam pattern for MBA programmes in 2023 will have five portions that will each evaluate candidates based on a different set of competencies. These skills are as follows:

  • The ability of the candidate to recognise data and use that data to inform business decisions based on supplied examples of common business circumstances.
  • The capability of candidates to respond intelligently to questions depends on the passages provided.
  • Mathematical skills acquired by the candidate at the graduate level, plus two, or another level of similar difficulty.
  • Exam to determine whether or not the data provided are sufficient to answer certain questions based on those data.
  • The ability to write in English and answer questions that focus on correct language, grammar, and punctuation, among other topics.

Detailed descriptions of each section of the TANCET MBA Question Paper Pattern 2023 may be found below:

SubjectNo. of Questions
Business Situation Analysis20
Data Sufficiency20
Reading Comprehension20
Quantitative Ability20
English Usage20
Total Number of Questions100

MCA TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 for the Year of Completion

In this paper, an evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications for entry into the MCA programme is carried out.

Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and General Computer Awareness are the four major components that make up the TANCET 2023 Exam Pattern for MCA programmes.

Only questions with multiple-choice responses can count toward the maximum possible score of 100 points.

There is a remote possibility that there will be questions pertaining to English and Fundamental Sciences, but this is unlikely.

The following table provides sectional breakdown information for the TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 MCA paper:

SubjectNo. of Questions
Quantitative Ability25
Analytical Reasoning25
Logical Reasoning25
Computer Awareness25
Total Number of Questions100

For M.Tech/M.E/M.Arch./M.Plan Students, the TANCET Exam Pattern 2023

The candidate’s performance on the TANCET 2023 test pattern for M.Tech or M.Arch and other technical programmes is used to determine whether or not they are qualified for admission to the state colleges in Tamil Nadu. There are three distinct sections to the Question Paper.

The candidates are required to complete Part I and Part II, however, they get to choose the topic for Part III when they register. Part I and Part II are both available online.

The candidate decides what they want to study in Part III based on the path they wish to take.

The TANCET test pattern 2023 for candidates is outlined in the following table, which can be found below:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
Engineering Mathematics2020
Basic Engineering and Sciences3520
Part III (as per specialization)6060
Total Number of Questions115100

TANCET 2023 Marking Scheme

The exams given at the state level cover a variety of topics, each of which is covered by a unique paper; nevertheless, the marking scheme used is consistent across all examinations. Let’s have a look at the rubric for this exam to see how points are distributed:

The question paper for TANCET 2023 will be graded out of a possible 100 points.

Each question carries 1 mark.

Candidates lose one-third of their total score for each incorrect response.

If a student in TANCET 2023 selects more than one answer option for a single question, that answer will be counted as incorrect and the student will receive a negative marking.

When checking the OMR, questions that have been left unanswered are disregarded. For questions of this nature, neither points nor deductions are awarded or deducted.

Things That Are Crucial to Keep in Mind Regarding the TANCET 2023

Spend some time thinking about it, and select the response that best fits the question.

If you shade in two different boxes for the same question, you will receive a negative mark.

When the information is going to be scanned and uploaded by the computer, you need to make sure that the box is shaded correctly.

Answer Sheets for the TANCET that have been tinted using a pencil or any other ballpoint pen beside a black pen will not be considered.

Be sure to keep your OMR sheet clean, as even the tiniest mark on the sheet could lead to an incorrect evaluation of the TANCET Paper.

Each question paper will have a unique serial number. On the response sheet, the contestants are required to put the serial number in the proper box and then shade it in.

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Frequently Asked Questions About TANCET 2023 Exam Pattern

Q. English is not one of my strong points. Can I take the TANCET 2023 exam in the language that I grew up speaking?

Ans. No, the TANCET in 2023 will be administered by the university solely in the English language.

Q. In the TANCET 2023, what is the proper way to use the OMR sheet?

Ans. The student should not cut the OMR sheet that is used for the TANCET 2023 or draw lines on it because doing so will result in the paper being cancelled. It is recommended that the candidate first mark their answers with a pencil, and then during the last hour, they should fill in any blanks with a pen.

Q. Is there any possibility of receiving a failing grade on the TANCET 2023?

Ans. An incorrect answer will result in a loss of one-third of the total marks on a candidate’s paper since the marking scheme that has been established by Anna University for the candidates to follow has been defined accordingly.

Q. Will there be any modifications made to the TANCET examination format in 2023?

Ans. It is quite unlikely that the TANCET 2023 examination schedule would be altered in any way. Nevertheless, the notification will be used to communicate any alterations to the pattern that takes place.

Q. The TANCET examination will consist of a total of how many questions?

Ans. The examination for the MBA and MCA will have a total of 100 questions, while the examination for the ME/MTech/MArch/MPlan will have 115 questions.

Q. What kinds of questions are on each part of the TANCET exam?

Ans. The TANCET exam for MBA candidates will consist of five portions, which are as follows: Business Situations, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage. The exam paper for the other programmes will be broken up into three sections: engineering mathematics, basic engineering and sciences, and the particular field of study.

Q. Does the TANCET exam include any form of penalization for incorrect answers?

Ans. Answering a question incorrectly on the TANCET exam will result in a loss of one-third of the available points for that question.

Q. What will happen if a candidate chooses more than one answer option to satisfy the question?

Ans. If a candidate fills in more than one circle on the OMR sheet, it will be classified as a bad answer, and the candidate will lose one-third of the mark that was allowed to them, even if one of the answer alternatives that they selected was accurate.

Q. Will the TANCET examination last for a total of three hours?

Ans. The TANCET examination will be a pen-and-paper test that will last for two hours.

Q. When taking the TANCET MBA exam, what is the relative importance of each section?

Ans. There will be a total of five sections on the TANCET MBA question paper. There will be a total of 20 marks assigned to each part.

Q. If a student chooses not to attempt a question, will they receive a lower grade?

Ans. If a candidate does not make an attempt to answer a question, they will not lose any points.

Q. To what extent does each portion of the TANCET MCA exam count toward the total score?

Ans. The TANCET MCA exam paper will be divided into four parts, namely Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Computer Awareness, with each part carrying a weightage of 25 points.

Q. Do the questions on the TANCET test follow the objective question type format?

Ans. The TANCET question paper will, in fact, be put up in the multiple-choice question format. The candidates will be given four different answers from which to choose the correct one.

Q. What is the relative importance of each section on the TANCET test for the ME/MTech/MArch/MPlan degrees?

Ans. The TANCET question paper for the ME/MTech/MArch/MPlan exams consists of three sections: engineering mathematics (part I), basic engineering and sciences (part I), and discipline-specific questions. While the first and second parts each have a sectional weightage of 20 marks and the second part has a weightage of 35 marks, the third part has a weightage of 60 marks.

Q. When taking the TANCET exam, how many different answers will you be allowed to choose from for each question?

Ans. The TANCET 2023 will present candidates with a total of four different response choices for each question.

Q. When compared to other standardised tests, how challenging are the TANCET exams?

Ans. The TANCET question papers typically range from easy to intermediate in terms of the difficulty level.


TANCET Exam Pattern 2023: Marking Scheme, Total Marks

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