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MAT Admit Card 2023: PBT on 15th Feb, CBT 1 on 24th Feb & CBT 2 on 2nd March

MAT Admit Card 2023 The PBT admit card will be sent out on February 15, 2023. The CBT-1 admit card will come out on February 24, 2023, and the CBT-2 admit card will come out on March 2, 2023. The test will take place on February 19, 2023 (for PBT), February 26, 2023 (for CBT […]

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MAT Exam, Management Aptitude Test, AIMA

MAT Admit Card 2023

The PBT admit card will be sent out on February 15, 2023. The CBT-1 admit card will come out on February 24, 2023, and the CBT-2 admit card will come out on March 2, 2023. The test will take place on February 19, 2023 (for PBT), February 26, 2023 (for CBT 1), and March 4, 2023. (for CBT 2).

MAT PBT & CBT Mode Admit Card Dates for February 2023 Session

MAT Test ModesMAT 2023 Exam DateMAT 2023 Admit Card Release Date
MAT 2023 PBT ModeFebruary 21, 2023February 15, 2023
MAT 2023 CBT Mode 1February 26, 2023February 24, 2023
MBT 2023 CBT Mode 2March 4, 2023March 2, 2023

MAT IBT Mode Admit Card dates for February 2023 Session

IBT Test DateSlotsIssue of Admit Card
Feb 11, 202310.00 am to 12.30 pm
4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Feb 9, 2023
Feb 12, 202310.00 am to 12.30 pm
4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Feb 10, 2023
Feb 18, 202310.00 am to 12.30 pm
4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Feb 16, 2023
Feb 19, 202310.00 am to 12.30 pm
4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Feb 17, 2023
Feb 25, 202310.00 am to 12.30 pm
4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Feb 23, 2023

How to Get a MAT Admit Card?

Students can get their MAT admit cards by following these easy steps:

  • Click on the link to the official site.
  • The screen will show a new page.
  • Candidates must fill in information like their email address, password, and date of birth.
  • Click the “Login” button after you’ve filled out the form.
  • On the screen, the ticket will be shown.
  • Candidates are asked to print out their admit cards so they can use them later.

Details Mentioned in the Admit Card

The admit card for the MAT exam contains the following details:

  • Student’s Name
  • Roll Number
  • Form Number
  • Exam Date
  • Exam Time
  • Address of Exam Centre
  • Exam Centre Code
  • Candidate’s Photograph
  • Candidate’s Signature
  • Other important instructions for the MAT exam

MAT Admit card for IBTs

Even though candidates taking an IBT test don’t have to go to a testing center, they still get an admit card. So, why is it important to have an admit card for the MAT IBT? 

  • The MAT admits card for IBT is needed to find out who is taking the test. Before the test starts, the candidate’s face and admit card are scanned by an AI system.
  • It is important to make sure that a candidate shows up for the exam at the time he or she chose.
  • It is important to make sure that no candidate takes more than one IBT.
  • The organization in charge of the test needs to keep track of who takes it (application number and other signs of unique identification).
  • The MAT IBT admit card is also needed because it shows that you signed up for the exam and showed up.

Documents to Carry on MAT Exam Day

Candidates must carry to the MAT test center, any one of the identity proofs (in original) mentioned below:

  • Passport
  • Aadhar card
  • Voter ID
  • Driving License
  • PAN Card

Applicants in the “reserved category” must bring the original copy of their caste certificate. If you changed your name after you filled out the MAT application form, you should bring proof of the change. If a candidate with a physical disability wants to use a scribe, they must have a medical certificate and a scribe certificate.

How to Fix Mistakes on MAT Admit card?

If there is a mistake on the MAT admit card, candidates can contact the exam staff to have it fixed at the following phone number and email address:

Phone: 011-47673000 


Problems with Downloading the 2023 MAT Admit Card

People trying to get their MAT 2023 admit card may have trouble doing so for three main reasons. Here are the problems and how to fix them:

Slow internet speed Check your internet speed and if slow, switch to a faster network
Forgot login passwordRecover password/create a new password by clicking on the ‘Forgot Password tab in the login window
Error on MAT website due to heavy traffic Reload or visit the website again after some time

Instructions for the MAT Exam Day

On the MAT Admit Card, there are some rules that the candidate needs to follow. It’s important to read the admit card because it might have important rules on it. Even more so because of the pandemic, which means there will be more instructions that candidates need to know. 

Here are some important rules for the day of the MAT exam:

  • MAT Admit Card must not be damaged or changed in any way. If your admit card has been changed, cut up, or isn’t valid, your application will be canceled.
  • Candidates can’t change any of the information on the form. Before the day of the exam, talk to the right people if you need to change any of the information on the admit card.
  • Don’t bring to the exam center any items that aren’t allowed, like phones, cameras, Bluetooth devices, watches, or any other paper that isn’t you admit card.
  • Bring at least two copies of your MAT Hall Ticket and a valid ID to the exam hall.
  • Get to the test center at the time listed on your admission ticket.
  • At the exam center, follow all of the COVID-19 rules:
  • Have hand sanitizer on you.
  • Wear a mask during the whole test.
  • Follow the rules and work with the staff.
  • Bring a bottle of water.
  • Maintain social distancing.

MAT Exam: Rules to Follow for COVID-19

The CBT and PBT parts of the MAT will be given at test centers. As part of the COVID-19 advisory for MAT candidates, AIMA put out the following rules. At the MAT test center, each test taker must follow the rules listed below. If you don’t follow the rules, you could be kicked out.

  • The applicant must bring two copies of the MAT 2023 admit card and a signed Self-Declaration (Undertaking) to the test center.
  • At the time of entry, the candidate’s MAT admits card, self-declaration, and body temperature will be checked (using Thermo Guns). After scanning the bar code on the MAT admit card, the test center staff will show candidates to their rooms.
  • At the MAT test center, candidates must keep a certain distance from each other, just as the government recommends.
  • Candidates can’t bring phones, earphones/hands-free devices, calculators, jewelry, watches, or any other electronic device.
  • If a candidate is sick or has signs of sickness, like a fever, cough, cold, headache, etc., they should not go to the test centre to take the exam.
  • Candidates must arrive at their MAT exam centre by the time listed on their admit cards to avoid crowding at the centre when they enter and to keep their social distance.
  • Before going into the test centre, candidates must put on a mask that covers their nose and mouth and keep it on until they leave the test centre.
  • If a candidate has a scribe, both the candidate and the scribe must bring their own mask.
  • Candidates will only be allowed to bring in the following items to the test centre:
  • MAT Admit Card, original ID card, etc.) that are related to the test.
  • A simple transparent Ball Point Pen (Blue/ Black)
  • Sanitizer for your own hands (50 ml)
  • Clear water bottle for yourself
  • Before entering the test centre, candidates will have to clean their hands with hand sanitizer. They will also have to do this as needed during the test.
  • When taking MAT CBT and PBT in 2023, candidates are told to take all the necessary precautions to avoid getting COVID-19 or spreading it.

Read more

Frequently Asked Questions About MAT Admit Card 2023

Q. What items can’t be brought into the MAT Exam Center?

Ans. There are some things that you can’t bring into the test center, like cell phones, bags, water bottles, papers, notes, books, calculators, electronic devices, correction pens, white fluid, etc. There are no plans for keeping these at the test center. If something is lost, neither the test center nor AIMA will pay for it.

Q. What do I need to bring to the test center with my MAT 2023 Admit Card?

Ans. Candidates must bring their MAT to admit card and a valid photo ID with them to the test center. For photo ID, candidates can bring an original and a copy of any of the following: a driving license, PAN card, passport, Aadhar card, college ID, or employer ID.

Q. On the day of my MAT test, can I bring a Xerox copy of my photo ID?

Ans. The original photo ID proof must be brought along with a xerox copy. At the MAT test center, only a Xerox or scanned copy will be accepted.

Q. For the IBT mode of the MAT, are admit cards given out?

Ans. Yes, AIMA gives out MAT Admit Cards for exams that are taken online. The admit cards for both are sent out about two to three days before the exams. The dates for the MAT 2023 February session IBT exams and when the admit cards will be available have been made public.

Q. Can I change where I take the MAT?

Ans. No. During MAT Registration, you should be very careful about where you choose to take the MAT test. Only the test center listed on the MAT Admit Card can be used to take the test. No matter what, the request to change the MAT test center will not be accepted.

Q. After I download my MAT Hall Ticket, what details should I check?

Ans. Every applicant must double-check all the information on their MAT Admit Card. If there are any differences, they must be fixed right away by telling the right authority. The AIMA MAT Admit Card must be printed out at least twice.

Q. Can I hire a Scribe to do something for me?

Ans. Yes, a Scribe is a service that can be used. If a candidate wants to use a scribe, they need to submit the scribe affidavit. They should also bring a photo ID with them to the test center.

Q. I’ve misplaced my MAT Admit Card. What do I need to do?

Ans. If for some reason you lose your MAT Admit Card, don’t worry about it. You can go back to the MAT website and download and print another copy of your admit card. You can log in to your candidate’s profile until the day of the exam and download and print your admit card.


MAT Admit Card 2023: PBT on 15th Feb, CBT 1 on 24th Feb & CBT 2 on 2nd March

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