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ATMA Paper Analysis 2023: Check Detailed ATMA Exam Analysis

The ATMA 2022 exam was administered via a center-based online exam on May 29, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The examination for the February session was given in a computer-based format on February 27, 2022, and it lasted for a total of three hours over the entirety of the country.

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ATMA Paper Analysis

The ATMA 2022 exam was administered via a center-based online exam on May 29, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The examination for the February session was given in a computer-based format on February 27, 2022, and it lasted for a total of three hours over the entirety of the country. In this location, you can get a full analysis of the ATMA exam that was taken in May and February. The analysis of the ATMA exam includes a discussion on the ATMA exam pattern and marking scheme, topic-wise distribution of questions, expected cutoff, and other relevant information.

Highlights from the ATMA Analysis 2022

  • The ATMA was carried out during a single time window, which lasted from 2:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.
  • The negative grading was for the ATMA question paper 2022. Every question that is answered correctly will earn one point, while each erroneous response will result in a loss of 0.25 points.
  • The time allotted for the test was one hour and eighty minutes.
  • The level of difficulty of the test was sufficiently challenging.

ATMA Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

The ATMA question paper for 2022 consisted of a total of six components: two portions devoted to analytical reasoning, two sections dedicated to quantitative skills, and two sections devoted to verbal skills. Have a look at the table that follows to get an idea of how much time you have available for each segment as well as the total amount of questions.

SectionsNumber of questionsTime allotted
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 13030 minutes
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 23030 minutes
Quantitative Skills Part 13030 minutes
Quantitative Skills Part 23030 minutes
Verbal Skills Part 13030 minutes
Verbal Skills Part 23030 minutes
Total 180180 minutes

ATMA Exam Analysis 2022

The difficulty of the ATMA exam was not particularly challenging. The test was somewhat more difficult than it was the previous year. The second part of the quantitative skills was the most challenging of the six parts of the test. The quantitative portion was challenging and time-consuming for many of the students. The portion dealing with verbal abilities was likewise rather lengthy. Candidates said that the section on Analytical Reasoning contained questions that were focused on critical reasoning. Examine the level of difficulty in each part of the ATMA question paper 2022 as well as the number of good tries.

SectionDifficulty levelGood attempts
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 1Moderate22-25
Verbal Skills Part 1Easy to Moderate20-22
Quantitative Skills Part 1Moderate to Difficult18-22
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 2Moderate to Difficult22-25
Verbal Skills Part 2Moderate20-22
Quantitative Skills Part 2Difficult18-22

Analysis of the ATMA by Sections in 2022 (February)

Reasoning Analytically (Part 1 and Part 2): The students reported that this segment consisted of questions testing their critical reasoning abilities. There were around 15–18 questions on the test that involved critical reasoning. These sections had questions on a wide variety of subjects, including Coding and Decoding, Puzzles, Input and Output, and more. Even though there were a few questions that were somewhat lengthy, this part had a moderate difficulty level overall. A score between 22 and 25 in this area would be considered satisfactory.

The Verbal Skills (Parts 1 and 2) components of the ATMA question paper 2022 were different from the Verbal Skills sections of the previous year’s exam. When I took the test before, there were a lot of vocabulary-based questions in each area; however, that was not the case this time. There was not a single inquiry that specifically addressed concepts like synonyms and antonyms. Due to the fact that it comprised questions based on comprehension passages, the second portion of the Verbal Skills section was unusually lengthy. Twenty to twenty-two questions would be a good goal to go for in this part.

According to the individuals who sat for the examination, the most challenging aspect of the ATMA test paper was the quantitative aptitude section, which consisted of parts one and two. The questions covered a wide range of topics, including algebra, the number system, profit and loss, and many others. The questions required a lot of time and were very in-depth. The part was really challenging in terms of its difficulty level. A score between 18 and 22 on this part would be considered satisfactory.

Analysis of the Overall ATMA Exam from the Prior Year

The level of difficulty of the questions on the ATMA 2021 exam ranged from moderate to difficult, as shown by the feedback provided by students who participated in the examination. The portions of the ATMA paper were disorganized; the correct order of the sections was as follows: Analytical Reasoning Part 1, Verbal Skills Part 1, Quantitative Skills Part 1, Analytical Reasoning Part 2, Verbal Skills Part 2, and then lastly the Quantitative Skills Part 2 section. In the Quantitative Skills segment of the exam, the vast majority of the problems were based on concepts such as number systems, data interpretation, and geometry. The Verbal Skills parts included a variety of subjects, including grammar, para jumbles, and accurate assertions, among other things. Questions on the Analytical Reasoning portion covered a wide variety of subject areas, including critical reasoning, statement interference, possible courses of action, statements and conclusions, data sufficiency, coding and decoding, strong and weak arguments, and more.

Analysis of the ATMA Exam for 2021 Regarding Its Overall Difficulty

ATMA 2021 included 180 multiple-choice questions in total. One point was awarded for each correct answer, and 0.25 points were deducted for each erroneous response. The time allotted for the test was a full three hours. Have a look at the table that’s been provided below to get an idea of the total amount of questions on the ATMA 2021 exam, as well as the degree of difficulty it presents. Additionally, this will provide useful information for the ATMA 2021 exam.

SectionDifficulty levelGood attempts
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 1Moderate21-22
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 2Moderate21-22
Quantitative Skills Part 1Moderate to difficult20-21
Quantitative Skills Part 2Moderate to difficult20-21
Verbal Skills Part 1Moderate20-21
Verbal Skills Part 2Moderate20-21
TotalModerate to difficult122-128

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Frequently Asked Questions About ATMA Paper Analysis

Q. What is the total amount of time allotted for the ATMA exam?

Ans. The examination for the ATMA will go for a total of three hours.

Q. Will there be separate timetables for each section in the ATMA?

Ans. The ATMA does, in fact, have sectional timing. Each component must be solved within the allotted time of 30 minutes.

Q. A question that you should ask is how many points will be removed for wrong replies.

Ans. An erroneous answer will result in a deduction of 0.25 points from the total score on the ATMA question paper.

Q. What kind of performance on the Verbal Skills portion would be considered satisfactory, and why?

Ans. A good attempt in the Verbal Skills segment is one in which the candidate has attempted at least 20-21 of the test questions.

Q. Which of the following categories carries the most weight?

Ans. The ATMA’s various sections all carry the same amount of weight.

Q. In the segment that tests your verbal ability, what kinds of questions can you expect to see?

Ans. The Verbal Skills part will have questions on a variety of subjects, including grammar, sentence corrections, vocabulary, and para jumbles, among other things.

Q. What options do I have if I’m asked a question about a subject for which I haven’t studied or prepared?

Ans. You have the option of skipping a question and moving on to the next in the event that you come across one from a topic for which you have not adequately prepared. There are no deductions for questions that aren’t even attempted.

Q. Can I do the quantitative problems at the very end of the test?

Ans. Because candidates are unable to select the order in which parts appear throughout the ATMA exam, they are required to work through the quantitative questions in the order in which they are presented.

Q. Which topic on the ATMA exam in February 2022 was the most challenging to study for?

Ans. The component of quantitative ability was regarded by the candidates as being the one that presented the greatest challenge.

Q. In the Analytical Reasoning portion of the ATMA 2022 exam that was given in February, what kinds of questions were there to answer?

Ans. There were approximately 15 to 18 items on the Critical Thinking test that had a moderate level of difficulty. In addition to that, it contained questions based on subjects like Puzzles, Input and Output, and Coding and Decoding.

Q. How many points from each section of the ATMA 2022 exam will be factored into the calculation of the percentiles?

Ans. When determining the ATMA 2022 percentile, we will take into account your scores from all of the different components.

Q. The general difficulty of the ATMA exam has been one of the most often asked questions. Why?

Ans. The difficulty level of the ATMA exam is typically considered to be moderate. The patterns for this year indicate that the Quantitative Skills component is significantly more challenging than the other sections of the exam.


ATMA Paper Analysis 2023: Check Detailed ATMA Exam Analysis

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