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How to Download ATMA Admit Card 2023

Along with the self-declaration form for the February session exam, the ATMA admit card 2023 will be made accessible online on February 22, 2023. This is the date that the exam will take place. Candidates who are able to successfully register for the ATMA 2023 exam will be able to access and receive their admit card online from the ATMA AIMS website as soon as it is made available.

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ATMA Admit Card

Along with the self-declaration form for the February session exam, the ATMA admit card 2023 will be made accessible online on February 22, 2023. This is the date that the exam will take place. Candidates who are able to successfully register for the ATMA 2023 exam will be able to access and receive their admit card online from the ATMA AIMS website as soon as it is made available. Downloading an ATMA admit card for the exam in 2023 requires selecting the date of the test, entering the PID number, and selecting a password. In most cases, the admit cards are made available to students two days before the actual exam. It is important to keep in mind that the admit cards for the ATMA exam can only be downloaded up until the day of the test itself. Additionally, if the candidate is going to be present for all of the sessions, then he or she will need to download two different admit cards for the ATMA exam. The date set for the administration of the ATMA exam for the February session is February 25th, 2023. Exams for the May session will be given on May 28, while exams for the July session will be given on July 23.

On February 22, 2023, the ATMA Admit Card 2023 for the February session is going to be made available on the official website. The session is in February. Candidates can download their admit cards by entering their PID and password into the appropriate fields on the download page. The computer-based test (CBT) version of the ATMA 2023 examination for the February session is scheduled to take place on February 25, 2023. The relevant authorities will also publish the instructions that candidates taking the examination are required to follow at that time. Candidates have till the day of the exam to download their admit cards by entering their ID and password into the appropriate fields on the website.

On the admit card, pertinent information relevant to ATMA 2023, such as the exam timing and candidate details, will be included. Candidates are required to get in touch with the appropriate authorities as soon as possible in the event that there is any inconsistency in the information that is printed on their admission tickets. Candidates also have the option of participating in the official ATMA Mock Test in order to have a deeper comprehension of the format of the examination.

Dates for Obtaining an ATMA Admit Card in 2023 (February Session)

The agenda for the February session of the ATMA 2023 conference has been made public.

Exam Event Date
ATMA  2023 Registration endsFebruary 18, 2022
Last date of the ATMA 2023 online fee paymentFebruary 17, 2022
Admit card release dateFebruary 22, 2023
ATMA Exam Date/Last date to download Admit CardFebruary 25, 2023

How to Download Admit card for ATMA 2023?

The admit card must be downloaded in advance by every applicant who has been accepted. Following the methods that are outlined in this article, registered candidates will be able to download the admit card for the ATMA 2023 exam as soon as it is made available online.

Step 1: The candidate must go to the Association of Indian Management Schools’ official website, which may be found at

Step 2: After arriving at the official website, candidates will be required to select the option labelled ATMA 2023 admission card. Applicants will be taken to a login screen where they are required to provide their login credentials.

Step 3: Candidates who have already enrolled for the ATMA 2023 application form will move on to the third step. Candidates are required to enter the correct login credentials with extreme caution.

The ATMA 2023 admit card will appear on the screen during the fourth step. In the event that there is a mistake and the hall ticket does not appear, please try again after clearing the cache in your browser.

Download the file, and then print it out for later use. The admit card for the ATMA 2023 exam is an important document that candidates are responsible for keeping safe until the day of the exam.

Details Mentioned in the ATMA Admit Card

The 2023 ATMA Admit Card will include essential information regarding your candidature. Verify the following information once you have downloaded the admit card for the ATMA 2023 event:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Most Current Color Photo
  • The signature of the candidate
  • Contact Number
  • Test centre
  • Duration of the Test
  • Guidelines for test day      

The following items are required to be brought with you on the day of the examination:

Aspirants are required to bring a government-issued identification document with them to the examination centre for the ATMA 2023. In addition to the admit card, which is required for every candidate in order for them to be able to take the exam, the following list of documents can be used as proof of identification in its own right:

  • Pan Card
  • Voter ID Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Pan Card
  • Elector ID Card   

Errors That Frequently Occur When Downloading the ATMA 2023 Admit Card

Candidates might experience some difficulties while obtaining the ATMA 2023 admit card, despite the fact that AIMS has worked to make the process of downloading as simple and straightforward as possible.

Some of the most frequent problems include:

Candidates might not be able to download their admit card even after providing the correct login credentials if the web connection is too slow. This could be the result of an issue with the availability of the internet. If this is the case, you will need to wait until the speed returns to normal.

Incorrect credentials: If the credentials that you enter for the login process contain any problems, downloading the ATMA 2023 admit card may be a hasty and inconvenient process. After that, candidates need to double-check that their login credentials were input correctly.

Incomplete registration or payment – If candidates’ registrations are found to be incomplete or if they fail to pay the required registration costs, they will be unable to download their ATMA Hall Tickets.

If there is any information that is printed wrongly on your ATMA hall ticket, you are required to notify the exam helpline desk as soon as possible in order to get it corrected as soon as possible. Additionally, ensure that you have a copy of the ATMA admit card that was issued prior to the ATMA exam date in 2023.

Errors in the ATMA Admit Card 2023 That Need to Be Checked

Before you download the ATMA admission card 2023, make sure that it does not contain any of the following errors:

It is imperative that the candidate’s name be correct and spelled correctly at all times.

Along with the PID number, the candidate’s registration or roll number is another number that needs to be accurate and properly represented.

It is required that the candidate’s ATMA application number, which will be written on the admit card, be the same number that is listed on the ATMA application form 2023.

The date, location, and time of the ATMA exam should be specified in a manner that is both clear and accurate.

Both the candidate’s photograph and their scanned signature have to be seen without difficulty.

What Should You Do If You Lose Your Login Credentials for ATMA 2023?

It is essential for applicants to ensure that they have the correct login credentials before attempting to download their ATMA 2023 admission card.

There is no need for anyone to freak out in the event that any candidate loses their credentials and is unable to restore them.

They are able to retrieve their lost password by accessing the official website and selecting the “forgot password” link.

On the email address that was provided, you will receive a message regarding the modification of the login credentials.

Instructions for the Day of the ATMA 2023 Exam

Before taking the exam, candidates are required to ensure they have followed all of the instructions listed below:

Candidates are expected to report to the examination centre at one o’clock in the afternoon with the necessary documents.

Candidates are needed to take two prints of the ATMA admit card and adhere a photograph that is passport size onto one of the printouts. The photo that is submitted must be identical to the one that is supplied in the application for the ATMA. Additionally, the candidate is responsible for double-checking the information that is printed on the admit card.

In order to participate in the examination, contestants are only permitted to bring a ballpoint pen with them. In the testing room, electronic devices of any kind are strictly prohibited.

Candidates need to have the AarogyaSetu app, which can determine their current risk level. Candidates are required to turn off their phones after demonstrating the application to the security guard at the testing facility.

Carry a photo identification proof with you at all times for purposes of verification (original and two photocopies).

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Frequently Asked Questions About ATMA Admit Card

Q. Will a physical copy of the ATMA admission card be mailed to me at the address I provide?

Ans. No the admission card for the ATMA is not mailed out to any candidates in any way. It is mandatory for each and every applicant to the ATMA exam to download their admit card from the official website of the ATMA-AIMS organization.

Q. When is the last day I’ll be able to download the ATMA admit card for 2023?

Ans. You will be able to download your ATMA admission card right up until the day of the exam. On February 22, 2023, the admission card for the first session will be made available to the public. There will be an online release of the admission cards.

Q. What should I do if I am given an ATMA admission card that is blank?

Ans. If you happen to obtain a blank ATMA admit card, you must immediately get in touch with the authorities in charge of administering the exam or the ATMA exam helpline.

Q. When is the last day when you can use your ATMA admission card?

Ans. The admission ticket for the ATMA exam can only be used for the specific test for which it was initially provided. For example, an ATMA admission card issued in February 2023 is only valid for the ATMA exam administered in February. This admission ticket is invalid for the test that is scheduled to take place in May 2023.

Q. A digital duplicate of my ATMA 2023 admit card would be fine. Is it allowed at the testing centre?

Ans. No, the only acceptable form of identification and hall ticket for the ATMA exam is the downloaded original print of the admission card, and if a candidate does not have this, they run the risk of being prevented from entering the testing room.

Q. Does the ATMA admission card 2023 need to have a photograph to be valid?

Ans. A photo of the applicant must be included on the admit card in order for it to be valid.

Q. Can I include a photo of myself that I’ve taken recently on the admissions card?

Ans. The photo should not be older than a few years and should be identical to the one that was uploaded during registration.

Q. What should I do if I cannot remember my password in order to download my ATMA admit card for 2023?

Ans. In order to retrieve the password, candidates need to choose the exam, specify what they are searching for, and provide their date of birth, as well as their registered mobile number and email ID. After you have entered the required information, click the “Find PID and Password” button.

Q. After the admit cards have been issued, is it possible to modify the location of my examination?

Ans. No. After the ATMA application form has been turned in, there is no way to modify the location of the exam.

Q. Will the data of the designated test centre be printed on the ATMA admission card?

Ans. The ATMA admit card will, in fact, provide all of the relevant information regarding the examination location that has been assigned to the candidate.

Q. What time do candidates need to report to the ATMA exam centre?

Ans. Contestants are required to check in at the testing location at least one hour before the start of the examination.

Q. May I bring a watch into the testing room with me?

Ans. No, contestants are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the examination room, including watches, mobile phones, calculators, and so on.

Q. What kind of identification document should I bring with me in addition to the ATMA admit card?

Ans. The candidates are permitted to present either an Aadhar card, a voter identification card, a passport, a driving license, a ration card, or a college identification card.

Q. A question I have is whether or not I need to keep my ATMA admit card after the exam as well.

Ans. After taking the ATMA exam, candidates are responsible for keeping their admit cards safe until the admissions process is over.


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How to Download ATMA Admit Card 2023

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