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How to Prepare for MICAT 2023: Preparation Tips and Tricks

MICAT Preparation – MICAT Candidates who wish to enroll in the Postgraduate Diploma in Management programme at the Mudra Institute of Communications in Ahmedabad are required to have a top-notch preparation strategy in order to succeed in the MICAT examination.

 Saurav Anand
|27/01/2023 | Share:
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MICAT Preparation

MICAT Preparation – MICAT Candidates who wish to enroll in the Postgraduate Diploma in Management programme at the Mudra Institute of Communications in Ahmedabad are required to have a top-notch preparation strategy in order to succeed in the MICAT examination. MICAT Candidates are required to approach the test in a subject-by-subject manner while also becoming familiar with its format.

The format and organization of the MICAT exam are slightly different from those of other MBA admission exams. Because applicants must first pass either the CAT, the XAT, or the GMAT before being considered for the MICAT, you will need to start by getting ready for one of these other exams. 

After applicants have prepared themselves for the tests at the national level, they can move on to studying for the MICAT. The admission examination that MICA Ahmedabad will give will consist of three distinct parts. Both Section A and Section B are meant to qualify for something. As a result, adopting a novel strategy for Section C is strongly encouraged at all times.

There are three parts to the MICAT Exam:

Section A: Psychometric Test

Section B: Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, General Awareness, Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Section C: Descriptive Test

Only if the MICAT candidates pass the Psychometric Test will they move on to the succeeding parts of the MICAT Exam and have their performance on the CAT/XAT/GMAT taken into consideration for their evaluation. Because Section A is a qualifier.

Strategies for Sectional Preparation is the topic of MICAT 2022-23.

There are three different parts to the MICAT Exam, however, only two are original. MICAT Candidates may experience some difficulty in their preparation for Section A and Section B of the MICAT 2022-23 because these portions are not often included in any other types of competitive examinations. The following is an approach to preparing for the MICAT that is broken down into sections. The most successful people on the MICAT have said that these are the tips that helped them the most.

A Guide to Getting Ready for Psychometric MICAT Exams Section

The Psychometric Test part is what is known as Section A of the MICAT. There will be three distinct categories of questions included in this section:

Questions based on human characteristics, such as “Are you helpful by nature?” and “Are you kind by nature?”

Questions based on two statements that are in direct opposition to one another, such as “What do you do to unwind? You can either read a book or watch TV.” It is anticipated that you will respond by rating each of these reasons as agree, agree somewhat, disagree, etc.

Questions that do not have a right or wrong answer, such as “what kind of person you would make friends with.” You are required to respond to these questions by assigning a rating on a scale from one to six stars, with one representing the utmost importance and six representing the least.

Therefore, there is no specific method to follow in order to get ready for a psychometric test.

During the process of answering the questions, you need to be natural and genuine to who you are. Therefore, to prepare for this part, you should reflect on yourself and get to know yourself better. You also have the option of taking a few different personality tests on the internet. Additionally, there should not be any questions left unanswered in this part.

Tips for Preparing for the Verbal Ability Test Included in Section C of the MICAT Exam2022-23 

Work on perfecting areas such as para jumbles, reading comprehension, statement assumption, statement conclusion, and others in preparation for the verbal ability section. Fill in the blanks, mix up the paragraphs, and complete the sentences by practising these problems on studying. Because the vocabulary-based questions are based on context, this indicates that the only way to choose the correct answer is if you are familiar with both the definition and application of a specific word.

Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

MICAT Candidates need to practice a variety of arithmetic topics in order to prepare for the Quantitative Ability component of the exam. These topics include time and speed as well as time and work. The typical, the allegations, and the mixtures. The part also covers topics like profit and loss, numbers, Venn diagrams, functions, probability, measurement, and equations. It will not be difficult for any MICAT candidate to prepare for this section, regardless of whether they are getting ready for the CAT, XAT, or another MBA admission exam. The same method of MICAT Preparation can be utilized in this situation.

Perform simulated examinations, write down the formulas, and commit them to memory on a regular basis.

Thinking Both Divergently and Convergently

The Divergent and Convergent section consists of thirty questions, seven of which are based on visual reasoning, four to five questions each on statement conclusion and statement assumption, seven questions on data sufficiency, and ten to fifteen questions on word association are included in this section. In this portion of the exam, candidates are put through a combination of logical thinking and verbal reasoning tests to evaluate their analytical skills. The statement, assumption, and conclusion sub-section is a vital part of the exam, but most MICAT candidates don’t put enough preparation into it. As a result, MICAT candidates need to make sure they are well-prepared for this part of the exam. Mock exams can be taken online and are a good way for people to gauge how well they are prepared for real exams.

General Awareness

The General Awareness portion tests candidates’ knowledge of general trivia as well as current happenings in the fields of business and advertising. As a result, it is essential for MICAT candidates to maintain a level of familiarity with both domestic and foreign events unfolding in the world today.

How to Get Ready for the Descriptive Section of the Test

There are two distinct portions that make up the Descriptive Test segment. The first section of the descriptive test is titled “Argument or Opinion Writing,” and the second section of the test is titled “Creative Writing.”

To get ready for an argument-based topic, choose a current issue, write down three arguments in favor of the issue and three arguments against the issue, and then come to a conclusion. To improve the lucidity of your writing, try doing this three times every week.

In the portion on creative writing, candidates will be given four photographs and asked to create a narrative based on the pictures by connecting them in some way. The narrative can be no longer than 300 words in length. How, therefore, should one get ready to write creatively when time is of the essence? Choose four images at random, then construct a narrative that makes sense using those images. If you give this the time it deserves at least three times per week, you will be in good shape by the time the MICAT 2022 rolls around.

Exercise and work on your ability to provide answers.

Since we were children, the age-old proverb that “practise makes perfect” has been drilled into our heads repeatedly. It is also a critical factor in achieving success on the MICAT. While you are working through the topics on the syllabus, you should put at least five years’ worth of previous MICAT question papers side by side for practise. For those looking to hone their exam-taking skills, there is an abundance of practise exams available online. This will not only assist you in evaluating your own personal level of MICAT Preparation, but it will also provide you with true information on the format of the MICAT exam. MICAT Candidates are able to improve their time management skills by practising with MICAT Question Papers and Mock Tests, which is a skill that is absolutely necessary to have in order to do well in speed-based tests.

Frequently Asked Questions About MICAT Preparation

Q. How many sections will be there in MICAT 2022-23 Question Paper? MICAT Exam question

Ans. There will be three sections in the MICAT 2022-23 question paper. Section A is the Psychometric Test section, Section B comprises of Descriptive Test and Section C is the Aptitude Test consisting of sub-sections of Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, General Awareness, and Divergent and Convergent Thinking.

Q. What type of questions are asked in the MICAT Psychometric Test?

Ans. MICAT Psychometric Test has behavioral and personality traits based on questions.

Q. What is the Negative Marking in MICAT 2023?

Ans. In MICAT, 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer in Section B of the question paper. There is no negative marking in Section A and Section C.

Q. What type of questions are asked in the Divergent and Convergent section of MICAT 2022-23?

Ans. The questions of the Divergent and Convergent section of the MICAT exam 2022-23 are analytical in nature. These are basically Logical Reasoning questions.

Q. What is the sectional time limit to complete the Aptitude Test Section of MICAT 2023?

Ans. The sectional time limit to complete the Aptitude Test section of the MICAT exam 2023  is 80 minutes.

Q. What is the sectional time limit to complete the Psychometric Test section of MICAT 2023?

Ans. The sectional time limit to complete the Psychometric Test section of the MICAT 2022 exam is 30 minutes.

Q. Which are the best books for MICAT preparation?

Ans. To prepare for the Aptitude Section of MICAT, candidates can refer to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination by Abhijit Guha (Tata McGraw- Hill, The Complete CAT Digest by Arun Sharma, Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning by Nishit Sinha. For the General Awareness section, one can refer to Manorama Year Book.

Q. Which topics must one concentrate on MICAT 2022-23 General Awareness section?

Ans. In order to prepare for the General Awareness section of the MICAT 2022 exam, candidates must focus on topics such as advertising and media, domestic and international business events, books and authors, tag lines of companies, logos, history, geography, and abbreviations.

Q. How many questions will the MICAT 2023 General Awareness section have?

Ans. The General Awareness section of the MICAT 2023 exam carries 20 questions as per the new exam pattern.

Q. How many questions will the MICAT 2023 Psychometric Test section have?

Ans. The Psychometric test section of the MICAT 2023 exam carries 150 questions.

Q. How can candidates improve their accuracy to answer questions in MICAT 2022-23?

Ans. One of the best ways to improve the accuracy level to answer questions in MICAT is to practice sample papers and Mock tests regularly.
