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NMAT Syllabus 2023

Syllabus for NMAT 2023 Checking the NMAT syllabus 2023 is important for anyone who wants to take the test. NMAT is a national-level MBA exam that helps students get into top colleges like NMIMS Mumbai, SPJIMR Mumbai (PGMPW), ISB (certificate program), VIT Vellore, XIM Bhubaneswar, and others. Features of the NMAT Syllabus for 2023 The […]

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NMAT 2023, NMIMS Management Aptitude Test

Syllabus for NMAT 2023

Checking the NMAT syllabus 2023 is important for anyone who wants to take the test. NMAT is a national-level MBA exam that helps students get into top colleges like NMIMS Mumbai, SPJIMR Mumbai (PGMPW), ISB (certificate program), VIT Vellore, XIM Bhubaneswar, and others.

Features of the NMAT Syllabus for 2023

The most important parts of the NMAT Syllabus 2023 are listed below for candidates to use as a guide:

Exam LevelNational Level Management Entrance Exam
Conducting BodyGraduate Management Aptitude Council (GMAC)
Testing Window70-day test window
NMAT Exam ModeComputer Based Test at Test Centers / Home-based Remote Proctored
Number of Questions108 questions
Type of QuestionsMCQs
Number of SectionsLanguage Skills, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning
NMAT Application FeeINR 2800/- (plus taxes)
Number of attempts3 times a year
Courses OfferedMBA/ PGDM
Number of NMAT Exam Centers76 centers in 73 cities

Details of the NMAT entrance exam for 2023

Since 2015, changes have been made to the NMAT entrance exam syllabus every year. The people in charge of NMAT by GMAC are always making changes to the course. Some changes have also been made to the way questions will be asked in the three most important parts of the test: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. For candidates to get a good NMAT score, they need to look over the list of NMAT subject topics they need to cover in each subject.

English Language on the NMAT Syllabus for 2023

This part of the test will see how well the candidate understands basic English grammar rules. Candidates will also have to read some poetry or prose and answer questions about it. Candidates may also be asked to circle words in the comprehension passage that are the same as the word in the question. In general, the NMAT verbal syllabus will test the candidates on the following.

  • Vocabulary 
  • Grammar 
  • Comprehension

In the table below, we talk about the different kinds of questions on the NMAT English test.

TopicTypes of Questions
VocabularySynonyms; Antonyms; Analogies; Fill in the Blanks; Cloze Test
GrammarIdentify the Error; Choose the Correct Proposition
ComprehensionReading Comprehension & Para jumbles

Quantitative Aptitude on the NMAT Syllabus for 2023

All of the topics from grades 6 through 10 are on the NMAT quant syllabus. It includes things like basic math, algebra, geometry, measuring, numbers, permutations and combinations, and many more.

Major TopicsSubtopics
ArithmeticTime & Work; Simple & Compound Interest; Ratio-Proportions; Percentages; Numbers; Other Questions on Arithmetic; HCF-LCM
AlgebraEquations; Inequalities; Log; Linear Equations; HCF-LCM; Quadratic Equation; Absolute Value; Logarithm
Geometry and MensurationLines; Triangles; Angles; Polygons; Circles-radius, circumference, diameter, chord, arc, Tangent, etc. Square & Rectangles; Cubes; 3 Dimensional Figures; Pythagoras Theorem; Base Angle Theorem; Longest Side Theorem; Quadrilaterals; Parallelogram; Rhombus; Trapezium; Cuboid; Cylinder; Cone; Sphere
Modern MathPermutation & Combination; Probability; Coordinate; Geometry; Progression-Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Relationship; Set Theory; Venn Diagrams
Data InterpretationTables, Bars, Charts, Pie Charts, Line Graphs

Logical Reasoning is on the NMAT Syllabus for 2023.

These questions are meant to see how good a candidate is at making decisions and how well they can analyze things. Arguments are the basis for questions, and you have to come to the right answers. The candidate has to choose the best answer, which either backs up an argument or makes it weaker. This part is split into two parts, which are listed below.

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Reasoning About Things

Here is the NMAT reasoning course outline for 2023.

SectionTopics Asked
Verbal ReasoningStatement and Argument Questions; Statement and Assumption Questions; Statement and Inference Questions; Decision making and Course of Action; Critical Reasoning
Analytical ReasoningLinear and Circular Arrangements; Classification; Syllogisms; Blood Relation Questions; Coding Questions; Series Questions; Direction Questions; Alphabet Test Questions; Input-Output Questions; Matrix Type Questions; Symbol Based Questions; Other Reasoning Questions

NMAT Syllabus Section-wise

The NMAT exam has 3 sections. The weightage of each section and time duration is mentioned in the table below:

NMAT Syllabus 2023 Section-wise Weightage

SubjectThe weightage (Number of Questions)Time AllottedScore Range
Language Skills362812 – 120
Quantitative Aptitude364012 – 120
Logical Reasoning365212 – 120
Total10812036 – 360

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Frequently Asked Questions About NMAT Syllabus 2023 :

Q. How do I get ready for the NMAT?

Ans. People can get ready for the NMAT by looking at the NMAT syllabus and making a study plan to finish it in the time allowed.

Q. Is it easy to crack the NMAT?

Ans. Compared to other MBA entrance exams, the NMAT is easier to pass. Candidates can pass the NMAT if they have a good plan and strategy.

Q. How long does it take to take the NMAT?

Ans. Each candidate will have 120 minutes to answer all of the questions on the NMAT question paper.

Q. Which part of the NMAT test is more difficult?

Ans. The NMAT test is about average in terms of how hard it is. But the Logical Reasoning part can be a little hard.

Q. Which part of the NMAT curriculum will be worth the most points?

Ans. Each part is worth 108 points.

Q. How many questions are there in each section as a whole?

Ans. There are 36 questions in each part of the test.

Q. Is the NMAT test the same as the CAT?

Ans. There are three parts to each exam. The course of study for both tests is pretty much the same.

Q. What are the parts of the NMAT syllabus exam?

Ans. The parts of the NMAT curriculum for 2023 are:

  • NMAT Language Skills important topics
  • NMAT Quantitative Skills
  • NMAT Logical reasoning 

Q. How many questions will there be on the NMAT in 2023?

Ans. There will be 108 questions on the NMAT 2023

Q. According to the NMAT syllabus, how many sections are there?

Ans. According to the NMAT syllabus for, there are three sections.


NMAT Syllabus 2023

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