Table of Contents
Q. How many Postgraduate programs are there at Delhi University?
Ans. Delhi University offers 76 Postgraduates programs, for the academic year 2023-2024.
Q. How does one apply for admission to postgraduate programs at the University of Delhi?
Ans. Beginning with the 2023–2024 academic year, only the Common University Entrance Test (Postgraduate)–2023 (CUET(PG)–2023) will be accepted for admission to all University of Delhi programs. To be admitted, candidates should carefully read the PG Bulletin of Information to become familiar with all the policies.
- Make sure you meet the program-specific requirements for the program(s) you want to enroll in.
- Apply and show up for the Common University Entrance Test-Postgraduate 2023 (CUET(PG) 2023) in the test paper(s) in accordance with the University of Delhi's program-specific eligibility.
- Apply to the University of Delhi's CSAS(PG)-2023, Common Seat Allocation System for Postgraduate Students.
Q. Can I apply for admission using the marks I received at the graduate level?
Ans. From the academic year 2023–2024, all PG programs including NCWEB, admission will be based entirely on the results of the relevant Test-Paper taken as part of the CUET(PG)-2023.
Q. Can I submit applications for more than one program?
Ans. If you meet the program-specific criteria, then yes, you can. As required by the program(s), you are required to take all CUET test papers.
Q. Is it mandatory to participate in CUET (PG) - 2023?
Ans. Aside from the School of Open Learning, it is the only way to enroll at the University of Delhi.
Q. What percentage of my graduation grades will be considered?
Ans. The only time graduation marks are taken into consideration is when tie-breaking.
Q. What is the procedure for foreign nationals to be admitted to PG? Is their participation in CUET required?
Ans. Foreign nationals are not required to take the CUET (PG)-2023. Admission to the category for international students will be based on merit. Foreign candidates must apply through the Foreign Students' Registry Portal at in order to be considered for admission to postgraduate programs. The Department/College will not directly admit any foreign students.
Q. Are there any Supernumerary seats available for UoD's PG admissions?
Ans. The University of Delhi offers supernumerary seats to the following categories:
- CW: Children/Widows of Armed Forces Personnel, Including Paramilitary
- WQ: Ward Quota of the University of Delhi Staff
- OQ: Orphans Qutoa
- Sports (where applicable)
- PwBD stands for People with Benchmark Disabilities.
Q. Which OBC-Non-Creamy Layer certificate is eligible for PG admission at UoD?
Ans. To be eligible for admission based on an OBC certificate, a caste must be listed on the Central List of OBCs, which was announced by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment based on recommendations from the National Commission for Backward Classes and is accessible at classes/index.html. The certificate must be given out after March 31, 2023.
Q. How many seats are set aside for the EWS category (Economically Weaker Section)?
Ans. In accordance with notifications issued by the University of Delhi (Reference No. Aca. I / Reservation of EWSs / 2019/63Dated 28th March 2019 and Reference No. Aca. I / Reservation of EWSs / 2019 / 101 dated May 15, 2019), 10% of seats have been set aside by university departments, centers, and colleges for the admission of applicants from the economically disadvantaged sections (EWSs) category. The certificate must be given out after March 31, 2023.
Q. I choose the University of Delhi on the CUET (PG) 2023 form. Do I need to do anything more in order to enroll at Delhi University?
Ans. You must apply to the University of Delhi's Common Seat Allocation System - Postgraduate (CSAS(PG)- 2023) in addition to taking the CUET-PG in order to enroll in the University of Delhi. For information on announcements, changes, and timetables relating to CSAS(PG)-2023, you must visit the university's website.
Q. Where can I find out everything I need to know about admissions to the University of Delhi?
Ans. Admission-related information is available at