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CUET PG 2023 Result, Formfees

CUET PG 2023 Result

CUET PG 2023 Result has been announced by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on 20th July 2023. NTA declared the result for the Common University Entrance Test for Postgraduation Courses, CUET PG, along with the Final Answer Key. Candidates who appeared in the examination can now check their results and access their scorecards on the […]

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

CUET PG 2023 Result has been announced by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on 20th July 2023. NTA declared the result for the Common University Entrance Test for Postgraduation Courses, CUET PG, along with the Final Answer Key. Candidates who appeared in the examination can now check their results and access their scorecards on the official CUET website, using their application number and date of birth.

CUET PG 2023 was successfully conducted by NTA across the country, covering over 279 cities. It offers a single window opportunity to students seeking admissions in any of the Central Universities (CUs) or other participating organizations, including State Universities, Deemed, and Private Universities. This particularly benefits underprivileged candidates from rural and remote areas. A total of 197 Universities are participating in CUET PG 2023. This single examination allows candidates to take part in the admission process for numerous Central Universities and other participating institutions.

CUET PG 2023 Result Highlights 

Candidates can access the CUET PG 2023 Result highlights in the table below

CUET PG 2023 Result Details
CUET PG 2023 Result statusDeclared
CUET PG 2023 Counseling DateTo be announced
Result date of CUET PG 2023July 20
Result link,
Final Answer KeyReleased
Login credential to download scorecard of CUET PG 2023Application Number and DOB

The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted CUET PG 2023 in two phases from June 5, 2023, to July 6, 2023, providing breaks in between. Phase 1 was conducted from June 5, 2023, to June 17, 2023, with an impressive participation of approximately 8.3 lakh candidates with multiple test papers. Following phase 1, phase 2 of the Common University Entrance Test (CUET PG) 2023 took place from June 22 to June 27, as well as on June 30, July 2, July 5, and July 6, 2023, with an estimated 46,000 candidates appearing for the examination. With the number of unique registered candidates is about 458774.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) is the conducting body of the widely celebrated Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for both UG and PG under the Ministry of Education (MoE) and UGC. The CUET PG 2023 Result was declared after the successful conduction of the exam by NTA in CBT mode.

How the candidates can check their CUET PG 2023 Result

As the CUET PG 2023 results are out and the candidates are confused in knowing how to find CUET PG 2023 result, this has been cleared by the formfees article and below are the steps for CUET PG 2023 result:

  1. Visit the official website of CUET PG
  2. Click on the “CUET PG 2023 Result” link available on the website’s homepage.
  3. Upon clicking you will be directed to the result login page, carefully enter your application number, DOB and click on Login.
  4. Your CUET PG 2023 Result will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Download your result/scorecard for future reference.

Details mentioned on CUET PG 2023 Result/Scorecard

  1. Candidate’s Name
  2. Roll Number
  3. Category
  4. Score Details, part A part B combined total marks obtained by the candidate in CUET PG 2023

Important things to be noted are that the maximum total marks in each subject for CUET PG 2023 is 400, and the National Testing Agency (NTA) will not issue a separation intimation about the Scorecard. Candidates should be aware of these facts while checking their results.

CUET PG 2023 Cut Off

The CUET PG 2023 Cut Off mark is the minimum qualifying mark that has to be obtained by the candidate in order to be eligible for the counseling process and admission. Since the percentile is not released by NTA, it is not disclosed whether the scores are normalized or not. Based on their marks, students can analyze the previous year's cutoff marks to understand whether they are going to get admission to their preferred colleges. According to the trends, 90% of students who have managed to get 300-350 total marks for the subjects they appeared in CUET PG 2023 will get admission to their dream colleges for the desired courses.

How to analyze the cut off for CUET PG 2023

There are several factors that are affecting the cut off of CUET PG 2023. Students are advised to go through each point to understand whether they have managed to secure their seat in CUET PG 2023 according to their choices.

  1. Subject-wise cutoff.
  2. Number of seats available for each course in the participating universities of CUET PG 2023.
  3. Level of the toughness of CUET PG 2023 examination to understand the competition.
  1. Subject Wise Cut Off for CUET PG 2023

In the Science stream, the cut-off for CUET PG 2023 is going to be lowest because the marks scored by the candidates in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics will be lesser compared to the subjects in other streams like Commerce and Social Science. For example, Sociology is a high-scoring and highly competitive subject in the Social Science stream in CUET PG 2023.

  1. Number of Seats Available for CUET PG 2023

Number of seats in science subjects available through CUET PG 2023 is higher if compared to Commerce and Social science subjects. Because the specialization courses available under subjects like Physics and Biology are highly sought-after courses by the candidates of the Science stream under CUET PG 2023 and therefore the number of seats is also higher. In the Social Science stream, the number of seats for subjects like History, Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology is also higher because the demand for these courses among the candidates is increasing per year. And another important point that has to be taken care of is that the seats which were previously under CUET are now under CUET PG 2023.

  1. Level of Toughness

Level of the toughness of each subject is to be considered in order to analyze the cutoff marks of CUET (PG 2023). In Science subjects, 200+ is considered a good score. Even a 150+ is considered good enough for you to land in a preferred college of your choice. But the courses in which the candidates are going to apply using their marks in CUET PG 2023 are important.

Expected CUET PG 2023 cut off

Category of CUET PG CUET PG 2023 expected cut off 
CUET PG 2023 cut off PwD185-195
CUET PG 2023 cut off SC200-210
CUET PG 2023 cut off ST200-210
CUET PG 2023 cut off EWS220-230
CUET PG 2023 cut off OBC220-230
CUET PG 2023 cut off General/UR230-240

Admission Procedure

Candidates are advised to visit the official website of CUET PG 2023 as well as the official website of the universities they are considering for admission, using their marks obtained in CUET PG 2023, to stay updated about future developments. According to the NTA press release, the results of candidates have also been shared with the Universities where the candidates had applied while filling out their CUET PG 2023 application form. The registration process for each university will begin soon on their registration portal. Students need to register themselves there if they want to take part in the counseling process. It is important to note that each university will require an application fee for the processing of applications. Candidates should be aware that the official websites of the participating universities of CUET PG 2023 will notify the required documents needed to be submitted at the time of application.

Application fee

After registration, candidates are required to fill out the application form of each university by paying the prescribed application fee. It is important to note that the fee structure varies for each university participating in CUET PG 2023. Therefore, candidates are advised to apply to as many universities as they are expecting a seat, based on their marks scored in CUET PG 2023. Applying to multiple universities increases their chances of securing admission to their preferred courses.

Counselling Process

Once the application process is concluded, universities will publish the list of preferred candidates on their official websites. Some colleges may choose to publish only one merit list, while others take students’ categories into consideration and publish separate lists accordingly. The counseling schedule and other relevant details will be announced by the respective universities. During the counseling process, candidates’ ranks, filled choices, and seat availability will be taken into consideration, and they will be allotted seats in their preferred universities accordingly.

CUET PG Participating University List

A total of 197 Universities are participating in CUET PG 2023;

  • Central Universities – 39
  • State Government Universities – 45
  • Government Institutions – 10
  • Others (Private and Deemed Universities) -103

Here’s the list of top universities

  • Assam University, Silchar
  • Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
  • Banaras Hindu University
  • Central University of Andhra Pradesh
  • Central University of Gujarat
  • Central University of Haryana
  • Central University of Himachal Pradesh
  • Central University of Jammu
  • Central University of Jharkhand
  • Central University of Karnataka
  • Central University of Kashmir
  • Central University of Kerala
  • Central University of Odisha
  • Central University of Punjab
  • Central University of Rajasthan
  • Central University of South Bihar
  • Central University of Tamil Nadu
  • Delhi Technological University
  • Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
  • Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
  • Dr. Harisingh Gour University
  • Galgotias University
  • GLA University
  • Graphic Era Hill University
  • Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya
  • Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
  • Hemavati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
  • Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
  • Invertis University Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
  • Jagan Nath University of Jaipur
  • Jamia milia Islamia
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • K.R Mangalam University
  • Lucknow Campus Central Sanskrit University
  • Madan Mohan Malaviya University Of Technology
  • Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya
  • Mahatma Gandhi Central University
  • Manipur University
  • National Sanskrit University
  • North Eastern Hill University
  • Pondicherry University
  • RNB Global University
  • Sanskriti University Mathura Uttar Pradesh
  • Shoolini University
  • Sikkim University
  • Suresh Gyan Vihar University
  • Tripura University
  • University of Delhi
  • University of Hyderabad
  • University of Odisha
  • Vivekananda Global University

Frequently Asked Questions about CUET PG 2023 Result

Q. What is CUET PG?

Ans. CUET PG 2023 is a common entrance exam conducted for PG programs that provide a common platform for admissions into any of the Central Universities (CUs) or other participating organizations, including State Universities, Deemed, and Private Universities.

Q. What is the mode of the exam?

Ans. The mode of the CUET exam is CBT which is also known as a Computer-Based Test.

Q. Nature of the question paper and pattern.

Ans. All question papers will be MCQ type.

Q. Is there a negative marking in CUET PG 2023?

Ans. Yes. There will be a deduction of one mark for every incorrect answer.

Q. Who will determine the final merit list for Admission?

Ans. Admission exercise, including counseling, will be handled by the participating Universities/Institutions only. NTA has no role in Admissions.

Q. Is there any application fee to apply to various universities through CUET PG 2023?

Ans. Yes, you have to pay an application fee in order to process the application in every university (maybe exceptions are there).

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