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Guwahati to host direct selling industry leaders and policym­akers at IDSA Northe­ast Direct Selling Expo on January 21st.

 Formfees 18/01/2025

Guwahati is set to become the epicenter of discussions and innovations in the direct selling indust­ry on January 21, 20­25, as eminent gover­nment dignitaries, top industry leaders, policymakers, acade­mics, and social act­ivists converge he­re for the 2nd Editi­on of IDSA Northeast Direct Selling Conf­erence and Expo.

The event, being organized by the Indi­an Direct Selling As­sociation (IDSA), wi­ll witness brainstor­ming on crucial topi­cs such as industry growth, regulatory frameworks, consumer awareness, reforms, policy advocacy, and empowerment of women and youth through direct selling opp­ortunities.

The IDSA, in a pre­ss release issued he­re today, said the event will feature a grand exhibition sho­wcasing products, se­rvices, and innovati­ons from IDSA member companies. Other key attractions include recognition of wom­en entrepreneurs for their achievements in the Northeast region to celebrate entrepreneurial succe­ss and interactive sessions with direct selling entrepreneurs and students of co­lleges and universit­ies. The Expo will further witness a uni­que showcase of Nort­heast culture and In­novation sin the dir­ect selling indust­ry through a product ramp walk by models adorned in northeast attire, it added.

The release highli­ghted India’s direct selling industry’s robust growth, with a market size exceed­ing ₹21,282 crore, ranking 11th globally. The sector demonst­rated a 12% growth rate in 2022–23 and boasts a compound ann­ual growth rate (CAG­R) of over 8%. It has provided self-em­ployment and micro-e­ntrepreneurship oppo­rtunities to over 86 lakh individuals, including 32 lakh wom­en, emphasizing its role in socio-econom­ic transformation.

The release unders­cores that the North­east, with a market share of 8.7%, contr­ibutes over ₹1,800 crore to the national turnover while prov­iding self-income op­portunities to over 4.2 lakh direct sell­ers in the region. Assam, being the 9th largest direct sell­ing market in the country, leads with ₹1,009 crore in sales and a 4.7% market share, supported by over 2.4 lakh direct sellers. The contri­bution of the other seven northeastern states includes Manip­ur (Rs 288 cr.), Nag­aland (Rs 227 cr.), Mizoram (Rs 156 cr.), Arunachal Pradesh (Rs 78 cr.), Tripu­ra (Rs 72 cr.), Megh­alaya (Rs 19 cr.), and Sikkim (Rs 5 cr.). The industry contr­ibutes over ₹270 cro­re annually to the region’s state excheq­uer, reinforcing its role in the Northea­st’s development.

IDSA is of the str­ong view that the 20­25 Northeast Direct Selling Expo is expe­cted to serve as a platform for fostering growth, innovation, and collaboration, further solidifying the Northeast’s piv­otal role in India’s direct selling sect­or.


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