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IMI Delhi Scholarship

  • New Delhi
  • Private

Saurav Anand

IMI Delhi Scholarships:

Students from all over the country study at the International Management Institute, Delhi, one of the premier institutes for management education. The students who take admission in this college are offered a variety of financial assistance. Those who are admitted under the merit list are eligible for scholarships.

Some of the popular financial aid provided is
the FMP stipend:

An Indian national is eligible to apply for this scholarship. In the first two years of the course, the program provides about 25,000 rupees per month and almost 30,000 rupees per month in the last two years.

One can only take advantage of it for up to four years and the amount is payable only at the end of each semester. A good amount of the course fee is covered by this scholarship program, so it is the most popular choice of students.

Contingency grants:

FPM students at IMI, Delhi receive this grant as a liberal grant. It is a grant which is provided for books, hardware, or software for projects and other things to the students. Students in their third or fourth year are eligible for the program, and a supervisor’s letter outlining the student’s needs is also required.

Conference support:

This is a financial support program for students who conduct or attend conferences. Students who have cleared the comprehensive exams can apply. The student must keep in mind that this support is limited to national conferences that the student attends or conducts.

These are some of the scholarship programs that provide students with financial support throughout their studies. Having financial security throughout the course can allow students to focus on their education.

Take your pick from the programs offered by International Management Institute, Delhi.

The Program fee structure and the waivers and scholarships available for different scholar categories are as follows.

Cost Heads1st year2nd year3rd year4th year5th yearTotalSubsequent year(s)
Tuition fees150,000100,000100,000100,000100,000550,00075,000
Learning Resources (e-resources,softwares etc.)30,00030,00030,00030,00030,000150,00020,000
Alumni fees12,000nilnilnilnil12,000nil
Security deposit(refundable)25,000nilnilnilnil25,000nil
Total( Five years)267,000130,000130,000130,000130,000787,000

NOTE: the data is taken from the IMI Delhi official website

Fee Waivers & Other Financial Support:

FPM Full-time students: The participants are awarded the following waivers and financial support

  • Tuition fee: 100% waiver of fee throughout the duration of program
  • Learning Resource fee: 100% waiver throughout the duration of program
  • Scholarship: Eligible candidates will be awarded a scholarship equivalent to JRF/SRF as under:
  • 1-2 Year: Rs. 31,000/- per month
  • 3-5 year: Rs. 35,000/- per month
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): The HRA @24% of the scholarship amount (where the Institute is not providing hostel accommodation). In case the scholar goes for hostel accommodation, he/she will not be eligible for the HRA.
  • Contingency Grant: The scholars would be eligible for a handsome total contingency grant of INR 90,000 (@ 30000/- per annum) during the 3-5th year of his/her tenure after the successful completion of the course work phase. This grant may be used to cover incidental expenses like data collection, stationery, hardware/software, and others.
  • Conference support: The institute also provides a cumulative grant of INR 1,20,000/- for presenting research papers in domestic and international conferences. The conference needs to be fulfilling the conference norms as laid down by the institute.
  • A scholar who publishes in superior quality peer-reviewed journals will receive an additional conference support grant of INR 2,00,000/- for each of such publications (granted once the publication has been accepted by the journal). Please note: Superior quality is as determined by IMI New Delhi journal quality categorization standards. This is a quality categorization that is significantly superior to the minimum quality categorization required to complete degree requirements. The Paper must be co-authored with an IMI New Delhi Faculty and the scholar must ensure the publication is submitted with the IMI New Delhi affiliation.
FPM Part-time students (academicians): The participants are awarded the following waivers in fee
  • The tuition fee is waived for the duration of the program by 50%
  • Throughout the duration of the program, the Learning Resource fee will be waived by 50%

FPM Part-time students (corporate executives): The participants must pay the fee as per the above schedule.

IMI Delhi Scholarship

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