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Difference between a Creamy and Non-Creamy Layer of OBC
Difference between a Creamy and Non-Creamy Layer of OBC

Difference between a Creamy and Non-Creamy Layer of OBC

India is a land of different communities and groups segregated on the basis of their religion and culture. Hinduism is one of the predominant religions of the country, which is divided into several caste groups

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

Difference Between Creamy And Non Creamy Layer Of OBC

India is a land of different communities and groups segregated on the basis of their religion and culture. Hinduism is one of the predominant religions of the country, which is divided into several caste groups. The caste system is no longer practised openly in independent India, but the social hierarchy that was created still persists. The higher castes have always had better opportunities and privileges than the lower castes. So, in order to bring about equality among people of the country, protective discrimination policies were introduced.

The groups that are provided benefits under the reservation system are those belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Castes (OBC). The OBCs were included in the reservation system of the country in 1979 by the Mandal Commission, with Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal as its head. This Commission was formed to identify the socially or educationally underprivileged sections of the society. The commission then proposed to provide 27% reservation to the OBC people for admission to public universities and other government services.

Benefits Of Having an OBC Non Creamy Layer Certificate

In order to get an OBC Non- Creamy Layer Certificate, first of all the candidate needs to check whether the caste or community to which he/she belongs is mentioned in the Central List of OBCs. After getting confirmation of the presence of the castle's name in the list, the candidate then has to check whether he/ she belongs to a non- creamy layer. The process for obtaining the NCL certificate varies from state to state.

  • People with OBC NCL certificate can avail benefits of 27% reservation quota to apply for seats in Government Jobs such as civil services, banking, SSC, etc.
  • They can also get reservation benefits in Government Institutes such as IITs and IIMs. In many of the examinations, OBC NCL candidates get relaxation in the upper age limit for application.
  • Candidates belonging to OBC Non- Creamy Layer usually get a greater number of attempts to appear in exams. Candidates belonging to OBC NCL usually have lower cut- off marks when compared to the general category.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques 1. Who Comes Under The OBC Creamy Layer?

Ans. People who have annual income more than Rs. 8 Lakhs are considered to belong to Creamy Layer

Ques 2. Does a Candidate Who Belongs To OBC Creamy Layer Category Has Any Benefits?

Ans. No, a candidate belonging to the OBC Creamy Layer category does not have any reservation benefits. OBC Creamy Layer candidates are considered equivalent to General candidates.

Ques 3. Who Is OBC Non Creamy Layer?

Ans. Any person who has family income below Rs. 8 Lakhs per annum is considered to belong to the section of OBC non- creamy layer.

Ques 4. What Is The Income Limit For Non Creamy Layer

Ans. The income limit should be less than Rs. 8 Lakhs per annum for non- creamy layer.


Difference Between Creamy And Non Creamy Layer 

The groups that are provided benefits under the reservation system are those belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Castes (OBC). The OBCs were included in the reservation system of the country in 1979 by the Mandal Commission, with Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal as its head. This Commission was formed to identify the socially or educationally underprivileged sections of the society.

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