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India’s leading Holistic Health Guru Dr. Mickey Mehta signed Grow Tall pact with IndoScot Group of Schools

 Formfees 07/02/2025
New Delhi  – India’s leading Holistic Health Guru  Dr Mickey Mehta signed a Grow Tall pact with IndoScot Group of Schools with a vision to create Ramas Krishnas, Christs, Arjuns, Mohammeds, Mahadevs, Zarathustras, Lakshmis, Durgas,and Saraswatis. The Vishwa gurus of Tomorrow from the students of Today. Grow Tall is a program which focusses on developing Sanskaras, Bhavas and Gunas for children. Dr Mehta says, “Every child is born with a predetermined genetic disposition, which when altered with conscious intervention, can change the genetic expression of the child too.”With the science of epigenetics, neuroplasticity, mind-gut axis, and many other sciences and ancient wisdom traditions, we execute this program.” Dr Mickey Mehta and his team have successfully done this for the last 45 years with many high-net-worth and individual schools. However, this is the very first time that it has been integrated in the CAS curriculum. Dr Mehta continues “Everyone is born with a genetic code which determines your growth. But, we humans being the marvel of creation can alter the pre-set patterns with our conscious responsible behaviour and alter the predetermined genetic disposition. It is important to not only guide a child how to grow taller just in height but one should also teach them to grow taller in stature with a good positive attitude which results in good thoughts, good words and good deeds.”

Specifically for children Dr. Mickey Mehta – global leading holistic health guru and a corporate life coach has created a holistic wellness module titled Dr. Mickey Mehta’s ‘Grow Tall’ is specially designed, researched and developed with scientific inputs by Dr. Mickey Mehta.

We are all born with predetermined genetic dispositions. Genes hold the gun, the environment pulls the trigger, but life can still get larger and bigger with your conscious intervention. We can change the program of the source code of the body and we can change the expression of our genes with good means.

Dr. Mickey Mehta says, ‘make wellness the religion no. 1’. He says ” Wellness is the biggest integrating force.” Grow Tall is aimed at children up to 18 years of age, and will help facilitate children’s height growth with the support of specific exercises, nutritional advice, sensible and effective supplementation, lifestyle changes like – appropriate rest, deep breathing, meditation and time-to-time positive affirmations. “Sleep and relaxation are just as important as exercise and food. They complement one another and we should ensure we provide our bodies with adequate rest in order to regenerate, revitalise and to have an overall healthy disposition,” he says.

Dr Mehta proclaims, “It is important to not only guide a child how to grow taller just in height but one should also teach them to grow taller in stature with a good positive attitude which results in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. This program will help children to explore their own human potential, which according to Dr. Mehta “can rise above Gods” and blossom into “fragrant flowers” and nurture into “sweet fruits with strong roots” when nourished correctly.

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