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CBS Kolkata Scholarship Details 2024-2026

  • Parganas (South),Kolkata
  • Private

Saurav Anand

CBS Kolkata Scholarships 2024-2026

Scholarship 1

Scholarships are classified into two types: economically disadvantaged and socially challenged.

1) Kalyani Bursaries (for students from economically disadvantaged background)

  1. Scholarship Quantum: Fees are completely waived (except Admission Fee)
  2. Qualification:

Students with an outstanding academic record whose parents’ or guardians’ income falls below the criterion given under ‘Parental Income Ceiling’ will be eligible for the Kalyani Scholarship.

The following are the minimal academic requirements for students to be eligible for this and the other scholarships listed below:

Class 12/equivalent: >= 75%

Class 10/equivalent: >= 75%

Graduation rate: greater than 60%

Qualifying Aptitude Exam (CAT/MAT, etc.) >= 80%

Other notable accomplishments (documentary proof required).

  1. Fee Waiver Administration: All fee instalments (excluding the first Admission Fee) will be waived. If any payments have already been paid, they will be returned after the due date of the final usually due instalment.

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Scholarship 2

2) Outstanding Achievers Scholarships (for students who have received distinction or achievement in sports or culture/arts).

  1. Scholarship amount: INR 1,000,000 each
  2. Qualification:

For Sportspersons, the student must have been recognised at the State or National level by a significant sports body/association in any outdoor or indoor sporting event.

Students that achieve distinction or achievement from important bodies/associations at the Regional or National level in any field such as Debate, Quiz, Dance, Drama, and so on will be eligible in the Arts.

Furthermore, the students’ parents’ or guardians’ income must be less than the threshold mentioned under ‘Parental Income Ceiling.’

Furthermore, scholarship recipients must maintain an academic CGPA of at least 5.0 in all semesters at GBS and actively engage in the institute’s Beyond Education initiatives.

Students’ performance would be evaluated at the end of each semester to determine eligibility for a partial fee relief.

Fee Waiver Administration: The fee waiver will be applied in two stages. In the first instalment, 50% (i.e. INR 50,000/-) will be deducted from the previous instalment, and the remaining 50% will be deducted from the final instalment.

Financial assistance scheme

Scholarships are awarded to students based on their graduation percentage. The financial aid amount is divided into 55 equal instalments and deducted from the student’s tuition cost for each term.

Percentage marks obtained at GraduationAmount in Rupees
70 and above3,00,000
CBS Kolkata Scholarship Details 2024-2026

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