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Distance /Online MBA Colleges in Kolkata

Distance /Online MBA Colleges in Kolkata

Kolkata is regularly known as the social capital of India, as the city upbrings the legends like Satyajit Ray, Rabindranath Tagore, Mother Teresa, Amartya Sen, and numerous different intelligent people and the craftsman.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

Online MBA Courses In Kolkata

Kolkata is regularly known as the social capital of India, as the city upbrings the legends like Satyajit Ray, Rabindranath Tagore, Mother Teresa, Amartya Sen, and numerous different intelligent people and the craftsman. The city puts stock in the nature of instruction, so do there are the best top colleges that give schooling through Online/Distance mode to every single understudy, who is quick to make their vocation in the administration fields and their specializations.

What Is an Online MBA?

There are around 14 MBA universities situated in Kolkata, both private and government schools. Among these schools give on the web/distance and ordinary instruction of the executives specializations to the intrigued competitors who need to develop their vocation in the MBA programs. To facilitate your discoveries, we have shortlisted the best 08 Online/Distance Colleges that are giving such MBA courses in Kolkata to the applicants.

Online/Distance MBA Colleges Lists In Kolkata

These colleges/schools/Institutions are best as far as format with fantastic schooling, best position cells, concentrate on material, efficient grounds, personnel staff, and substantially more. Understudies after the gathering of MBA degree, are qualified to apply in private, MNCs, Corporate, or Government offices also. The underneath referenced arrange shows the outline of the schools/colleges in Kolkata with their course length, expenses design, and method of instruction


Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), laid out in the year 1998, and furthermore set up its territorial community in Kolkata with all the UG/PG or different courses at the middle. The territorial places are the center for preparing facilitators/advisors/different capacities. IGNOU has fixed its focuses in Kolkata at Park Street, Siliguri, kanchrapara, Bishnupur, Kharagpur, and different spots.

IGNOU is UGC and AICTE endorsed by the Distance Learning courses. Understudies can get a handle on the instruction at reasonable charges from anyplace in India. For admission s at PG level in administration courses, understudies can take confirmation in such courses like MBA, DIM, PGDIM, PGDHRM, PGDOM, PGDMM, PGDFMP, PGDFM, and different courses. Understudies simply need to cross the or fit the bill for the OPENMAT IGNOU selection test for the executives courses. Click here to be familiar with distance MBA from Ignou!

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
MBAINR 37,800Distance ModeAITCE/ UGC2 years

2. Amity Directorate of Distance and Online Education, Kolkata

Friendship Directorate of Distance and Online Education, the establishment is Asia’s main web-based schooling that totally offers the nature of instruction in the greatness in e-learning in the different particular courses of the executives, and other graduation and postgraduation courses. The program is planned so that an understudy will get the experience training with the degree courses

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
2 lacs 14 thousand
Online/ Distance ModeAITCE,UGC,NACC,AIU,NCTE2 years

3. Sunshine Institute of Advance Education

Daylight Institute of Advance Education was set up in the yea 2014, with the intend to give direction in the admission to the distance instruction in the ideal UG/PG courses to make the fruitful vocation in wanted courses. Understudies can appreciate different advantages day in and day out to get to their understudy information base for concentrate on material and other MBA assets.

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
MBAINR 74,000Distance ModeUGC- DEB2 years

5. IIM Calcutta (IIMC)

IIMC points in getting the understudies to offer a quality instruction both somewhere far off or normal mode. For working experts or the people who wish to study in a parttime way, for them this is IIMC in Kolkata is best for distance training.

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
MBAINR 50,000 – 1.5 LakhsDistance ModeAACSB, EQUIS,AMBA2 years

6. Indian School of Business Management and Administration, Kolkata

ISBMA, Kolkata was laid out in the year 1992, the foundation offers different undergrad, postgraduate, certificate, chief courses to the understudies in the MBA of different specializations. The organization is AICTE supported by the college awards commission (UGC) perceived. The foundation gives MBA specializations in Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management.

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
MBAINR 30,000Distance Mode2 years

7. NIST School of Education, Kolkata

Public Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), was set its underlying foundations in the year 1996 by a gathering of technocrats and academicians to assemble the top organization inside India and abroad. The establishment is endorsed by the AICTE. NIST has been viewed as the benchmark research establishment in eastern India.

Course NameFee Structure (INR)DegreeAffiliationDuration
MBAINR 1.11 LakhsDistance ModeUGC – AICTE2 years

Online/Distance MBA Eligibility Criteria

To take admission  in the Online/Distance MBA, an understudy should cross the essential qualification to seek after their profession in this field. Aside from this, qualification standards differ from college to school. Students are expected to breeze through the entry assessment which is relevant by a portion of the colleges. Here are the essential qualification standards for the vast majority of the colleges to take confirmation in the Online/Distance MBA course:

Students are expected to breeze through the assessment of unhitched male’s in any stream with a base level of half

Students need to ensure that they have given their graduation/Bachelor’s certificate from an UGC perceived college

Students should have a place from the trade foundation in their twelfth sheets or in their graduation degree.

How Might You Choose One Perfect Online/Distance MBA College For You?

There are various boundaries to pass judgment or select a college or school for your review which would be the most ideal decision for you. You can’t pick a college haphazardly, all your vocation relies on it. Here are fundamental factors which you can remember while choosing a college/school for an Online/Distance MBA review.

Scholastics: This is the chief and first boundary that you can take a gander at while choosing a college. Scholastic execution assumes a vital part, solid review impact the imaginative and overseeing brain to execute the thoughts into the real world. A decent ingenious scholarly climate sustains the entire character of an understudy.

A school scholastic aides an understudy in acquiring the abilities, that are vital to flourishing in a serious world. Students can handle such a bunch of abilities connected with MBA is as, Management abilities, advertising, Administration, Communicative, Leadership, and so on. Students ordinarily go for organization government occupations as well as in the corporate business world in the wake of finishing an Online/Distance MBA.

Situation Drive: Since the greater part of the school grounds or colleges have their own position cell for students. A last year understudy is simply qualified to partake in the advantages of a situation cell. Entry level positions are being given to the first year students to confront the examples of the corporate world wherein they are set at the different MNCs or Private Companies.

Online/Distance MBA Popular Specializations In Kolkata

MBA (Masters in Business Administration) through Online/Distance mode, offers changed specializations to the students to make their profession in various fields according to their decision of interest. Subsequently, students get the decision to study in various areas of MBA specializations. Here are a portion of the famous MBA courses which you a seek after in an Online/Distance mode are

MBA in Supply Chain ManagementMBA in Information TechnologyMBA in Finance ManagementMBA in Operations Management
MBA in Media ManagementMBA in Human Resources ManagementMBA in Marketing ManagementMBA in Project Management
MBA in Hospital ManagementMBA in International Business ManagementMBA in Entrepreneurship ManagementMBA in Digital Marketing

Top MBA Colleges in Kolkata Based on NIRF Ranking

Consistently, MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) delivers the NIRF positioning of the schools or colleges in the country based on certain boundaries. Applicants who are looking best schools in Kolkata, then, at that point, they ought to consider NIRF rankings to waitlist their particular schools or colleges in the state. Perhaps you are considering what NIRF positioning is?, the reason is it significant for a college to procure the tag? Additionally, here you can actually take a look at the name of some top ordinary MBA schools which offers standard full-time MBA degree programs.

What is NIRF Ranking?

NIRF National Institutional Ranking Framework positions the Indian foundations and colleges through their individual boundaries task which check the college of their insight, schooling system, grounds office, situation drive, and other such important structures.

Top NIRF Ranking Colleges in Kolkata

The NIRF positioning is spread target to advance cutthroat greatness in the higher instructive foundations/colleges or universities. Through NIRF positioning framework helps the hopefuls to seek after advanced education with the ideal decision and most ideal decision of MBA universities in India. Referenced underneath are a portion of the top NIRF positioning universities in Kolkata:

Regular MBA Universities / CollegesNIRF RankingMBA Fees
IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication) Calcutta8.9/10INR 2,700,000
IMI ( International management Institute) Kolkata8.6 /10INR 350,000
University of Calcutta, Kolkata7.7 /10INR 16,510
St. Xaviers College (SXC), Kolkata8.3 /10INR 52,300
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata8.5 /10INR 1,000,000
Scottish Church College, Kolkata7.9 /10INR 57,206


The city of Joy has various schools that offer MBA yet a portion of the universities in Kolkata are ideal to give Online/Distance MBA specializations with brilliant intellectual or situation help to the understudies. An understudy ought to visit the authority site of shortlisted schools/colleges for their MBA review. This blog has loaded up with all the fundamental and progressed data of the Kolkata-based colleges for on the web/distance MBA.

The distance-based universities have their review places or territorial focuses in the city arranged in the neighbourhoods the understudies to present their tasks, take classes, or accomplish other such work. Online-based universities give a virtual class, and online accommodation of tasks to their enlisted understudies of MBA specialization.

Frequently Asked Question

Q. What is the base capability expected to take affirmation in the MBA Specializations?

Ans. The base capability expected to take confirmation in the MBA specialization is that an understudy needs to graduate in the Management field or other significant fields.

Q. Which are the main three normal universities in Kolkata?

Ans. Here are the best three schools/colleges in Kolkata are; the University of Calcutta, St. Xaviers College (SXC), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata.

Q. Which are the top Online/Distance MBA Specializations that are famous in Kolkata?

Ans. The main five Online/Distance MBA specializations are, MBA in Finance Management, MBA in International Business Management, MBA in Hospital Management, MBA in Entrepreneurship Management, MBA in Digital Marketing.

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