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NEET Syllabus PDF

NEET Syllabus PDF: Physics, Chemistry, Biology Syllabus Topic Wise

The National Medical Commission (NMC) recommends the syllabus for NEET-UG for all aspiring candidates. Candidates appearing for NEET 2022, should be aware of the syllabus, to ace the exam with ease.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

NEET Syllabus PDF

The National Medical Commission (NMC) recommends the syllabus for NEET-UG for all aspiring candidates. Candidates appearing for NEET 2022, should be aware of the syllabus, to ace the exam with ease. 

The NEET exam syllabus is designed after considering the syllabus of state boards, CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, COBSE of Class 11 and 12. Knowing the NEET 2022 syllabus will help students in the preparation for each and every topic. The intent of the NEET syllabus 2022 by NTA is to help candidates understand the topics to be covered in the NEET exam.

NEET Syllabus PDF 2022

Aspirants can check the subject and topic-wise NEET 2022 syllabus from the below-mentioned table. In addition to the NEET syllabus 2022, the list of best books covering the NEET-UG syllabus is also given below.

NEET Physics Syllabus 2022

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NEET 2022:- Best Books for Physics

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Chemistry Syllabus for NEET 2022

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NEET 2022:- Best Books for Chemistry

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Biology Syllabus for NEET 2022

Unlike the other subjects, NEET Biology comprises Zoology and Botany. This is why the NEET Biology syllabus becomes more important as the syllabus is vast to cover. The topics covered under NEET Biology syllabus 2022 are given below followed by the best books to be referred to cement the concepts.

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NEET 2022:- Best Books for Biology

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NEET 2022:- Exam Pattern

As per the exam pattern of NEET-UG, the total number of questions asked in the exam is 200, which are divided into two sections - Section A and Section B. Aspirants have to attempt only 180 questions of their choice. The total marks of NEET are 720.

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NEET 2022:- Preparation Tips

Without knowing what to study, candidates can never crack NEET with an excellent score. This is why the NEET 2022 syllabus is crucial. Candidates can know the topics and cross verify with their class 11 and 12 syllabus to combine their preparation. Most toppers and experts advise that students understand the NEET syllabus and schedule their preparation.

How to Prepare NEET 2022 in 6 Months

  • Segregate the syllabus of NEET into easy, difficult, and to learn topics. This should be done for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
  • Learn and revise one easy topic with one difficult topic from the NEET syllabus 2022.
  • Allocate more time to learn the new/ difficult topics from the NEET syllabus as this involves learning everything new.
  • After completing one chapter, the questions given at the end of the chapter should be answered to cement the concept.
  • Check past year question papers and answer questions from the topic completed from the NEET syllabus 2022.
  • Analyse the performance and revise the NEET syllabus for the topic if the test has not gone well.
  • Move on to the next topic in the NEET 2022 syllabus only if the topics completed have been revised and studied thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which syllabus is important for NEET?

Answer. With the subject-wise NEET 2022 question paper analysis, Biology is the most important section. The NEET Biology syllabus section comprises two subjects, Botany and Zoology.

2. Is NEET A Tough Exam?

Answer. No doubt, NEET is a difficult and challenging exam. We are talking about the single-level medical entrance examination of the country with lakhs of students appearing for the exam, and limited seats offered in desired colleges.

3. Can I crack NEET without coaching?

Answer. Yes, one can surely clear the examination without coaching and there have been examples of various students who have done the same previously.

4. Is Physics removed from the NEET 2022?

Answer. No, Physics is not removed from the NEET 2022. There are personal suggestions by some teachers to consider Physics as a qualifying section only and not to use its score in the NEET merit list. However, NTA has not made any such changes to the NEET.

5. Which is tough, IAS or NEET?

Answer. After analysing the level of questions that appears in various exams, UPSC is undoubtedly the toughest one. However, NEET is one of the toughest national level exams in India as well.

6. Is NEET easier than Jee?

Answer. As for difficulty level, NEET is slightly tougher than JEE Mains but easier than JEE Advanced, but that is subjective, as seats are comparatively limited in NEET making it more competitive.


The NEET exam syllabus is designed after considering the syllabus of state boards, CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, COBSE of Class 11 and 12. Knowing the NEET 2022 syllabus will help students in the preparation for each and every topic.

Ritika Shrivastav


NEET 2022 syllabus will help students in the preparation for each and every topic. The intent of the NEET syllabus 2022 by NTA is to help candidates understand the topics to be covered in the NEET exam.

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