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List of MBA Entrance Exam 2022

List of MBA Entrance Exam 2022

Top MBA exams in India include CAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT, CMAT, IIFT, MAT, MAH CET, IBSAT, etc. IIM administers The CAT exam is among the awaited MBA entrance test in India with over 1200 candidates. MBA colleges pick applicants on the basis of the marks earned in this exam.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

Top MBA exams in India include CATXAT, SNAP, NMATCMAT, IIFT, MAT, MAH CET, IBSAT, etc. IIM administers The CAT exam is among the awaited MBA entrance test in India with over 1200 candidates. MBA colleges pick applicants on the basis of the marks earned in this exam. After the CAT exam, it is the second most sought-after MBA examination for applicants is CMAT which is administered through the NTA. CMAT scores are accepted by more than 1,000 MBA schools throughout India. The third most well-known MBA admissions exam is the XAT exam which is administered in conjunction with XLRI Jamshedpur. Scores from XAT are recognized by more than 8000 MBA colleges across India.

Alongside these tests In addition, there are more than 50 tests to be taken for admission to the top MBA schools in India. The MBA entrance tests are held at three levels.

  • At the National Level: They are most well-known among these are CMAT, CAT and the MAT
  • The level at the state: Most well-known among these are TSICET, MAHCET KMAT, TANCET, and MAH-CET.
  • College/University level: Some important entrance tests include XAT and SNAP. IIFT Exam and IRMASAT

The top MBA entrance tests like the CAT, XAT, IIFT SNAP, TISSNET, IBSAT, CMAT, etc. for the academic session of 2022 will be offered between November 2022 to February 2023. MBA applicants can also select between ATMA, MAT, GMAT, MAHCET, OJEE, KMAT, APICET TSICET, and various other state-level entrance tests. The application process for some of these exams is in progress. Find out below the MBA examinations you may be able to take in the next few months, the registration process for eligibility, a fee as well as the syllabus, pattern, and the preparation plan.

Take a look at the application and exam dates of top 20 MBA entrance exams in India that are the gateway to popular MBA colleges in India.

Top MBA Entrance Exams Tests to be taken for admission 2022: May MAT MAH CET TANCET, ATMA Open CMAT has been closed

If you’re searching for the most current information about MBA Entrance Exams to be taken for admission in 2022, you’re on the right website. This article from Experts will help you in all important MBA Exams, the last Dates, the registration process, etc.

Top MBA Entrance Exam in India

Top MBA entrance exam in India – The CAT or GMAT is usually the basic mandatory requirement of B schools in India. AICTE has approved six nationalized tests in total. GMAT, CAT, MAT, ATMA, NMAT, XAT, and CMAT are all MBA entrance exams in India.

While the CAT, MAT, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, and other exams are only accepted by related institutions and a small number of B-schools, the GMAT is accepted by a much larger number of B-schools across India. Taking the GMAT exam allows a candidate to apply to business schools all over the world.

Refer to the table below for a better understanding of the Eligibility Criteria for an MBA in India:Search:

S.No.Entrance ExamInstituteEligibilityTentative MonthWebsite
1GMATGraduate Management Admission TestGraduation in any Discipline ( except for people opting for early/advance admissions)All year around (365 days)- by Appoints Only
2CATIndian Institute of Management50% in
3IRMAInstitute of Rural Management Anand50% in
4MATAll India Management AssociationGraduation in any DisciplineSeptember, December, February &
5SNAPSymbiosis International University50% in Graduation(regular degree)
8XATXLRI, Jamshedpur50% in
9TISSTata Institute of Social SciencesGraduation in any
10ATMAAssociation of Indian Management Studies50% in

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The application and registration procedure is open for MAH CET in 2022, which will offer the possibility of admission at JBIMS, SIMSREE, and PUMBA. The May 2022 MAT is open to applicants for 400 MBA colleges and TANCET 2022 which gives admission to the lowest-cost MBA schools in Tamilnadu and Tamilnadu, has opened for the next few days.

The application deadline for CMAT 2022, which provides admission to over 1000 AICTE-accredited MBA colleges, has passed. The TS ICET will open soon. Other important MBA entrance exams for MBA admission in 2022, such as IIFT 2022, CAT 2021, The SNAP 2021 exam, XAT 2022, and NMAT, have already concluded and results have been released. MBA admission 2022 opportunities in hundreds of top B-schools such as Great Lakes, BIMTECH, and IMT Nagpur are available for the next few days.

The information for the top MBA exam entrances for 2022 admission is provided below. The registration and application deadlines for many of the exams are available, but the announcement for some of them has yet to be made by the exam’s governing body.

MBA Entrance Exams for Admission 2022


MBA ExamLast Date to ApplyExam Date
CMAT 2022March 17, 2022April 9, 2022
MAT May 2022PBT-1: May 9, 2022
PBT-2: May 23, 2022
IBT: May 11 to May 26, 2022
PBT-1 May 15, 2022
PBT-2: May 28, 2022
IBT: May 14 to May 29, 2022
MAH CET 2022April 20, 2022May 21 & 22, 2022 (Expected)
TANCET 2022April 18, 2022May 14, 2022 (2.30PM to 4.30PM)
ATMA May 2022May 22, 2022May 29, 2022
TISSNET 2022 (Closed)April 30, 2022May 14, 2022 (2.30PM to 4.30PM)
NMAT 2021 (Closed)January 9, 2022January 11 to 15, 2022 (Result Out)
CAT 2021 (Closed)September 22, 2021November 28, 2021 (Result Out)
SNAP 2021 (Closed)November 30, 2021December 19, 2021; January 8 & 16, 2022 (Result Out)
XAT 2022 (Closed)December 10, 2021January 2, 2022 (Result Out)
IIFT 2022 (Closed)October 25, 2021December 5, 2021 (Result Out)
IBSAT 2021 (Closed)December 16, 2021December 25 & 26, 2021 (Result Out)

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries

Top MBA Entrance Exams for Admission 2022

Here we have discussed and showed the List of MBA Entrance Exams and their key details of Top MBA Exams for admission 2022 in top MBA colleges in India. We have categorized them in three types:

  1. National level MBA Exams,
  2. Institute level MBA test, and
  3. State level MBA exams
  4. National MBA Entrance Exams

MBA Exam dates and schedule with top MBA colleges accepting exam and MBA Entrance Exam Calendar is shared below..Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

Name of the National MBA ExamMBA Entrance Exam DateTop MBA colleges accepting Exam
CMAT 2022April 9, 2022Great Lakes, GIM Goa, K J Somaiya, IFMR, Welingkar, Jaipuria, N L Dalmia
MAT 2022 (May)PBT-1: May 15, 2022
PBT-2: May 28, 2022
IBT : May 14 to May 29, 2022
CBT: No CBT May MAT 2022
JAGSoM, IPE Hyderabad, Jaipuria, BIMTECH (Specialized PGDM), JIMS, NDIM
Common Admission Test (CAT) 2021November 28, 2021IIMs, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR, MDI, IITs, IMI, IMT
Xavier Aptitude Test - XAT 2022January 2, 2022XLRI, XIMB, IMT, TAPMI
2January 11 to 15, 2022NMIMS, ISB-APPBA, SPJIMR-PGMPW, TAPMI-Mu Sigma, XUB, VIT Vellor, SD Bacconi Asia Centre
SNAP 2021December 19, 2021; January 8 & 16, 2022SIBM Pune, SCMHRD, SIOM & 12 Other Symbiosis colleges
ATMA 2022 (May)May 29Welingkar, CIMR, SOIL, IMS
GMAT 2022Available Round the yearSPJIMR, IMI, IMT, XIMB, TAPMI, FORE, LBSIM, GIM Goa

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries


  1. Institute Level MBA Entrance Exam

MBA admission tests at the institute level are administered by specialized management institutes that do not recognize marks from other entrance examinations. The majority of these tests were held in 2021, with others held in 2022. From August through October, notifications for the top institute level MBA entrance examinations – IIFT, TISSNET, IRMASAT, and MICAT – are published. TISSNET dates have been announced, whereas IIFT and IBSAT dates will expire in December 2021. Individual dates and schedules for various MBA entrance tests for admission 2022 are being revealed.Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

Name of the Institute level MBA Entrance ExamExam DatesTop MBA Institute Accepting Exam score
IIFT MBA (IB) 2022 Entrance ExamDecember 5, 2021Indian Institute of Foreign Trade-Delhi, Kolkata, Kakinada
TISSNET 2022February 26, 2022Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) all campuses
IBSAT 2021December 25 & 26, 20219 ICFAI B-Schools
MICAT 2022January 29, 2022MICA Ahmedabad
KIITEE Management 2022January 15 to 17, 2022KIIT School of Management (KSOM) Bhubaneswar
IRMASAT 2022February 2022IRMA Anand

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries


  1. State MBA Entrance Exams

State level MBA admission examinations are conducted by specialized state CET cells such as DTE Maharashtra’s CET Cell, Karnataka KEA, and private MBA entrance test conducting organisations such as KMAT Karnataka. University B-schools and private PGDM institutions are among the MBA schools that accept these admission test results. The notice for the MBA Entrance Examinations for Admission 2022 for these state level exams will be issued shortly.Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

State Level MBA Entrance ExamDates of MBA Entrance ExamTop MBA College Accepting Exam Score
MAH CET 2022May 21 & 22, 2022JBIMS, SIMSREE, PUMBA, N L Dalmiya, SIES, CIMR
Karnataka PGCET 2022August 21, 2022IBA, AIMS, Alliance, ABBS, Kristu Jayanti
TANCET 2022May 14, 2022Anna University, Tamilnadu, Madras University, SRM University, SSN School of Management Chennai, Hallmark Business School Trichy, St Josephs School of Management, Trichy, PSGIM Coimbatore
TS ICET 2022August 19/20, 2022Kakatiya University (KU); Osmania University (OU); Telangana University (TU); Satavahana University (SU)
KMAT 2022September 5, 2022IBA, AIMS, Alliance, ABBS, Kristu Jayanti

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries


Note: All dates are tentative

Last Date to Apply for MBA Entrance Exams for Admission 2022

Following are the last dates for each MBA entrance exam 2022 leading to MBA admission 2022Search:

Name of the National MBA ExamMBA Entrance Exam DatesMBA Entrance Exam Last Date to Apply
MAH CET 2022May 21 & 22, 2022April 20, 2022
CMAT 2022April 9, 2022March 17, 2022
MAT 2022
PBT-1: May 15, 2022
PBT-2: May 28, 2022
IBT: May 14 to May 29, 2022
CBT: No CBT May MAT Exam
PBT-1: May 9, 2022
PBT-2: May 23, 2022
IBT: May 11 to May 26, 2022
CBT: No CBT May MAT Exam
ATMA 2022
May 22, 2022May 29, 2022
Common Admission Test (CAT) 2021November 28, 2021September 22, 2021
Xavier Aptitude Test - XAT 2022January 2, 2022December 10, 2021
2Jan 11 to 15, 2022January 9, 2022
IIFT 2022December 5, 2021October 25, 2021
SNAP 2021December 19, 2021; January 8 &16, 2022November 30, 2021
GMAT 2022Available Round the yearAvailable all the time

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries

MBA Colleges Accepting Various Entrance Exams

Following are the top MBA colleges accepting different MBA Entrance Exams scores.    Search:

MBA Entrance ExamsTop Institutes Accepting Exam Score
CAT20 IIMs, FMS, MDI, SPJIMR, IITs, IMI, IMT, TAPMI, K J Somaiya + 500 Others
XATXLRI, IMT, XIMB, XIME, GIM, Great Lakes, TAPMI, FORE, LIBA + 140 Others
SNAPSIBM Pune, SCMHRD, + 13 Other top Symbiosis Institutes
NMAT by GMACNMIMS Mumbai + 20 other MBA colleges & Universities
IIFT3 Campuses of IIFT at Delhi, Kolkata and Kakinada
CMATK J Somaiya, Great Lakes, BIMTECH, GIM, VIT and all the Institutes and Universities offering AICTE approved MBA/PGDM programmes
IBSATIBS Hyderabad & all the other 8 campuses of ICFAI B-Schools
MAT300 MBA/PGDM colleges across India
ATMAMore than 200 MBA/PGDM colleges in India
TISSNETTata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and all its campuses
KIITEE ManagementKIIT School of Management; KIIT School of Rural Management

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries

The summary of MBA Entrance Exams in India is provided below.

The sections that follow will provide information on the most popular MBA entrance exams in India, as well as other links.

Short Summary of the CAT

Common Admission Test (CAT) Common Admission Test (CAT) most sought-after entrance test for admission in India is administered by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIM). The CAT score is utilized by 20 IIMs and over 1000 other management institutes across the nation to determine the eligibility of applicants. Over 2 lakh pupils pass the test each year.

The CAT test was initially launched in 1950 it was later transformed to an on-line entrance exam in 2009. The test is comprised of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that have to be completed in only 180 minutes. It was the case that the test was given in three sections instead of two because of COVID-19 and the exam time was of 120 minutes. The application for the CAT test is online and the test is held in more than 400 testing centers. The CAT test consists of three sections, which include the following: the Verbal Ability as well as Quantitative Aptitude Logical Reasoning. The sections are split into three sections:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
  2. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  3. Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VRC)

Short Summary of the CMAT

It is the Common Management Admission Test, also known as CMAT is the nation’s second-largest entrance exam for management, having more than 1.5 lakh applicants taking CMAT. CMAT will be administered through the National Testing Agency, is an increasingly popular option for MBA applicants who have taken the CAT. It was the first CMAT test was conducted in 2012. The test was attended by more than 1000 MBA institutions across the nation accept the test results. The test takes place during the months of January and February.

CMAT is a CMAT test is computer-assisted test lasting 180 minutes that evaluates the ability of candidates to perform in the following four categories:

  1. Quantitative Methodology
  2. Language Comprehension
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. General Knowledge
  5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Short Summary of XAT

The Xavier Aptitude Examination (XAT) is another top management entrance exam is a computer-based managerial aptitude test. It is administered by the Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI) Jamshedpur administers the XAT that is taken by around one lakh applicants every year. The XAT is held each calendar year during the 1st Sunday in the calendar year (January). XAT results are recognized through XLRI Jamshedpur as well as more than 800 other management schools. The XAT test puts applicants in the spotlight on 4 levels:

  1. Quantitative Ability
  2. English Language & Logical Reasoning
  3. Decision Making
  4. General Knowledge

Short Summary of SNAP

Symbiosis National Aptitude Test, also known as SNAP is a national management entrance test that is administered through Symbiosis International University. Its SNAP score is mostly used to determine admission into Symbiosis International University’s sixteen institutes. But, SNAP scores are used to gain admission into a variety of different MBA programs. The SNAP test registration opens from August until November. The test will be held in December.

The SNAP Test is a computer-based test that takes two hours. It tests candidates on:

  1. Quantitative General English, Data Interpretation, and Data Sufficiency
  2. Logical and Analytical Reasoning

Short Summary of NMAT by GMAC

NMIMS Management Aptitude Test (NMAT) is another well-known MBA admissions test. GMAC bought it in the year 2015 and renamed it NMAT. The NMAT exam is a computer-based test that is conducted in the months of October and December, over 75 days. Candidates are required to answer 108 multiple-choice questions within 120 minutes. The year before, NMAC has given students the possibility of taking the test at home , in a remotely-proctored format. This was made possible as a response to the nation’s COVID-19 crises.

GMAC’s NMAT offers several options for candidates. For instance, candidates can pass the exam three times and the top of three scores being considered to be a candidate for admission. This test can be split into three parts:

  1. Language Skills
  2. Quantitative Skills
  3. Logical Reasoning

Short Summary of MAT

It is also known as the Management Aptitude Test, or MAT is another well-known MBA entrance test. Admission to management courses, over 600 institutes accept MAT test scores. The test is offered each year in the months of February in May, September, and December. The exam is conducted through the All India Management Association (AIMA). The test is conducted in three ways including Computer-based test (CBT) as well as test-taking on paper (PBT) as well as internet-based test (IBT). The MAT test is 150 minutes and comprises 200 questions. The tests are conducted on the following subjects for the aspirant

  1. Indian and Global Environment
  2. Language Comprehension
  3. Data Analysis and Sufficiency
  4. Mathematical Skills
  5. Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

Short Summary of IIFT Exam

This IIFT examination is an admissions exam for specific institutes. The NTA administers the test for acceptance into Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). The IIFT test results are the only ones acceptable for acceptance into IIFT. It’s being conducted online in more than 200 cities. The IIFT test will be held in December. The test takes two hours and the test is comprised of 110 multiple-choice tests. The test evaluates the candidate’s abilities on the basis of the following:

  1. English Comprehension
  2. General Knowledge & Awareness
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. Quantitative Analysis

Short Summary of ATMA

This AIMS test for management Admissions commonly referred to as ATMA is a national management entrance test. It’s held every year in the months of February and May, as well as July and August. It it is offered online in an online-based test format. ATMA scores are used for admission to various management programs offered by more than 500 MBA institutions. ATMA test paper is three hours long and divided into these sections:

  1. Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 1
  2. Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 2
  3. Quantitative Skills Part 1
  4. Quantitative Skills Part 2
  5. Verbal Skills Part 1
  6. Verbal Skills Part 2

Short Summary of IBSAT

ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test commonly called the IBSAT is an entrance exam for institutes. ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education is the one who administers the test. The admission process for MBA or PhD degrees at the nine ICFAI Business School (IBS) campuses IBS campuses – Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Dehradun, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune and Pune – are determined by IBSAT test scores.

It is an IBSAT exam. IBSAT Test will be an Internet Based Test (IBT) that assesses a person’s ability to perform in these areas

  1. Verbal Ability
  2. Reading Comprehension
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
  4. Data Adequacy & Data Interpretation

Short Summary of MICAT

MICAT is an online admissions exam for MICA’s most popular two-year Post-Graduate Diploma Management – Communication program (PGDM-C). To be qualified to take MICAT students have to first submit an application for the CAT, GMAT, or XAT. The applicants who are selected are invited to the MICAT entrance exam that will take place in December.

For more than 125 mins, MICAT has two sections:

  1. Section 1 evaluates candidates Analytical Skills as well as Skills for Logical Skills, Verbal Skills, Divergent Thinking, Writing Communication Skills and General Awareness.
  2. Section 2 comprises an Psychometric Test

Short Summary of MAH-CET

MAH-CET, also known as the Maharashtra Common Admission Test, is a state-wide MBA admission test. It is conducted through the Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education to allow admission into various management courses like MBA, MMS, PGDBM and PGDM in various colleges throughout the state.

MAH CET MBA is held in March. Candidates must attempt 200 questions within 150 minutes. The MAH-CET test paper is composed of three parts:

  1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Logical / Abstract Reasoning

Short Summary of IRMASAT

The IRMA Social Awareness Test, sometimes referred to as the IRMASAT is an admissions test for institutes. It is used to determine the eligibility in the Institute of Rural Administration’s Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Management (PGDRM) and the Fellow Programme for Rural Management (FPRM). The IRMA test takes place in January.

  1. IRMA employs CAT/XAT scores in order to determine the candidates to be shortlisted in the initial round. Candidates shortlisted are invited to take the IRMA exam in writing or IRMASAT concerning “Issues of Social Concern”.

Short Summary of KIITEE MBA Test

KIITEE is a computer-based national test for a range of subjects, among which is the MBA. Each year in January KIIT University administers the KIITEE test. This test is administered by KIIT University. KIITEE MBA tests results will be used to decide if you are eligible to join two of the following programs:

  • MBA at KIIT School of Management (offered at KIIT University)
  • MBA (Rural Management) (KIIT School of Rural Management)

Candidates must answer 150 questions within 150 minutes. There are four parts in KIITEE MBA:

  1. Quantitative Aptitude
  2. Analytical Reasoning
  3. English
  4. General Knowledge
  5. Social issues

Short Summary of OJEE MBA

The Odisha Joint Admission Exam commonly referred to as OJEE is a state-wide MBA entrance test administered through Orissa Government of Orissa. The results of the test will be used to decide if you are eligible to the various MBA programmes in Odisha. The test is conducted between April and May. OJEE is a online, 120-question test in which candidates must complete 120 questions within 120 minutes.

OJEE MBA is divided into five parts:

  1. Verbal reasoning
  2. Analytical reasoning
  3. General Knowledge
  4. Comprehension
  5. Business and computer fundamentals

Short Summary of KMAT

It is the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) is a state-wide MBA entrance exam for applicants to postgraduate programs offered by MBA schools and B-schools in Karnataka. The test is conducted three times in the year, during the months of May, July and September.

KMAT results are used to determine admission to more than 169 colleges throughout the state. They are managed through the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA).

Candidates must attempt 120 questions over the course of 120 minutes. KMAT is comprised of these sections:

  1. Language Comprehension
  2. Mathematical Skills
  3. Basic Aptitude

Short Summary of APICET

APICET (Andhra Pradesh Integral Common Entrance Test) is a state-wide MBA entrance exam that is conducted for acceptance into various business schools as well as MBA institutions located in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The APICET typically takes place in May. Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati is the authority for the test. behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE)

APICET is a test for entrance on paper. Candidates are required to answer 200 questions over a period of 150 minutes.

APICET is comprised of three sections:

  1. Mathematical Ability
  2. Analytical Ability
  3. Communication

Short Summary of TSICET

Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test or TSICET is a written state-wide MBA admission test. TSICET was conducted on the very first occasion in May of 2015. The scores from the test can be used to get into different MBA programs in the State of Telangana.

The TSICET exam question paper has three parts:

  1. Analytical Ability
  2. Mathematical Ability
  3. Communication Ability

Short Summary of TANCET

Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test or TANCET is a state-wide exam that tests applicants to allow students admission into MBA courses within Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu. TANCET is administered through Anna University, Chennai, on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu.

TANCET test is conducted in May. It lasts 2 hour (100 question) and tests candidates’ aptitude in:

  1. Analysis of Business Situations 
  2. Reading Comprehension
  3. Quantitative Ability
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. English Usage

Short Summary of TISSNET

Tata Institute of Social Sciences National Entrance Test or TISSNET is an institute-level test administered by the Tata Institute of Social Science to test applicants for all Master’s programs offered by TISS, Mumbai Tuljapur, Hyderabad, Guwahati, IMHST Chennai, G-SET, MHAT Calicut, and Ranchi.

An exam that is computer-based, TISSNET will last over 100 minutes (1 hour and 40 mins). The questions asked during the test are connected to:

  1. Social Sensitivity
  2. Logical Reasoning
  3. Analytical Ability
  4. Knowledge on Contemporary issues

Short Summary of HPU MAT

HP University Management Aptitude Test or HPU MAT is an entrance exam for institutes that is conducted for admission into Himachal Pradesh University Business School as well as HPU Regional Center, Dharamshala.

The HPU-MAT entrance exam comprises four parts:

  1. English Comprehension
  2. Reasoning
  3. Business Environment
  4. Arithmetic Comprehension & Data Interpretation

Short Summary of NBSAT

Narayana Business School Admission Test or NBSAT is a standard entrance test that is conducted at the Narayana Business School for admission to its PGDM/MBA courses. The test is an internet-based, proctored test that is able to be completed at your home. The test takes two hours in length and consists of questions taken from Quantitative Techniques (QT) as well as Data Interpretation & Data Adequacy (DI & DA), Vocabulary & Analytical Reasoning (AR) and Reading Comprehension (RC).

Top MBA Entrance Exams 2022 for Admission 2022

We have reviewed and presented how to access the List of MBA Entrance Exams along with the important details for top MBA Exams to be taken in 2022 for admission in the best MBA schools in India. We have categorize them into three categories:

  1. The National Level MBA Exams,
  2. Institute-level MBA test and
  3. State level MBA exams

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Which entrance exam is best for MBA?

Answer. Top 5 MBA Entrance Exams in India

  • CAT: Common Admission Test. Common Admission Test (CAT) is the most popular and sought after MBA Entrance exam in India. …
  • XAT – Xavier Aptitude Test. …
  • GMAT – Graduate Management Aptitude Test. …
  • MAT – Management Aptitude Test. …
  • CMAT – Common Management Admission Test.

2. Which is the easiest MBA entrance exam?


In India, based on MBA aspirant’s feedback, CMAT is the easiest MBA entrance examination. The Common Management Admission Test or CMAT is a national level entrance examination conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

3. Which is better CAT or CMAT?

They accept CAT scores. CMAT is of low difficulty level exam as compared to CAT exam. CMAT has 25% negative marking while CAT has 33% negative marking for wrong answers.

CAT Vs Other MBA Entrance Exams.

Show 102550100 entriesSearch:

CAT Vs CMAT DifficultyModerately DifficultEasy to Moderate
Difference Between CAT And CMAT Syllabus: Total Sections34

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries


4. What are the upcoming MBA entrance exams?

Answer. Top MBA entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, TISSNET, IBSAT, CMAT, etc. for the 2022 academic session will be conducted between November 2022 and February 2023. MBA aspirants can also choose from MAT, ATMA, MAH-CET, GMAT, OJEE, KMAT, APICET, TSICET, and other state-level entrance exams.

5. Is CAT compulsory for MBA?

Answer. No, CAT or CMAT exam is not compulsory for MBA. There are a host of other MBA entrance exams similar/equivalent to CAT like XAT. Several institutes have their own entrance exams like NMAT for NMIMS, TISS, SNAP for Symbiosis, IIFT, CET for Maharashtra institutes, MICA, etc.

6. What’s a GMAT exam?

Answer. The GMAT exam is designed to test skills that are highly important to business and management programs. It assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, along with the data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning skills that are vital to real-world business and management success.

7. Which is difficult CAT or NMAT?

Answer. NMAT is way easier than CAT, and most of the candidates who prepare for CAT can easily attempt NMAT. So, if you are well prepared for CAT, NMAT should not be an issue. Apart from some minor topics, most topics also remain the same for both exams.

8. How can I prepare for MBA at home?

Answer. 6 ways to crack CAT with self-preparation

  1. Know your exam. The first thing you prepare for is getting to know the exam pattern and syllabus of CAT in detail.
  2. Right Study Material. 
  3. Online Mock Tests. 
  4. Study Group. 
  5. Buddy up with the internet.
  6. Confidence and Motivation.

9. How many exams are there in MBA?

Answer. Broadly speaking, there are 9 popular National Level MBA entrance exams in India for MBA admission. They are CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, ATMA and GMAT.

10. What is CAT syllabus?

Answer. The syllabus for CAT exam includes three subjects – Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Quantitative Aptitude (QA). The VARC section of CAT 2022 syllabus covers various topics of English Grammar, Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.

11. Is GMAT better than CAT?

Answer. The GMAT with its wider worldwide acceptance, lower opportunity cost, and greater return on investment along with its increasing acceptance to executive MBA programs at IIMs and a few other Indian B-schools stands out as the better option between GMAT vs CAT.

12. Is GMAT easier than CAT?

Answer. Overall, difficulty level of CAT is higher than GMAT. GMAT has a well defined syllabus which makes it relatively easier in terms of preparation whereas, CAT syllabus is not as well defined as GMAT, hence the time invested can be more too.

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