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Doon Business School Agriculture Fees 2023
Doon Business School Agriculture Fees 2023

Doon Business School Agriculture Fees 2023

Doon business school is a renowned institution in North India that provides an excellent atmosphere for students who want to be next-generation, Business owners.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

Doon business school is a renowned institution in North India that provides an excellent atmosphere for students who want to be next-generation, Business owners. They provide multiple specializations for students in marketing, finance, agriculture, international business, and human resources management. Doon Business School constantly upgrades its course material to face changing global business patterns so that when its students go out and work in corporate environments they are fully ready with the required managerial and technological skills which must be needed for the job. This is the NO 1 Business school in Uttarakhand. Agriculture is one of the popular courses in this college. For this subject both Undergraduate and Postgraduate are available. This college provides a good placement every year. This college campus has good infrastructure which is required nowadays. The most interesting thing about this college is the fees are very low, Fees for this course are 

Doon Business School B.SC (HONS) Agriculture:

Admission Fees20k(Nonrefundable)
Tuition Fees, Career Development cell, Soft skills, Clubs Membership1st Sem:45k2nd Sem: 45k3rd Sem: 48k4th Sem:48k5th Sem:51k6th Sem:51k7th Sem:54k8th Sem:54k
Security( Refundable)7.5k
University Examination Fees1st Sem:2.5k2nd Sem:2.5k3rd Sem:2.5k4th Sem:2.5k
Total Fees4.48 Lakhs
CDC Membership32k
3 days Outbound Tour9.5k
Book Bank4.5k
Alumni Registration5000(4th Sem)
Charges for Uniform8800

Doon Business School MSc Agricultural Fees

Admission Fees20k(Nonrefundable)
Tuition Fees, Career Development cell, Soft skills, Clubs Membership1st Sem:42k2nd Sem: 42k3rd Sem: 44k4th Sem:44k
Security( Refundable)7.5k
University Examination Fees1st Sem:2.5k2nd Sem:2.5k3rd Sem:2.5k4th Sem:2.5k
Total Fees2 lakhs
CDC Membership7.5k(3rd Sem)
Book Bank4.5k
Alumni Registration5000(4th Sem)
Charges for Uniform8800

Admission Process For Agriculture  Students

 DBS admission in undergraduate courses is based on merit and a personal interview process. Early admission means before getting final results if the students need to register at Doon Business School, their registration is evaluated by their X and XI academic results and in the interview process which is most important for this student. For the regular admission process, students register themselves, and after they appear for the interview process. If students meet all of the criteria that colleges most need then they are selected for their dream college. MSc students also get admission merit basis and the same process also repeats for masters in Agriculture studies.

To apply, students need to feel the application form which fee is 750.

Agriculture at Doon Business School

  • No capitation fee is required for Doon Business School.
  • 100% scholarship facility in tuition fees for meritorious students.
  •  This Course structure is approved by ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
  • Some Agricultural firms tie to the college campus.
  • They also tie up with the industrial and Govt. jobs requirements.
  • Highly experienced well qualified Professor from institutes of repute, engaged in consultancy, research, and publication to add extra value to academic life.
  • Live Projects and demonstrations in the areas of crop production, nursery raising, organic farming, floriculture, vegetable crop production, medicinal plants, orchard management, ornamental horticulture, etc.
  • Experiential Learning Activities: Students are exposed to Commercial farms to know-how which creates an opportunity for students to engage and tone up their endurance, confidence, and management skills.
  • Innovative Pedagogy: Emphasis on case studies and inter-personal based teaching to develop skills in analytical thinking and reflective judgment by reading and discussing complex, real-life scenarios.
  • Well-equipped Labs with necessary field equipment and research facilities for demonstration and independent project work.

At Doon Business School Agriculture Course Overview

B.Sc. (Agriculture) at Doon Business School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences is a 4 year full-time undergraduate programme.  The students familiar with numerous facets of agriculture and its related specialization. The syllabus is very comprehensive with the industrial as well as Govt. jobs requirements, Agro - Industry Sectors like food processing, grain and seed processing, dairy processing, feed manufacturing and service sectors like agricultural consultants, agricultural statisticians, agriculture officers in banks and foreign agricultural service etc. There are many Government agencies at center, state and district levels, which assign agriculture graduates.By the year 2045, an boundless increase in food production to needed to sustain global food security. Because the students of today will be the professionals of 2045, it is extremely important that a adequent number of students are being educated in Agriculture to realize this increasing food demand.Higher Agricultural Education develop to educate the professional & technical human resources needed to push to the broder line of technology for agriculture. M.Sc. in Agronomy at DBS School of Agriculture & Allied Sciences is a 2-year long full- time course divided into 4 semesters and each semester lasting a period of 6 months. The course is designed for those who are eligible candidates an advanced insight to establish strong relationships between Science and Agriculture to provide options for sustainable, eco-friendly & high agriculture production.Students are taught the proper ways to communicate with the public, farmers and scientists through a wide range of methods. With this  increase in the need of new ways for improving sustainable agricultural practices, the discipline is fast gaining popularity in the country, in both government and private sectors. The program is affiliated to  Sriv Dev Suman University.

B.Sc and M.Sc Agriculture placements

DBS provides placement in renowned firms, industries, services,s and the agricultural sector, they tie them up with h banking and corporate world also. Students get opportunity from the banking sector to the agricultural industry, and some research institutes like ICFRE. After course, their job profiles will be Agricultural Development Offciers and Agricultural Extensions Officers.

DBS Advantages:

  • Dehradun provides a great experience to living, its added extra advantage to students life
  • College provide international tours
  • College area is not polluting 
  • 20+ Activities in club
  • This campus fully control by students' committees.
  • This college provide case study based learning facilities
  • There faculty from IIM, FMS
  • They provide some international certification course with full time degree
  • SAP Germany certification though University alliance partnership
  • NSE certificates, French language, Six sigma some imporntatnt course which they provide
  • More than one internship they provide for UG and PG
  • International students exchange program, faculty exchange program
  • They provide 100% placement and also international placements
  • They focus on making world class business leaders

People Ask Questions

1.What is the difference between PGDM and MBA? 

 Ans: PGDM at DBS is an AICTE approved Post Graduate Diploma in Management similar to any other PGDM given by IIMs, XLRI, SP Jain, IMI Delhi, FORE School. All PGDM institutes are autonomous bodies which are given permission to run specialized management programs since these are specialized management autonomous bodies and not Universities. Hence, in place of university degrees, an AICTE approved PGDM is granted. For all corporate jobs, PGDM is generally preferred over MBA, because of exhaustive and specialized nature of training.

 2. Of the two courses PGDM and MBA offered by DBS, which is better?

 Ans: 1. PGDM is a much more exhaustive course. It has 48 courses spread over 2 years, whereas MBA will have 32 courses.

2. With more courses the student is able to cover his specialization more comprehensively and in much greater depth, and is more likely to get better placements. 3. The courses in PGDM are latest and incorporate current trends in syllabus. In fact in DBS the PGDM curriculum includes the certification courses from the industry as a part of the curriculum itself. For example: • NISM certificate course in stocks and shares from National Stock Exchange is part of the course in trimester II • CII Certificate in International Logistics is a part of trimester IV. Whereas, in MBA+BASE/ BASE STAR, the certificate courses are not part of the main course. 4. PGDM is a trimester program and each course is completed in 3 months time, which takes 4 months to complete in MBA. Hence, it is a fast paced course and covers more bandwidth in 2 years time than MBA.

3 .What are the various specializations being offered in post graduate courses?

Ans:MBA from UTU offers dual specialization (Major and Minor) to be selected from Finance, Marketing, HR & IB. 2. PGDM offers one major and one minor specialization from the core subjects and a super specialization from any of the functional areas. For example the student can choose a Major& Minor in Finance, Marketing, HR, IB and super-specialization from: Energy Management, Knowledge Management, International Logistics Management, Media and Advertising Management, Luxury Brand Management, Political Management, Agri Business, SAP & Communication.

4. What is SAP? 

 Ans: SAP is the most popular ERP package. Today more than 10,000 companies spanning 80,000 business users and 140 countries use SAP to run their businesses. SAP at DBS starts with the basics of SAP and ASAP methodology. This is further enhanced with TERP10 and SAP modules like SD, CRM, HCM, FSCM, etc which are in line with the specializations chosen by the students. SAP certification conducted by SAP Germany is offered to all students who take SAP courses at the end of the course at very nominal rates.

5. What is Six Sigma?

 Ans: Six Sigma is a certification related to lean management products and process quality. DBS students undergo rigorous training conducted by experts of black belt at the end of which they understand the significance and process of quality, quality improvement, and measurement. Students are encouraged to complete the basic certification of ‘Green Belt’ at the end of the course.

6. Why is French Language included in the program? 

 Ans:French is the second highest spoken language in the world. Learning French increases your place-ability not only in good companies in India but also abroad.The French Language program at Doon Business School, is designed keeping in mind the latest expectation of the industry, and allows students to have a professional edge in today’s competitive environment. DBS has entered into an MoU with the Embassy of France for teaching French language. A French national, an expert in the teaching of French, teaches French to the students at the end of which a globally recognized due certification is provided.

7.What is the minimum percentile, graduation percentage required for applying to DBS? 

 Ans: Admission in DBS is on the basis of performance in Online PI, percentile in written examination Class XII and Graduations Marks. So if you perform well in Online PI despite having secured a low percentage in graduation, you still stand a good chance at getting admission in DBS. You may apply irrespective of whatever marks /score you have got.

8. I have not given any written examination so far, can I still apply for DBS? 

Ans: Yes. Your selection will be on the basis of graduation marks, Online Interview and you will be offered a conditional admission. You can appear in the UKSEEE examination to be conducted by the Uttarakhand Technical University in Aug/Sept, and subject to your securing a specified percentile your admission will be regularized.

9. What is the last date of registration? 

 Ans: DBS Group follows a rolling admission policy. If you apply early and cross the threshold of merit in Online PI, entrance exam and graduation marks, you will be offered a seat. On the basis of total acceptance the admissions can be closed at any time. Hence, there is always a better chance if you apply early.

10. What is the Maximum/Average package offered to a DBS Student from Campus placements? 

Ans: Over 150 plus companies visited the campus in 2020-21. The maximum take home salary has been Rs.20.5 Lac & CTC 23 Lakhs. The average salary on offer was 6.69 Lacs.

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