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TRAI Releases Telecom Subscription Data for November 2024

 Formfees 22/01/2025

Highlights of Telecom Subscription Data as on 30th November, 2024





Broadband Subscribers (Million)903.7940.97944.76
Urban Telephone Subscribers (Million)624.3235.55659.87
     Net Addition in November, 2024 (Million)-1.230.69-0.54
     Monthly Growth Rate-0.20%1.98%-0.08%
Rural Telephone Subscribers (Million)524.322.95527.27
     Net Addition in November, 2024 (Million)-0.530.02-0.51
     Monthly Growth Rate-0.10%0.80%-0.10%
Total Telephone Subscribers (Million)1148.6538.501187.15
     Net Addition in November, 2024 (Million)-1.770.72-1.05
     Monthly Growth Rate-0.15%1.89%-0.09%
Overall Tele-density*(%)81.59%2.73%84.32%
     Urban Tele-density*(%)123.95%7.06%131.01%
     Rural Tele-density*(%)57.99%0.33%58.31%
Share of Urban Subscribers54.35%92.34%55.58%
Share of Rural Subscribers45.65%7.66%44.42%


  1. In the month of November, 2024, 12.79 million subscribers submitted their requests for Mobile Number Portability (MNP). With this, the cumulative MNP requests increased from 1052.56 million at the end of October-24 to 1065.35 million at the end of November-24, since implementation of MNP.
  1. Number of active wireless subscribers (on the date of peak VLR#) in November, 2024 was 1060.63 million.



–    Information in this Press Release is based on the data provided by the Service Providers

*     Based on the projection of population from the ‘Report of the Technical Group on Population Projections for India and States 2011 – 2036’, which is available under the link

#     VLR is acronym of Visitor Location Register. The dates of peak VLR for various TSPs are different in different service areas.

  1. Broadband Subscriber
  • As per the information received from 1179 operators in November, 2024, in comparison to 1175 operators in October 2024, the total Broadband Subscribers increased from 941.47 million at the end of October-24 to 944.76 million at the end of November-24 with a monthly growth rate of 0.35%. Segment-wise broadband subscribers and their monthly growth rates are as below: –


Segment–wise Broadband Subscribers and Monthly Growth Rate in the month of November, 2024

SegmentBroadband subscribers

(in million)

Monthly growth rate in the month of November, 2024
As on 31st October 2024As on 30th November 2024
Wired subscribers44.6640.97-8.26%
Fixed Wireless subscribers

(Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Point-to-Point Radio & VSAT)

Mobile devices users (Phones and dongles)896.05898.630.29%

*Significant variation in the subscription count of Wired Broadband and Fixed Wireless is on account of shift in reporting of Fixed Wireless Access (5G) subscription count from wireline segment to wireless segment.


As on 30th November, 2024, top five Broadband

(Wired+Wireless) Service providers


S.N.Name of the Service ProviderSubscriber base

(In million)

Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd476.58
Bharti Airtel Ltd.289.31
Vodafone Idea Ltd.124.79
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.36.92
Atria Convergence Technologies Limited2.27
Market Share of Top Five Vs Total Broadband (Wired+Wireless)98.42%
  • The graphical representation of the service provider-wise market share of broadband services is given below: –

Service Provider-wise Market Share of Broadband

(wired + wireless) Services as on 30th November, 2024



As on 30th November, 2024, top five Wired Broadband Service providers

S.N.Name of the Service ProviderSubscriber base

(In million)

Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd11.48
Bharti Airtel Ltd.8.55
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.4.24
Atria Convergence Technologies Limited2.27
Kerala Vision Broadband Ltd.1.25
Market Share of Top Five Vs Total Wired Broadband67.83%


As on 30th November, 2024, top five Wireless Broadband Service providers

S.N.Name of the Service ProviderSubscriber base

(In million)

Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd.465.10
Bharti Airtel Ltd.280.76
Vodafone Idea Ltd.124.78
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.32.68
Intech Online Pvt. Ltd.0.25
Market Share of Top Five Vs Total Wireless Broadband99.98%


  1. Wireline Subscribers


  •  Wireline subscribers increased from 37.79 million at the end of October-24 to 38.50 million at the end of November-24. Net increase in the wireline subscriber base was 0.72 million with a monthly rate of growth 1.89%. The share of urban and rural subscribers in total wireline subscribers were 92.34% and 7.66% respectively at the end of November, 2024.
  • The Overall Wireline Tele-density in India increased from 2.69% at the end of October-24 to 2.73% at the end of November-24. Urban and Rural Wireline Tele-density were 7.06% and 0.33% respectively during the same period.
  • BSNL, MTNL and APSFL, the three PSUs access service providers, held 22.80% of the wireline market share as on 30th November, 2024. Detailed statistics of wireline subscriber base are available at Annexure-I.


Access Service Provider-wise Market Share of Wireline Subscribers as on 30th November, 2024


Access Service Provider-wise Net Addition/Decline in Wireline Subscribers during the month of November, 2024



  1. Wireless subscriber
  • Total wireless subscribers decreased from 1,150.42 million at the end of October-24, to 1,148.65 million at the end of November-24, thereby registering a monthly decline rate of 0.15%. Wireless subscription in urban areas decreased from 625.56 million at the end of October-24 to 624.32 million at the end of November-24, and wireless subscription in rural areas also decreased from 524.86 million to 524.32 million during the same period. Monthly decline rate of urban and rural wireless subscription was 0.20% and 0.10% respectively.


  • The Wireless Tele-density in India decreased from 81.77% at the end of October-24 to 81.59% at the end of November-24. The Urban Wireless Tele-density decreased from 124.38% at the end of October-24 to 123.95% at the end of November-24 and Rural Tele-density also decreased from 58.06% to 57.99% during the same period. The share of urban and rural wireless subscribers in total number of wireless subscribers was 54.35% and 45.65% respectively at the end of Nov-24. Detailed statistics of wireless subscriber base is available at Annexure-II.

•      As on 30th November, 2024, the private access service providers held 91.80% market share of the wireless subscribers whereas BSNL and MTNL, the two PSU access service providers, had a market share of only 8.20%.

  • The graphical representation of access service provider-wise market share and net additions in wireless subscriber base are given below: –


Access Service Provider-wise Market Shares in term of Wireless Subscribers as on 30th November, 2024



Net Addition in Wireless Subscribers of Access Service Providers in the month of November, 2024



Growth in Wireless Subscribers


Access Service Provider-wise Monthly Growth Rate of Wireless Subscribers in the month of November, 2024


Note: BSNL includes its Virtual Network Operator (VNO).


Service Area-wise Monthly Growth Rate of Wireless Subscribers in the month of November, 2024


  • Except Karnataka, Odisha, U.P.(E), Bihar, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi, all other service areas have showed decline in their wireless subscribers during the month of November-24.

M2M cellular mobile connections

Number of M2M cellular mobile connections increased from 56.12 million at the end of  October, 24 to 57.57 million at the end of  November, 24.

Bharti Airtel Limited has the highest number of M2M cellular mobile connections 29.58 million with a market share of 51.39% followed by Vodafone idea Limited, Reliance Jio Infocom Limited and BSNL with market share of 26.47%, 16.75% and 5.40% respectively.


  1. Total Telephone Subscribers


  • The number of total telephone subscribers in India decreased from 1,188.20 million at the end of Oct-24 to 1,187.15 million at the end of Nov-24, thereby showing a monthly decline rate of 0.09%. Urban telephone subscription decreased from 660.42 million at the end of Oct-24 to 659.87 million at the end of Nov-24 and the rural subscription also decreased from 527.79 million to 527.27 million during the same period. The monthly decline rates of urban and rural telephone subscription were 0.08% and   0.10% respectively during the month of November-24.

  • The overall Tele-density in India decreased from 84.46% at the end of Oct-24 to 84.32% at the end of Nov-24. The Urban Tele-density decreased from 131.31% at the end of Oct-24 to 131.01% at the end of Nov-24 and Rural Tele-density also decreased from 58.39% to 58.31% during the same period. The share of urban and rural subscribers in total number of telephone subscribers at the end of November-24 were 55.58% and 44.42% respectively.

Overall Tele-density (LSA Wise) – As on 30th November, 2024



  • As may be seen in the above chart, eight LSA have less tele-density than the all India average tele-density at the end of November-24. Delhi service area has maximum tele-density of 278.07% and the Bihar service area has minimum tele-density of 56.27% at the end of November-24.

Notes: –

  1. Population data/projections are available state wise only.
  2. Tele-density figures are derived from the telephone subscriber data provided by the access service providers and the projection of population from the “Report of the Technical Group on Population Projections for India and States 2011 – 2036, which is available under the link
  3. Telephone subscriber data for Delhi, includes, apart from the data for the State of Delhi, wireless subscriber data for the areas served by the local exchanges of Ghaziabad & Noida (in Uttar Pradesh) and Gurgaon & Faridabad (in Haryana).
  4. Data/information for West Bengal includes Kolkata, Maharashtra includes Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh includes UPE & UPW service area(s).
  5. Data/information for Andhra Pradesh includes Telengana, Madhya Pradesh includes Chhatishgarh, Bihar includes Jharkhand, Maharashtra includes Goa, Uttar Pradesh includes Uttarakhand, West Bengal includes Sikkim and North-East includes Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland & Tripura States.
  1. Category-wise Growth in subscriber base


Circle Category-wise Net Additions in Telephone Subscribers in the month of November, 2024




Net additions in the month of November, 2024Telephone Subscriber base as on 30th November, 2024
Wireline segmentWireless segmentWireline segmentWireless segment
Circle A271132-66992114841212382915289
Circle B278470-79497110830572464915989
Circle C92283303553267251188070075
All India715190-1768240385011441148646911



Circle Category-wise monthly and yearly Growth Rates in Telephone Subscribers in the month of November, 2024



Circle CategoryMonthly growth rate (%)

(October-24 to November-24)

Yearly growth rate (%)

(November-23 to November-24)

Wireline SegmentWireless SegmentWireline SegmentWireless Segment
Circle A1.86%-0.17%20.31%-0.91%
Circle B2.64%-0.17%34.25%-0.66%
Circle C2.91%0.02%36.59%1.26%
All India1.89%-0.15%21.97%-0.48%



Note:  Circle Category-Metro includes Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. Data for Chennai has been included in Circle Category-A, as part of TamilNadu.


  • As can be seen in the above tables, in wireless segment, during the month of November, 2024, on monthly basis except Circle ‘C’ all other circles have registered decline rate in their subscriber base. On yearly basis also except Circe ‘C’, all other circles have registered decline rate in their subscriber base.


  •  In Wireline segment, during the month of November, 2024, both on monthly and yearly basis, all circles have registered growth rate in their subscriber base.


  1. Active Wireless Subscribers (VLR Data)


  •  Out of the total 1,148.65 million wireless subscribers, 1060.63 million wireless subscribers were active on the date of peak VLR in the month of November-24. The proportion of active wireless subscribers was approximately 92.34% of the total wireless subscriber base.
  •  The detailed statistics on proportion of active wireless subscribers (also referred to as VLR subscribers) on the date of peak VLR in the month of        November-24 is available at Annexure-III and the methodology used for reporting VLR subscribers is available at Annexure-IV.


Access Service Provider-wise Percentage of VLR Subscribers in the month of November, 2024    



  •  Reliance Communication has the maximum proportion 100% of its active wireless subscribers (VLR) as against its total wireless subscribers (HLR) on the date of peak VLR in the month of November-24 and MTNL has the minimum proportion of VLR 25.51% of its HLR during the same period.


Service Area wise percentage of VLR Subscribers in the month of November, 2024



  1. Mobile Number Portability (MNP)


  • Intra-service area Mobile number portability (MNP) was implemented first in Haryana service area w.e.f. 25.11.2010 and in the rest of the country w.e.f. 20.01.2011. Inter-Service Area MNP has been implemented in the country w.e.f. 03.07.2015. Now, the wireless telephone subscribers can retain their mobile numbers when they relocate from one service area to another.


  • During the month of November-24, a total of 12.79 million requests were received for MNP.  Out of total 12.79 million, new requests received from Zone-I & Zone-II were 7.09 million and 5.70 million respectively. The cumulative MNP requests increased from 1052.56 million at the end of October-24 to 1065.35 million at the end of November-24, since the implementation of MNP.


  • In MNP Zone-I (Northern and Western India), the highest number of requests till date have been received in Uttar Pradesh-East (about 104.35 million) followed by Maharashtra (about 86.94 million) service area.
  • In MNP Zone-II (Southern and Eastern India), the highest number of requests till date have been received in Madhya Pradesh (about 83.42 million) followed by Karnataka (about 71.37 million).
Service Area Wise MNP Status
Service AreaNumber of Porting Requests (in Million)Service AreaNumber of Porting Requests

(in Million)

Delhi50.2850.82Andhra Pradesh69.5370.19
Himachal Pradesh4.464.50Karnataka70.8271.37
Jammu & Kashmir2.912.97Kerala25.1525.40
Mumbai34.9035.15Madhya Pradesh82.2883.42
Punjab34.7135.01North East2.432.45
U.P.(East)102.49104.35Tamil Nadu66.3266.92
U.P.(West)77.3478.59West Bengal61.6862.68
Total (Zone-I + Zone-II)1,052.561,065.35
Net Addition (November, 2024)                                          12.79 million



Contact details in         case of any clarification: –

Shri Amit Sharma, Advisor (F&EA),

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

World Trade Centre, Tower-F,

Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi – 110029

Ph: 011-20907772                                                        (Atul Kumar Chaudhary)

E-mail:                                                  Secretary, TRAI


Note: Peak VLR figures in some circles of some of the service providers are more than their HLR  figures due to a large number of inroamers.

Annexure IV

VLR Subscribers in the Wireless Segment


Home Location Register (HLR) is a central database that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is authorized to use the GSM core network. The HLRs store details of every SIM card issued by the service provider. Each SIM has a unique identifier called an International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), which is the primary key to each HLR record. The HLR data is stored for as long as a subscriber remains with the service provider. HLR also manages the mobility of subscribers by means of updating their position in administrative areas. It sends the subscriber data to a Visitor Location Register (VLR).


Subscriber numbers reported by the service providers is the difference between the numbers of IMSI registered in service provider’s HLR and sum of other figures as given below: –


1Total IMSI’s in HLR (A)
2Less: (B = a + b + c + d + e)
a.Test/Service Cards
c.Stock in hand/in Distribution Channels (Active Card)
d.Subscriber Retention period expired
e.Service suspended pending disconnection
3Subscribers Base (A-B)

Visitor Location Register (VLR) is a temporary database of the subscribers who have roamed into the particular area, which it serves. Each base station in the network is served by exactly one VLR; hence a subscriber cannot be present in more than one VLR at a time.


If subscriber is in active stage i.e. he is able to send/receive calls/SMSs he is available both in HLR and VLR. However, it may be possible that the subscriber is registered in HLR but not in VLR due to the reason that he is either switched-off or moved out of coverage area, not reachable etc. In such circumstances he will be available in HLR but not in VLR. This causes difference between subscriber number reported by the service providers based on HLR and numbers available in VLR.


The VLR subscriber data calculated here is based on active subscribers in VLR on the date of Peak subscriber number in VLR of the particular month for which the data is being collected. This data is to be taken from the switches having the purge time of not more than 72 hours.

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