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An Aquamarine Hostel is Inaugurated by Honorable PM Shree Narendra Modi: ISM Dhanbad witnessed the Historic Moment. Check Details here

 Payal Kumari 17/01/2025
An Aquamarine Hostel is inaugurated by Honorable PM Shree Narendra Modi

In an event held at the Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand Honorable Prime Minister Shree NarendraModi inaugurated a new aquamarine hostel. He dedicated the aquamarine hostel to the nation in the prominent event. The institute was full of energy and positivity as our PM shown his presence in the institute.

The program was organized at Ulihatu, Khunti, Jharkhand. Program’s live telecast was shown at an another program at Golden Jubliee Lecture Theatre at IIT (Indian School of Mines).

At the event PM NarendraModi thrown lights on the importance of better infrastructure in the field of education. He emphasized the importance of infrastructure for building a developed nation. It is very important for a Nation to stand with pride.

About Aquamarine Hostel

The aquamarine hostel is considered as a symbol of development and progress for the institute. In the dedication event the faculty members, students, staffs, other honorable guests, were present. That was giving a positive approach to the event.

The aquamarine hostel has all the modern facilities. The amenity of the hostel is motivating enough to provide zeal and enthusiasm to the students. It will help them in learning and understanding better. Such amenities helps in personal growth of the person too. The hostel will provide an optimistic experience to the students in learning as well as residing.

The live telecast of the program helped the ISM people to see the historic and crucial movement. It was a moment of pride for the people of IIT (ISM), Dhanbad.


The program of inauguration has set a benchmark and has created history for the institution. Not only in ISM, but this kind of movement in the field of infrastructure will help in improving the infrastructure facilities through the Indian institutions.

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