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OU Osmania University MBA College in Hyderabad
OU Osmania University MBA College in Hyderabad

OU Osmania University MBA College in Hyderabad

MBA The MBA programme supplied by means of the Department of Business Management is a two-year full time Post Graduate programme that consists of 4 semesters protecting 28 courses, with an common of seventy five lessons of 60 minutes each, assigned to every course. The programme goals at moulding college students into nice managers by […]

 Saurav Anand
 Saurav Anand 18/08/2022
Digital Marketer | Content Specialist & Researcher | Content Marketing @FormsADDA @Formfees- Empowering individuals to unlock the potential of their businesses through the limitless more


The MBA programme supplied by means of the Department of Business Management is a two-year full time Post Graduate programme that consists of 4 semesters protecting 28 courses, with an common of seventy five lessons of 60 minutes each, assigned to every course.

The programme goals at moulding college students into nice managers by way of imparting them with publications strengthened with multi-faceted inputs of administration schooling the use of contemporary strategies of coaching and lively enterprise interface.

Selection Procedure

Candidates aspiring to be a part of the MBA programme are required to show up for a state-wide Common Entrance Test [TS-ICET], which evaluates them on the groundwork of their analytical, quantitative and verbal skills. The admission is provided only to the pinnacle rankers amongst the 60, zero abnormal candidates. The programme has been attracting, younger and brilliant college students of the country from different tutorial streams like Engineering,

Commerce, Mathematical, Biological Sciences and Humanities.

Course Structure & Evaluation

The curriculum has been structured after an exhaustive evaluation by means of professionals from a number educational and industrial fields. Each scholar majors in any two of the 4 quintessential areas viz., Finance, Human Resources Management, Marketing and Information Systems. Each specialised place has 4 optional papers.

Examinations are carried out at the stop of every semester to verify the students' appreciation in what has been taught and learnt at some stage in that unique semester period. A complete viva-voce is conducted, at the give up of every year.

Summer Project

As an essential phase of the curriculum, each and every scholar takes up work on a assignment in an company with a view to facilitate complimentary getting to know and increased perception of actual existence organisational situations. The length of the coaching degrees from 6-8 weeks. The assignment publications from amongst the college and grant fundamental preparation to the students. The initiatives are evaluated at the quit of the fourth semester with the aid of a panel of external, interior and company examiners on the groundwork of a report, a presentation and a viva-voce.

The Curriculum

MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as Per CBCS Guidelines with Effect from the academic year 2021-22

MBA Year-I Semester I

Course CodeCourse TitleNatureCreditsHPW
Max Marks (CIE+SEE)
MB101Management & Organizational
MB102Accounting for ManagementCore5520+80
MB103Marketing ManagementCore5520+80
MB104Statistics for ManagementCore5520+80
MB105Economics for ManagersCore5520+80
MB106IT Applications for
MB107 Open Elective-I
a. Financial Markets and Services
b. Managerial Communication
Open Elective - I5520+80
MB108 *Computer Practical'sPractical2225
--Total credits at the end of Ist Semester--3737725
  • HPW Hours Per Week
  • CIE Continuous Internal Exam
  • SEE Semester End Exam

* Seminar should be evaluated for 100marks and it will be converted to Grade

MBA Year-I Semester II

Course CodeCourse TitleNatureCreditsHPW
Max Marks (CIE+SEE)
MB201Human Resources
MB202Financial ManagementCore5520+80
MB203Operations ResearchCore5520+80
MB204Entrepreneurship and
MB205Business Research MethodsCore5520+80
MB206Business Law and EthicsCore5520+80
MB207Open  Elective-II
a. Innovation Management
b. Customer Relationship Management
Open Elective- II5520+80
MB208Seminar Presentation *---------22Grade
Semester Credits----3737700
Total credits at the end of IInd Semester74741425
  • HPW Hours Per Week
  • CIE Continuous Internal Exam
  • SEE Semester End Exam

* Seminar should be evaluated for 100marks and it will be converted to Grade

MBA Year-II Semester-III

Course CodeCourse TitleNatureCreditsHPW
Max Marks (CIE+SEE) (20+80=100)
MB301Operations ManagementCore5520+80
MB302E- BusinessCore5520+80
MB303Total Quality ManagementCore5520+80
MB304Global Business StrategiesCore5520+80
MB305Discipline Specific Elective:DSE1010---
MB 305-F-I MB 305-F-IIFinance:
Investment Management International Finance
MB 305-M-I MB 305-M-IIMarketing Engineering
Advertisement and Retail Management
-Human Resources:----
MB 305-HR-I
MB 305-HR-II
Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
Organizational Development
MB 305-S-IData Base Management Systems---520+20+60
MB 305-S-IIBusiness Analytics--520+80
MB306 *Tutorials
Project work Synopsis
Semester Credits3232600
Total credits at the end of IIIrd Semester1061062025
  • CIE Continuous Internal Exam
  • SEE Semester End Exam
  • CLE Computer Lab Exam

* Seminar should be evaluated for 100marks and it will be converted to Grade

MBA Year-II Semester-IV

Course CodeCourse TitleNatureCreditsHPW
Max Marks (CIE+SEE) (20+80=100)
MB401Business Policy & StrategyCore5520+80
MB402Business IntelligenceCore5520+80
MB403Supply Chain ManagementCore5520+80
MB404Discipline Specific Elective:DSE1010-
MB 404-F-I MB 404-F-IIFinancial Risk Management Banking and Insurance-(5)
MB 404-M-IBuyer Behaviour--5-520+80
MB 404-M-IIServices and Digital
-Human Resources----
MB 404-HR-ILeadership and Change Management--5-520+80
MB 404-HR-IIPerformance Management--5-520+80
MB 404-S-IData Visualization--5-520+20+60 (SEE=60)
-----(CIE =20)
MB 404-S-IIData Mining For Business--5-520+80
MB405*Project Work------22Grade
MB406*Comprehensive Viva - Voce------2---Grade
-Semester Credits-2927500
-Total credits at the end of IVth Semester-1351332525
  • Evaluation will be done for 100 marks
  • CIE - Continuous Internal Exam
  • SEE - Semester End Exam
  • CLE - Computer Lab Exam
  • Seminar should be evaluated for 100marks and it will be converted to Grade
* Introduction to Information Technology* Financial Accounting & Analysis* Principles of Marketing
*Management Information Systems* Financial Management* Marketing Research
* Knowledge Management
* Requirements Management
* Management Accounting & Control
* Strategic Financial Decisions
* Financial Systems & Services
* Product Management
* Promotion & Distribution Management
* E-Business
*Software Metrics & Performance Management
* Security analysis & Portfolio Management
* International Finance
*Strategic Management* Consumer behaviour
* Services Marketing


Our programme targets at attaining holistic persona development. Keeping this in view, a day-long workshop on improving creativity and hassle fixing used to be carried out by way of Dr. Mishra, Maharashtra, Industrial Trainer.

Co-Curricular Activities

The college students take part in a range of co-curricular things to do consisting of paper presentations, team discussions, administration video games and commercial enterprise quizzes.

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