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JEE Mains Marks vs Percentile 2021
JEE Mains Marks vs Percentile 2021

JEE Mains Marks vs Percentile 2021

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile Vs Rank – To obtain admission to the best engineering universities, it is essential to know the marks JEE Main 2021 vs percentile or JEE Main percentile vs rank 2021. Having the details of the percentile vs ranking for JEE Mains 2021 helps students to make an appropriate preparation strategy.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile 2021

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile Vs Rank - To obtain admission to the best engineering universities, it is essential to know the marks JEE Main 2021 vs percentile or JEE Main percentile vs rank 2021. Having the details of the percentile vs ranking for JEE Mains 2021 helps students to make an appropriate preparation strategy. The NTA JEE Top Scores vs. Percentile is the percentile score corresponding to the 2021 JEE Main grades.The JEE main vs percentile score is obtained by normalization. The NTA publishes the JEE top percentile score, as the national testing agency conducts tests in multiple sessions. Final grades and percentile will be announced through JEE Main result 2021. NTA adopts a unique normalization formula to arrive at JEE Main 2021 Marks Vs Percentile. Candidates can also check JEE top qualifications against rank to get an idea of their rank across India. The JEE Main rank predictor is also a very useful tool for deciding the rank in NTA JEE Main. Check the JEE Top Grades vs. Percentile in the section provided below and use the JEE Top College Predictor to get information about the colleges based on the grades.

JEE Main 2021 Marks vs Percentile

Candidates are provided here with JEE Main scores/marks that bring them to a certain JEE Main percentile calculated after normalization as shown in the table below.

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile 2021

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JEE Main 2021 Marks vs Percentile Normalization:

Standardization is incorporated to equalize the difficulty levels of the exam when taken in multiple sessions. Then NTA will declare the percentile in JEE Main obtained after normalization. Percentile scores indicate the percentage of candidates who scored the same or lower (raw scores equal to or lower) than that particular percentile on that exam and this is generally on a scale of 100 to 0 for each test session. So the highest score from each JEE Main 2021 session will end up getting the same 100 percentile that is desirable.NTA will collect gross grades from students and normalize them to arrive at the percentile scores for each subject: math, physics, and chemistry, as well as the total. The highest score from each JEE Main 2021 session will get the same 100th percentile, which is ideal. The grades obtained between the highest and lowest scores will also be converted into percentiles. This percentile score will be used for the preparation of the merit lists. It should be noted that percentile scores will be calculated to up to 7 decimal places so that the clustering effect can be reduced as can ties between candidates with the same scores.The detailed process with examples for the JEE Main 2021 normalization is explained hereTiebreaker guidelines: these guidelines come into effect when two or more candidates obtain equal percentile scores. The inter-se-merit- is determined in the order given as follows
  • Candidates obtaining a higher Percentile Score in Mathematics will be ranked higher.
  • Candidates obtaining a higher Percentile Score in Physics will be given the higher JEE Main rank
  • Candidates obtaining a higher Percentile Score in Chemistry will get the higher rank
  • Candidates older in age will be given preference
JEE Main 2021 result is released separately for each of the sessions. The best of the NTA scores is taken for candidates who attempt all the sessions. The merit list will be prepared on the final scores and ranks announced on the basis of the same. Also, candidates may check the marks required for the 90 percentile in JEE Main and get a preparation plan.

What Is JEE Main Percentile Score?

The JEE top percentile score indicates a candidate's performance compared to all other students who took the exam. The percentile is neither the percentage score (that is, the percentage of the maximum scores obtained by a student) nor the gross marks (the total and absolute scores obtained by the student).The JEE Mains percentile score will tell the student what percentage of the total number of candidates who sat for the exam scored less than or equal to that particular percentile on that exam. The formula for calculating the JEE top percentile score is provided below.A percentile score of a student = 100 x (The number of students who had a raw score or an actual score that is EQUAL TO OR LESS than the student) / (The total number of students who appeared in that session).With this formula, the gross grades of the students are normalized and expressed as a percentile score (also called the NTA score) and the discrepancy caused by the variation of the difficulty level in several sessions is eliminated.

How Is JEE Rank Determined Using JEE Main Percentile Scores?

While compiling the JEE Main merit list and allotting the JEE Main ranks to students, the total, as well as the subject-wise percentile scores are considered in the order given below.
  • Students who obtain a higher total percentile score will be given preference.
  • If the tie still persists, students who obtain a higher percentile score in Mathematics will be considered.
  • If the tie exists even after that, candidates who obtain a higher percentile score in Physics will be given preference.
  • In case the tie persists after that as well, candidates who obtain a higher percentile score in Chemistry will be considered.
  • If the tie continues to exist, preference will be given to the candidate who is older (in age).
  • If the tie still exists after all these steps, the candidates will be given the same JEE Main rank.
  • Apart from that, if the candidate appears for JEE Main in February, March, April and May, the best of the four total percentile scores will be considered. In this case, the subject-wise percentile scores will not be taken into consideration. However, the subject-wise percentile will be considered if the candidate appears for JEE Main in either February, March, April or May

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile

The JEE top percentile is not the candidate's raw grades (total or absolute grades) or the percentage score (percentage of maximum grades earned by the student). The JEE leading percentile describes how a candidate has performed compared to all other students. Indicates what percentage of the total number of candidates who sat for the exam scored less than or equal to that particular percentile on that exam.

What is the difference between Percentage and Percentile?

The percentage defines the qualifications of a candidate, while the percentile defines the position of the candidate among others. If a student says he has a 90th percentile, this means that there are 10 percent of students above him who have scored higher. The formula for calculating the JEE leading percentile is.[(No. of candidates appeared in the session with a raw score equal to or less than the candidate)/(Total number of candidates appeared in the session)]x100The initial percentile calculation is done within the slot. A percentile score is measured on a scale of 100 to 0 for each test session.Let's explain this formula with the help of an example.Suppose the paper is 300 points and there are four students who have obtained different points as follows:Student 1 - 240Student 2 - 230Student 3 - 160Student 4 - 40The total number of students who showed up for the test is 200, of which Student 1 is in position 1, Student 2 is in second position, Student 3 is in eighth position, and Student 4 is in position 160. ( Position here is synonymous with rank)If Student 1 with 240 points is in Rank 1, that means there are no students above him who have scored more than 240 on JEE Main. Including Student 1 and 199 other students below him / her, the total number of candidates that showed up for the test is 200. So, putting the numbers in the formula:

JEE Main Normalisation Process

The NTA incorporates the standardization process to equalize the level of difficulty of the exam taken in several sessions on the scheduled dates. A candidate's JEE top percentile is determined only after applying the normalization rules to a candidate's grades.Once a candidate's raw grades are compiled, the normalization formula is applied to obtain a candidate's percentile scores for each subject: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and General. The highest score from each session will get the same 100th percentile which is ideal. This percentile score is used for the preparation of the main JEE merit list. Percentile scores will be calculated to 7 decimal places to avoid ties between candidates with the same scores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. Will I get admission to a NIT with the 79th percentile in JEE Mains?

Ans. You have achieved a decent percentile in JEE Mains, and it is very possible that you will get admission to a good NIT. To learn more about the colleges you can get, you can use the JEE Main Rank Predictor tool which will bring you all the information you are looking for.

Ques. How good is the 70th percentile score on JEE Mains?

Ans. A score of 70 percent on JEE Mains means you have scored more than 70 percent of the students who have appeared on JEE Mains. Although the insured percentile is in the middle of "not very good" and "not so bad", you may have to commit to the preferred university or preferred branch, as with this percentile your range will be around 3 lakh . There is always room for improvement and therefore you are advised to work harder for the role.

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