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GMAT Exam Date 2023
GMAT Exam Date 2023

GMAT Exam Date 2023

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) administers the computer adaptive Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT), which is an entrance exam.

 Saurav Anand 17/01/2025

GMAT 2023

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) administers the computer adaptive Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT), which is an entrance exam. It evaluates an applicant's capacity for analytical writing, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. Additionally, this exam is a crucial component of graduate management schools' admission requirements, such as the Master of Business Administration programme (MBA). More than 7,000 programmes at about 2,300 graduate business schools across the world accept the GMAT score.

Recall that you can take the GMAT 2022 entrance exam up to five times per calendar year. The time between the consecutive retries must be at least 16 days.

Exam dates for the GMAT 2022 should be noted by GMAT candidates so that their study schedules can be organised accordingly. The candidates should consult the schedule shown below before registering online at the GMAT website.

Crucial Dates
GMAT 2023 Registration DatesOpen throughout the year
Date of GMAT ExaminationCandidates have the flexibility to choose the date during registration
GMAT Result DeclarationWithin 20 days after taking the test

GMAT 2023 Overview

Exam nameGMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
Exam TypeUniversal Screening Test
Organized byGMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
Application formOnline
Exam modeOnline

GMAT 2023 Exam Dates

The GMAT 2023 is given several times a year. The GMAT 2023 exam does not have a set date. Candidates can select their own exam dates when completing the application form. Registration is available at any time of year. Candidates can select their preferred exam date and mode.

GMAT Requirements 2023

GMAC, the organisation in charge of administering the GMAT, has not established any rigid requirements for taking the test. Candidates who intend to take the test must, however, make sure they meet the requirements established by the specific university or college to which they wish to apply for admission. These consist of:

  • Age Requirement: Although there is no upper age limit, the applicant must be at least 18 years old to sit for the exam. With written consent from their parents or legal guardians, candidates in the age range of 13 to 17 years may also sit for the exam.
  • Education Requirements: GMAC has not made any formal statements on the required level of education for applicants. To enrol in the MBA programme, candidates must have a graduate degree in any field from an accredited university.
  • The candidates may take the GMAT as much as eight times in total. However, no more than five times may be attempted in a single year. Additionally, at least 16 days must pass between each try. Additionally, a candidate must wait five years before retaking the exam after receiving the top score of 800.
  • Reapplying for the Test: Candidates for the GMAT who fared poorly on the original test may reapply. Candidates who have not enrolled in any graduate programmes during this time can reapply for the entrance exam. The GMAT score is valid for five years.

GMAT 2023 Application Form

Before submitting your application, please review the following information about the GMAT 2023 Application Form:

  • Registration will be available throughout the year. Candidates are welcome to apply at any time.
  • Candidates can submit their applications online.
  • Candidates can select their preferred exam date and location.
  • Fill out the application form with your personal, academic, communication, and other information.
  • The application fee can be paid in both online and offline modes.
  • Take a printout of the application form and save it for future use.

GMAT Eligibility Criteria

  • Age Criteria: The candidate must be at least 18 years old.
  • Attempts: You may take the GMAT exam and GMAT online exam a total of five times in a rolling 12-month period, with a 16-day gap between each attempt.
  • Candidates must have completed a graduation degree in any field from a recognized university or institution.
  • Minimum and maximum marks required: There are no minimum or maximum marks required in the qualifying exam.

GMAT Registration 2023: 

Aspirants for the GMAT can sign up for the test online, by visiting any of the test centres, or by mail, fax, or phone. A GMAT aspirant must register for a free account on the GMAT official website by entering personal information such as name, contact information, and email address. Calling the GMAT Customer Service in their specific region or zone will allow candidates who prefer to register offline to sign up for the test. Additionally, candidates can submit in their GMAT Registration form for 2023. They only need to complete the online application form and mail it to the official GMAT website along with their payment details.

The candidates who intend to take the GMAT exam must pay a registration fee. 

GMAT 2023 Fee Structure

The exam costs USD $250 to register for (18600 INR approximately). For the GMAT exam fees, there are three methods of payment available, including:

Money Orders, Cheques, and Debit/Credit Cards

GMAT Product/ServiceFee
GMAT Fees (Registration)USD $250
Rescheduling of Exam Appointment
Within 7 days of appointmentUSD $250
More than seven days prior to appointmentUSD $60
Cancellation of Exam Appointment
Within 7 days of appointmentNo refund
More than seven days prior to appointmentRefund of USD $80
Additional Score ReportUSD $35
Score Report EnhancementUSD $24.95
Score ReinstatementUSD $50
Score Cancel (After you leave the testing centre, online on $25
GMAT Essay RescoreUSD $45

GMAT Syllabus 2023

Candidates must be well familiar with the GMAT Syllabus 2022 if they intend to sit for the GMAT 2022 exam. The four portions of the GMAT exam are as follows:

  • The quantitative aptitude test assesses a candidate's capacity to approach and resolve quantitative problems logically and mathematically. The part includes two different sorts of questions: problem-solving and data sufficiency. The majority of the problems are from the subjects of geometry, algebra, linear equations, etc.
  • Integrated Reasoning: This portion evaluates a candidate's ability to combine data presented in various formats, such as tables, graphs, or texts, and draw inferences that are relevant.
  • Verbal Ability: This portion evaluates the candidates' ability to read, evaluate, and critically analyse a passage of text and its arguments.

This component evaluates a candidate's analytical writing skills as well as their ability to express themselves in written English.

2023 GMAT Exam Pattern:

The GMAT is an 80-question computer adaptive test that lasts for three hours and thirty minutes. The test is divided into four pieces, each of which is timed and given a distinct score. The following table can be used by applicants to better understand the GMAT exam format in 2022.

Name of the SectionTime LimitNumber of questionsScore Range
Quantitative1 hour, 2 minutes31 questions6-51
Integrated Reasoning½ an hour12 questions1-8
Verbal Ability1 hour, 5 minutes36 questions6-51
Analytical Writing Assessment½ an hour01 (essay)0-6


Q. When can I take GMAT in 2022?

Ans. GMAT 2022 Exam Dates has been released. It is held from 11th to 15th January 2022

Q. How many times does GMAT happen in a year?

Ans. The GMAT examination is conducted multiple times a year. There is no single date in the year when you can appear. It is easy to take the test right from your home throughout the week and 24 hours a day.

Q. How many attempts can I give for GMAT?

Ans. Candidates can take the GMAT™ online exam up to two times. All GMAT™ online exam attempts will count towards your 5 GMAT™ Exam attempts during a rolling 12-month period and 8 lifetime limits

Q. Is GMAT tougher than cat?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the CAT is comparatively higher than GMAT because CAT's syllabus pattern is not well defined. Therefore, you need more preparation time for CAT when conversely it is possible to score 700+ on the GMAT with just a few days of dedicated preparation.

Q. Is GMAT accepted in IIM?

Ans. IIMs accept GMAT scores for MBA admissions into their 1-year full-time MBA programs. However, for their 2-year PGP programs, Indian students are required to submit CAT scores.

Q. Is GMAT exam tough?

Ans. Is it difficult or an easy exam? GMAT is taken by more than 200,000 people annually and only 6% of the total takers score 720 or more. What we can understand from these data points is that GMAT is a hard exam and it takes effort to score 700+.

Q. Is GMAT negative marking?

Ans. Now, if you are wondering is there negative marking in GMAT exam, then the answer is no. GMAT doesn't penalize test takers with negative marks for incorrect answers. However, it is essential that you complete the exam and answer all questions within the specified duration, otherwise it might impact your scores.

Q. What is a good GMAT score?

Ans. between 650 and 690

A GMAT score between 650 and 690 is good, and a score of 700 or higher is great, MBA experts say.

Q. Who is eligible for GMAT?

Ans. Candidates with a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute can apply for the GMAT. Majority of the GMAT applicants are either students or professionals while many are final year students. However, one can take the GMAT even if it not falls under any of these categories

Q. What is the best time to give GMAT?

Ans. Thus, factoring in all the above information, the right time to take the GMAT is 12 – 18 months before the start date of your target business school program. E.g. if you are applying to a program that starts in Fall 2021, you should ideally have your GMAT score ready before August 2020

Q. Does GMAT require passport?

Ans. Aadhaar Card now accepted
Candidates in India will now have the choice to validate their identity using their Aadhaar Card OR passport during the GMAT online exam registration process as long as the Card is current and valid. For the test center version of the GMAT exam, the passport remains as the only acceptable ID

Q. What GMAT score do I need for Harvard?

Ans. Harvard's GMAT score range for the MBA class of 2023 goes from 590 to 790, meaning HBS accepted at least one student with a 590 GMAT test score (considered low) all the way up to 790 (the highest GMAT score you can get is 800).

Q. Can I take GMAT at home?

Ans. Candidates have the option to take the GMAT™ exam online or at a test center – or both! The GMAT™ online exam provides candidates with even more choice and flexibility to bring their best on test day, and confidently meet their business school goals

Q. How long is GMAT valid for?

Ans. five years

Q. Is 2 years enough for GMAT?

Ans. Unless your starting score is 300, you work full time, and can only study 1 hour per day, 2 years is entirely too long to spend preparing for the GMAT, even to get a 750. The majority of students who study efficiently get it done in 4–6 months.

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