RPF Constable 2025 Practice Mock Test SET-46 MCQs for CBT Exam, Answer Now

The RPF Constable 2025 Practice Mock Test SET-46 MCQs for CBT Exam is a comprehensive practice resource designed to help candidates prepare for the Railway Protection Force Constable exam. This set features a range of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the actual exam pattern, covering essential subjects such as General Knowledge, General Intelligence, Arithmetic, and Reasoning.
By attempting this mock test, aspirants can evaluate their knowledge, improve time management skills, and get a clear understanding of the types of questions they may encounter in the real exam. This mock test is a valuable tool to enhance preparation and increase the chances of success in the RPF Constable 2025 CBT Exam.

RPF Constable 2025 Practice Mock Test SET-46
Here are the MCQs
1. Raj invested ₹14,000 at an interest rate of 10% per annum for 1 year, with the interest compounded half-yearly. The amount received by him is:
- (a) ₹15,435
- (b) ₹13,542
- (c) ₹14,354
- (d) ₹14,765
2. Ten dozen chocolates are bought at ₹10 per dozen and sold at ₹2 per piece. If the trader had to spend ₹50 on conveyance, what is the profit percentage? RRB JE 26/06/2019 (Morning)
- (a) 60%
- (b) 18%
- (c) 50%
- (d) 40%
3. A man buys an article for ₹55.00 and sells it for ₹57.20. Find his gain percentage.
- (a) 6%
- (b) 8%
- (c) 4%
- (d) 2%
4. A man travels along the sides of an equilateral triangular field at the speeds of 36 km/h, 30 km/h, and 45 km/h. Find his average speed.
- (a) 45 km/h
- (b) 36 km/h
- (c) 20 km/h
- (d) 30 km/h
5. A cistern can be filled in 9 hours. But due to a leak, it takes one hour more. If the cistern is full, in what time will it become empty due to the leak?
- (a) 60 hours
- (b) 30 hours
- (c) 90 hours
- (d) 75 hours
6. 14, 17, 23, 32, 44, 59, ?
- (a) 78
- (b) 77
- (c) 74
- (d) 67
Also Read: RPF Constable 2025 Practice Mock Test SET-45 MCQs for CBT Exam, Answer Now
7. In a certain code language, O is written as R, R is written as A, A is written as I, I is written as N, N is written as E, E is written as P, P is written as T, C is written as M, and L is written as L. How will PORCELAIN be written in that code language?
8. Select the odd one.
- (a) OPR – JKL
- (b) BFX – YUC
- (c) PHJ – KSQ
- (d) RTV – IGE
9. Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number:
11 : 265 : : 20 : ?
- (a) 835
- (b) 841
- (c) 838
- (d) 840
10. Pointing towards a photo of a man, Shivang said, “He is the father of my mother’s brother.” How is that man related to Shivang?
- (a) Paternal Grandfather
- (b) Maternal Grandfather
- (c) Father-in-law
- (d) Nephew
Also Read: RRB NTPC 2025 Mock Test Set-67 for CBT Exam, Answer All Free MCQs Now
Answers to the RPF Constable 2025 Practice Mock Test SET-46
Here are the answers:
- a
- a
- c
- b
- c
- b
- a
- a
- b
- b
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