President Droupadi Murmu Confers Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) on Wing Commander Akshay Saxena (29020), Flying (Pilot)

Wing Commander Akshay Saxena (29020) was commissioned as a pilot in the Flying branch of the IAF on 17 Jun 2006 and is on the posted strength of a C-17 Squadron since 01 Feb 2021.
On 16 Mar 2024, the officer executed a mission in support of Op Sankalp aimed at anti piracy operations in the Arabian Sea. He airdropped two Combat Rubberised Raiding Craft (CRRC) boats and a team of 18 MARCOs with combat load to capture a Pirate controlled ship which was not only launching attacks on merchant vessels in the Arabian Sea but also opened fire at INS Kolkata and had shot down a naval spotter drone on 15 Mar 24. The objective area was near the Somalian coast, 1450 NMs off Mumbai and 540 NMs out of Indian FIR. Due to the time critical and secret nature of the mission, he finalised suitable crew and ensured aircraft readiness for a quick launch.
The mission involved real threat of small arms with the pirates over and above the extended mission timelines which involved flying into airspace of another country undeclared and undetected for close to four hours. The Officer as Captain of the C-17 aircraft decided to switch off all emitters, fly low level over high seas in foreign territory and drop at dusk time to avoid detection. Even after receiving the changed drop location only 50 NMs prior to the drop, he guided the crew to safely execute a precision airdrop thus resulting in the capture of the pirates and rescue of MV Ruen with its 17 member crew. He displayed effective inter-service coordination with Indian Navy while maintaining heightened situational awareness both on ground and in air. All possible measures were taken to maintain secrecy of the almost 10 hours long mission. During the flawless execution of the extremely gruelling, mission the officer displayed exceptional courage, dynamic leadership, outstanding professionalism and steadfast determination.
For his act of indomitable courage and conspicuous gallantry Wing Commander Akshay Saxena is awarded with ‘Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry)’.